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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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Learned something new while testing this change. The Workshop resource drills/converters might be added everywhere. But the resources themselves doesn't actually show up for you to drill unless MKS is installed. Looks like unlike Classic Stock, Community Resource doesn't actually define the planetary distribution. It's in MKS. But there's another mod called Rational Resource that brings that back. Now I can find Minerals everywhere to make Equipment and Konkrete.

Rational Resource seems to completely change the gaming experience just like MKS. But instead of a deep production chain, they give you a different production chain on every planet. Ore is no longer plentiful and you'll have to get creative. It also come with some funky engines and ISRU chains for the funky planets. That actually sounds like it could be fun.

Looks like it replaces the stock converters with OmniConverters. I gain the RR funky conversions but lose the omnipotent Ore to anything conversions. I might need to bring the OmniShop/OmniWorks/OmniLab from Classic Stock to CRP to get access to this in Hacienda and I'll be all set.

Or I could try to get the Simplified mode to work and go back to Ore is everything. :-) There's already Ore to Equipment and Ore to Konkrete recipes elsewhere in Pathfinder.

Hopefully KSP will get a single well thought out resource system instead of so many mutually incompatible ones.

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Submitted pull request for OmniShop in CRP mode. Rational Resource made way too many changes to adapt every building in Pathfinder. They also have a modlet that may change Workshop resources like Metal Ore and Metal. But they did provide OmniConverters. So simply turning on OmniShop seems to fix all problems.

Note to other players trying to take it easy: Rational Resource comes with an easy mode that adds new resources but doesn't take the old Ore away so you can still have Ore to everything and get Minerals for Pathfinder production chains and try out the new resources for fun.

Unexpected side effect of Rational Resource is that Sandcastle mod is suddenly hard because it uses Ore. Either play on easy mode or patch SandCastle's MATERIALS_LIST to use Metallic Ore instead.

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On 7/1/2023 at 12:23 PM, Ooglak Kerman said:

@Angelo Kerman Hope things are well for you.  Long time no chat.
I'm wondering about an issue I'm having with WBIColonistContract.  Send tourists out to remote destinations with no requirement to bring them back.
The issue is that once the contract is complete, the tourists are in sort of an in-between state.  They can't be retrained.  I brought some back to Kerbin where even after recovering the vessel, they are unable to EVA on Kerbin and cannot be retrained.

Here is an example:

					name = WBIKerbalStayParam
					enabled = False
					state = Complete
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					vesselName = Emerald Hab 2
					kerbalName = Bersted Kerman
					totalStayTime = 259200
					timeRemaining = 0
					lastUpdate = 30495406.016751837
					isAtLocation = True
						name = WBIFerryKerbalParam
						enabled = False
						state = Complete
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						vesselName = Emerald Hab 2
						kerbalName = Bersted Kerman

Are these tourists lost causes?  I suppose I could change isAtLocation to False and see what happens..


There's supposed to be a converter utility in Pathfinder to turn them into regular astronauts. Are you saying that doesn't work?


On 7/16/2023 at 4:19 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

The starting post says that the mod requires KIS/KAS - is there any consideration of including support for the stock inventory system which now exists?  

I still recommend KIS/KAS for Pathfinder; the parts were specifically designed for it. They technically work with the stock EVA Construction, but given its less-than-optimal implementation, you can't snap parts to the correct angles, and some Pathfinder parts won't node-attach. It would take a whole new Pathfinder mod to use stock EVA Construction, something that I sadly don't have time for right now.

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  • 1 month later...

Pristine is the default configuration, CRP Classic is a more complicated configuration for use with Community Resource Pack, Simplified removes some resource chains and stuff. I don't know the details. If you want the "vanilla experience", choose Pristine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have seen someone on the r/KerbalSpaceProgram Discord server using Pathfinder in conjunction with MKS (Modular Kolonization System) to create large and impressive-looking bases with low part count (as of 2019). Are they still compatible with each other?

(edit: apparently they are if you use CRP mode)




Edited by Pipcard
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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, StateOfBurgundy said:

Hello there! I really like how the mod is looking, and I want to build the big buildings (Castillo, Drilling Rig, and so on) , but I do not know how to get Konkrete, could somebody tell me how to get Konkrete?

There are a couple of recipes that will result in Konkrete; the easiest one to set up is the Ore Melter - just set up your Omni converter to that and flip the switch. You will need to have dedicated storage for it though, something like a configured Chuckwagon or space in OmniStorage. Other Konkrete formulas will depend on available resources. Rock Melter is available but generally only works where there are Rock resources (i.e. Mun only), and then Make Konkrete requires several ingredients; the specific formula depends on the mode in which you're playing.

