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How to mount things in a cargo bay?

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I'm bulding a spaceplane and have run into somewhat of a problem, I was hoping you guys could help me. I intend to use the mk4 cockpit and cargo bay to transport a fairly large rover to various places, but I cant get the damn thing to gattach to the cargo bay. It either mounts to a place between the cargo bay and the cockpit (so that half of it is sticking out in the cargo bay, the other is hidden in the wall to the cockpit), or it mounts to the outside of the fuselage of the cargo bay. I've tried using a decoupler aswell, but that changed nothing.

Is there something I've missed, some button i'm not pressing? I've never built a spaceplane or used a cargo bay before.

Thanks in advance! :)


Edited by sebbemann
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First off, are there any attachment nodes at the front or back of your rover? If you are using a subassembly, the root part of the subassembly is where the editor will want to attach your rover.

Secondly, if you press the mod key (Alt in windoze) while attaching a part, this forces node attachment rather than surface attachment. This will not help, however, if there is no node at the front or back of your rover.

Third, you will need a decoupler, stack separator, or docking port between your rover and the node at the front or back of the cargo bay, or else you will just have a rover welded to the wall of your cargo bay.

Hope this helps.

Happy landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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Thank you! I did not know about the ALT "trick", that will save me alot of frustration in the future. But the problem is still occuring. I have the rover as part of a sub-assembly and as a individual save in the SPH. When i load the rover from sub-assembly (it has a rover core and is essentialy a probe with fuel tanks and wheels), that makes the rover "red" insted of "green", and it wont attach to anything. It has no attachment nodes. However, if I load the rover from the SPH and try to select the mk4 cockpit, it is the cockpit that's red. It will attach to the decoupler/docking port on the rover, but not to the cargo bay, since that is also red. Is there anyway to "merge" the to without any part becoming "red" and unattachable?

*edit: When I say red, I mean the light red shading that occurs when you bring the mouse over it.

*edit: It finally worked. Loading the rover form SPH, attached it with two docikng ports facing each other and attached the cockpit in the other end of the docking port. Attached the cargo bay furthermost from the cockpit first and then added smaller cargo bays closer to the cockpit to fill the gap. Kind of had to wrap the rover. It was hangig in the air, attached to the docking port. Then wraped it with cargo bays, starting from the rear. This in case anyone struggles with the same.

*Last edit: turns out it didn't work like I thought. The parts were overlapping in the cargo bay, which is the reason they suddenly attached. What did work was to change the root part of the sub-assembly rover from the rover body to the docking port on the rover. That created attachment nodes on the docking port.

Thank you for your help! :)

Edited by sebbemann
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All right. There's a bit of a trick to it.

In the SPH with your craft loaded, go to the subassembly tab and select your rover.

Then, with the rover still selected and moving around with your mouse, press 4.

This activates the reroot tool and drop the subassembly. The parts which are available to be made the new root part will glow blue when moused over.

Clicking one of these parts will make it the new root part. However, if the part you choose as the new root does not have an open attachment node when you go to attach it, no attachment nodes will appear on the ends of the cargo bay, and the subassembly will not node attach. You may need to use the orientation keys (WASD) to flip it around to the direction you need in order to attach the node.

Try playing around with it and see if you can get it to work.

Hope this helps.

Happy landings!

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  • 5 years later...

Hello. I am having the same problem, even if the part I'm trying to attach has the attachment point it doesn't work. And could ya'll approve me so that I don't get this warning .Yeah so the thing I want to attach is going to the two sides of the cargo bay please help.

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1 hour ago, Astronomer81 said:

Hello. I am having the same problem, even if the part I'm trying to attach has the attachment point it doesn't work. And could ya'll approve me so that I don't get this warning .Yeah so the thing I want to attach is going to the two sides of the cargo bay please help.

I'd need a picture to know exactly what's happening.

In lieu of that, if you instead wanted this thing attached to the top of a rocket, would that work?

I ask because the two things are very similar from the game's perspective.

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On 9/29/2015 at 7:18 PM, sebbemann said:

*Last edit: turns out it didn't work like I thought. The parts were overlapping in the cargo bay, which is the reason they suddenly attached. What did work was to change the root part of the sub-assembly rover from the rover body to the docking port on the rover. That created attachment nodes on the docking port.

Check autostruts and try to detach it - see if it works smoothly.


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