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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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Hey guys! I ran into some PC issues that cut the stream short. I uploaded the textured Saturn V (with normals and specular) to the GitHub. If I can't get my desktop working well again, I still can finish this update on my laptop, so no worries. :) Just no more dev streams until it's fixed.

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7 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Hey guys! I ran into some PC issues that cut the stream short. I uploaded the textured Saturn V (with normals and specular) to the GitHub. If I can't get my desktop working well again, I still can finish this update on my laptop, so no worries. :) Just no more dev streams until it's fixed.

hey its me ur pc

Edited by legoclone09
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15 minutes ago, VenomousRequiem said:

The SpaceDock release and the latest release on Git are for 1.1.3, and the GitHub repository is rated for 1.2 with the respective RCS, Probe, and Antenna systems.

@awsumindyman meaning, if you want to use Saturn, you'll need to run 1.2.


Edited by CobaltWolf
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2 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

@awsumindyman meaning, if you want to use Saturn, you'll need to run 1.2.


AH... so sad about it: noticed when i tried the SLA (with the new plugin for it). Not using 1.2 (I have not so much time for "bug tracking" to be useful for Squad, and as simple user, I let myself play still with 1.1.3), as always, I'll probably going to try a rough fix for the petal adapter messing with the standard, stock "animation" module to let me use it meanwhile.

... if any will work, probably I'd just need to open it manually before staging...

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25 minutes ago, Abrecan said:

ummm... wut? lol


Having severe problems with my Saturn V looking like a wet noodle upon ascent, although I'm loving the LES!

Yes... I too have experienced this Sarnus Noodle.... it was glorious... until it hit the ocean... oh KJR... where are you....


EDIT: Also Sarnus does not like rigid attachment... turning that on makes the ship separate somehwerew arounf the SIC-SII interstage...

Edited by Avalon304
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3 hours ago, Abrecan said:

Having severe problems with my Saturn V looking like a wet noodle upon ascent, although I'm loving the LES!

Yeah, the LES is going to be getting a workout. This is how my first few flights went.


Autostrutting the LES, SM tank, S-IVB tank, and S-II tank to the heaviest part seemed to work well. Bugs aside it looks great up close!

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1 hour ago, CobaltWolf said:

b-bu-but wobbly joints are LOLSOKERBAL!!!1!11

Liberal use of autostruts made it flyable for me as well. You'll have to enable advanced tweakables in the settings menu.

Good to know I'm not the only who thinks wobbly rockets are extremley stupid. I mean, the definition of Kerbal has changed: it's not about noodly trash can rockets made by a bunch of idiots anymore. If anything, I think the new aproach to what is Kerbal is Fast and Loose with saftey, but by no means stupid.

Edited by awsumindyman
Posted on mobile. 'nuff said
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Well... I do not post to trying to find bugs about KSP 1.2, as I'm enjoing your parts still in 1.1.3, so take them as "general ideas that could differ in 1.2":

- Artistical ideas:

  • Think about some diversification in "flames" and "effects" for engines even in "stock" (I know: it will be better for sure when you'll add Realplume): F1 could work with a more yellow-ish flame, something alike the Mammoth one... the J-2, burning Hydro-LOx, with a more blue-ish one will suit the engine (maybe with the stock SSME flame too)
  • still in 1.1.3, I dunno if it's an issue with that KSP version, but I noticed that ALL the "program flags" (both in the S-IC and the Apollo SM) are a bit cut in the border, as if the space dedicated to them is "smaller" than the stock ones, cut on the sides: for reference, my own flags (those in my sign) are cut as "RAYM", without the "A" (I'll check my own flags too, but they seem to me in the same dimensions as stock ones...)

- Physics of parts:

  • the S-IC/S-II interstage has 2 issues, for me (still in 1.1.3, but I could consider that very similar in 1.2): FIRST, is labelled as an "omnidecoupler = true", and it's weird to see the solids mounted on it to be jettisoned all around when detached by the S-II. SECOND, its own collider is probably a bit larger, as mounting the separation solids in the VAB they seems to float in the air (not a big problem, moving them with the position tweaks, but a bit weird)
  • No retrorockets in the S-IC engine/fins mount??? I was looking to it, seing your previous images when you worked the "hole", first, and then the "cover" for them LOL


... but overall, even in 1.1.3, they are very nice parts (I liked a lot the F-1 engine *_*)

Edited by Araym
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5 hours ago, Jso said:

Yeah, the LES is going to be getting a workout.


Autostrutting the LES, SM tank, S-IVB tank, and S-II tank to the heaviest part seemed to work well. Bugs aside it looks great up close!

My first test run, the LES was the first part to make a bid for freedom :P awkward stares from Jeb/bill/bob...

i wonder if the struts can be enabled in the part cfg? I am at work, but I've never actually popped open the new wheel parts cfg before. (I've heard them called "a wretched hive of scum and villainy" :wink: )

Otherwise I may have to make a pool noodle texture for the stack...

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