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On 12/27/2023 at 4:28 PM, StateOfBurgundy said:

This is probably a stupid question, but how do you get ore so you could use the ore melter? And in advance - Thanks!

Well, you've got a couple of options there. First and foremost is a place to store it; at the not-Konkrete structure level, you can set up a Chuckwagon for dedicated Ore storage or you can have it selected as part of an OmniStorage selection. I believe a Hacienda configured as either an Ironworks or a Claim Jumper will do the trick natively (don't quote me on the IronWorks). Going into Buffalo 2 parts, there's a drill piece that will do the job, and of course you can always use the stock drill bits if you're so inclined. The real key bit is to make sure that the biome in which you're wanting to operate has Ore available as a resource (biomes have Ore more often than not). That typically means sending a probe equipped with a narrow-band scanner ahead of your colonization (i.e. actual base building) mission to do a full-body survey of each biome on the target world and then paying attention to what's available where. Me, I usually send the survey mission second in the colonization process; the first mission establishes global communications, while the third is an unmanned ground survey of a target site.

Edited by capi3101
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having a problem with this, and basically all other 'Wild Blue Industries' mods. Basically, after I install the mods, no parts appear. I am using ksp 1.12.3, with all dependencies installed as far as I'm aware. This affects all my installs. EDIT: Realised that you are supposed to put the entire 'Wild blue industries' folder into your Game Data and not separate out the contents.

Edited by space_otter
Figured my problem out.
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  • 4 weeks later...

how does the wireless fuel pump work? (I forgot the word) I tried to assemble my ponderosa with the wireless fuel pump but it did not work. 

it seems like the wireless fuel pump transfers equipment to nowhere.  I set her to transfer resources  and i set the ponderosa to receive Ressources but I got the error that I  don’t have enough equipment (although my rover is equipped with 2000)

 omni storage is also really confusing, does someone know a tutorial for it?

Edited by Moellern
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/3/2024 at 10:19 AM, TwoCalories said:

Hi, I'm considering getting this mod, but what are all the play modes, and what's different about each of them?

If it hasn't changed:

On 9/12/2023 at 10:14 AM, ToxicFrog said:

Pristine is the default configuration, CRP Classic is a more complicated configuration for use with Community Resource Pack, Simplified removes some resource chains and stuff. I don't know the details. If you want the "vanilla experience", choose Pristine.

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  • 1 month later...

Help! I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to inflate the habitat module. After searching it looked like I needed to use pipes to connect my rocket parts supply to the module. But it also looks like pipes are no longer available. A little more searching and I'm wondering if I need to use the RTS-1 Resource Transfer Station. But someone said they connected it to a 'port' I searched the tech tree for port but didnt find anything. Is it the JS-1 joint socket I need to use? I tried attaching one of those to the module and another one to the rocket parts canister but I couldnt figure out how to connect them.

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2 hours ago, J534 said:

Help! I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out how to inflate the habitat module. After searching it looked like I needed to use pipes to connect my rocket parts supply to the module. But it also looks like pipes are no longer available. A little more searching and I'm wondering if I need to use the RTS-1 Resource Transfer Station. But someone said they connected it to a 'port' I searched the tech tree for port but didnt find anything. Is it the JS-1 joint socket I need to use? I tried attaching one of those to the module and another one to the rocket parts canister but I couldnt figure out how to connect them.

The video link:  video 

Edited by Aelfhe1m
added video link since it's not a link in the embedded quoted post
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2 hours ago, J534 said:

Anyone know why my buckboards dont have any volume and how to fix it?

link to picture:

Perhaps you reconfigured the omni-storage to hold some other resource and didn't split the storage to include space for inventory? If so you can adjust the mix of storage through Omni  -> Reconfigure Storage.


Example 1: 100% monoprop, no KIS inventory space:


Example 2: 50% Material Kits, 50% KIS Inventory



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31 minutes ago, J534 said:

Bah! Anyone know how to retract the resource transfer station hose and recouple to do a fuel transfer?

Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qc1LXE1BLLx7rYbv20qgrKHNCRifwJ6j/view?usp=sharing

That's a KAS problem, not Pathfinder. The following (old) post and the one after it talk about some work arounds for when this happens - to my knowledge no complete fix was ever made (at least there's nothing in the releases changelog that looks like it addresses this issue):


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5 hours ago, Aelfhe1m said:

That's a KAS problem, not Pathfinder. The following (old) post and the one after it talk about some work arounds for when this happens - to my knowledge no complete fix was ever made (at least there's nothing in the releases changelog that looks like it addresses this issue):


Thanks again!!

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