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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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12 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

Something is coming




1 hour ago, Avalon304 said:

You shoud have staged the interstage first... it looks dumb when it goes flying away like that... :P

Actually (as I always like the interstage separation to be smooth, mostly for some nice picture like the above video-gif) the best separation I have are always those a bit "later" than expected, when the S-II had accellerated a bit more after S-IC separation, to clear nicely the engine plume.

3 hours ago, SpaceBadger007 said:

Is that inspired by the start of the tv series "when we left earth, the nasa missions" love that show!

... or probably from the iconic "Apollo 4" interstage separation???


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7 hours ago, legoclone09 said:


Also the boiloff rates need to be looked at. Half of my S-IVB tank boiled off in 12 hours in orbit.

Is there a way @CobaltWolf that you can make it like a solar panel sun detection module, so if it's shielded it boils off little/no fuel, and if it's broadside on it boils of super fast?

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57 minutes ago, minepagan said:

Is there a way @CobaltWolf that you can make it like a solar panel sun detection module, so if it's shielded it boils off little/no fuel, and if it's broadside on it boils of super fast?

Not likely unless I can find an easy way to do that, I'm trying to keep it simple. Right now if your tank is shielded either by a fairing or a cargo bay it will treat that as insulation and slow the boiloff rate by 10x.

Settings are located in difficulty options. You can turn it off and adjust the rate. 100% boils off half the contents in 8 hours. It uses a half life calculation, so whatever is remaining, half will be gone in 8 hours.

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38 minutes ago, Rory Yammomoto said:

You might need to stretch the fuel tank of the S-1E tank. I can very nearly reach orbital altitude with it, but not actually do it with the standard booster. Is it supposed to need some S-IVB  thrust in the ascent, even on a normal scale Kerbin?

It's accurate length. Remember it's also supposed to used the F-1A, which is significantly higher thrust (less gravity losses) and more efficient (to some extent). I also rounded down on the fuel tank amount - though it's worth noting that the biggest increase in dV isn't the greater fuel value, it's the drastically reduced dry mass.

Edited by CobaltWolf
wrong engine
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1 minute ago, CobaltWolf said:

It's accurate length. Remember it's also supposed to used the F-1B, which is significantly higher thrust (less gravity losses) and more efficient (to some extent). I also rounded down on the fuel tank amount - though it's worth noting that the biggest increase in dV isn't the greater fuel value, it's the drastically reduced dry mass.

Oh. I was simply using an F-1 configured to put out 2.2 MN.

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15 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

It's accurate length. Remember it's also supposed to used the F-1B, which is significantly higher thrust (less gravity losses) and more efficient (to some extent). I also rounded down on the fuel tank amount - though it's worth noting that the biggest increase in dV isn't the greater fuel value, it's the drastically reduced dry mass.

F1-B should be used as "pyrios booster" in the advanced development of SLS (with different bell skirt and not recycling the turbopump exaust, that should be dropped by a separate pipe).
F1-A is the ETC Saturn I-E engine (more likely a standard F1 in model, with advanced development to have better stats,a s by the time it should have reached more developments :P)

<Araym runs away to avoid @CobaltWolf insults>

Edited by Araym
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21 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

It's accurate length. Remember it's also supposed to used the F-1A, which is significantly higher thrust (less gravity losses) and more efficient (to some extent). I also rounded down on the fuel tank amount - though it's worth noting that the biggest increase in dV isn't the greater fuel value, it's the drastically reduced dry mass.

Also the Saturn-IC uses an improved J2 with somewhat higher Isp IIRC.

I hope Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions will be updated quickly, I really want to do some testing with Sarnus on 3X rescaled Kerbol system. In theory all BDB launchers should have capabilities equivalent to their real-world counterparts at that scale, right?

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3 minutes ago, PickledTripod said:

Also the Saturn-IC uses an improved J2 with somewhat higher Isp IIRC.

I hope Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions will be updated quickly, I really want to do some testing with Sarnus on 3X rescaled Kerbol system. In theory all BDB launchers should have capabilities equivalent to their real-world counterparts at that scale, right?

Theoretically. I think Saturn 1/1B/1C are underperforming right now. And yes, I forgot it used the J2S as well. We are planning on leveraging the part upgrade system to give y'all the F-1A and J-2S.

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Just now, CobaltWolf said:

Theoretically. I think Saturn 1/1B/1C are underperforming right now. And yes, I forgot it used the J2S as well. We are planning on leveraging the part upgrade system to give y'all the F-1A and J-2S.

I'm not too familiar with that system, how do upgraded parts show up in Sandbox? Separate parts in the part list, or some sort of switching in the tweakables?

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38 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Theoretically. I think Saturn 1/1B/1C are underperforming right now. And yes, I forgot it used the J2S as well. We are planning on leveraging the part upgrade system to give y'all the F-1A and J-2S.

has anyone found out how to get that working?

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1 hour ago, PickledTripod said:

I'm not too familiar with that system, how do upgraded parts show up in Sandbox? Separate parts in the part list, or some sort of switching in the tweakables?

They will show up in the VAB fully upgraded.

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So it would be impossible to use the legacy F1 and J2 in Sandbox, or once the upgrade is unlocked? I'm not too happy with that, I hope someone will make a plugin to enable switching with old versions if the part upgrade system is adopted widely in mods or in stock with a later version of the game.

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4 hours ago, Jso said:

Not likely unless I can find an easy way to do that, I'm trying to keep it simple. Right now if your tank is shielded either by a fairing or a cargo bay it will treat that as insulation and slow the boiloff rate by 10x.

Settings are located in difficulty options. You can turn it off and adjust the rate. 100% boils off half the contents in 8 hours. It uses a half life calculation, so whatever is remaining, half will be gone in 8 hours.

Can you at least add an option to add insulation at the cost of weight?

20 minutes ago, davidy12 said:

@CobaltWolf: On the FASA launch clamps (specifically the umbilical), you put "Bluedot_DB" for the source of the model in the cfg. file. 

Yeah....also it does not seem to exist in the VAB, at least for me.


EDIT: Also, could you add a way to dump excess oxidizer, since your LF will have partly boiled off?

Edited by minepagan
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10 minutes ago, minepagan said:

Can you at least add an option to add insulation at the cost of weight?

Yeah....also it does not seem to exist in the VAB, at least for me.


EDIT: Also, could you add a way to dump excess oxidizer, since your LF will have partly boiled off?


Just change it :wink:
Also for some reason @CobaltWolf: it doesn't release when I hit space.

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5 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Soooo I'm seeing a lot of issues here on the thread. Do we still want to release tonight? Or take a couple days to resolve things a bit more?

The only true issue seems to be with the umbillical. Everything else is at least working.

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28 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

Soooo I'm seeing a lot of issues here on the thread. Do we still want to release tonight? Or take a couple days to resolve things a bit more?

Yup, we're go for launch :kiss:



The "Finch" verniers mentioned on the 1C engine mounting base are still in development?

Edited by Drakenex
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