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[1.3.x] CONTARES 1.8.9 closed


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@hraban :D Beautiful.

OK, he is not too much has the narrow in the cockpit finally.

" Bill confirms that solar panel works, fortunately because it's the hour of its TV program preferred " :)


I like the hold, and the part defers tilted for reservoir and driving compartment. As the hold closes entirely by top it is unusual, but that brings exactly a little of variety, especially with the touch of yellow color. I like very much this concept.

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1 hour ago, Well said:

@hraban :D Beautiful.

OK, he is not too much has the narrow in the cockpit finally.

" Bill confirms that solar panel works, fortunately because it's the hour of its TV program preferred " :)


I like the hold, and the part defers tilted for reservoir and driving compartment. As the hold closes entirely by top it is unusual, but that brings exactly a little of variety, especially with the touch of yellow color. I like very much this concept.

Before there is a beta release, I would like to create a docking and storage module. It should look the part shown similarly in the cargo bay. CD-Hermes (Karuda) received a few TACLS internals. So a water purifier and a carbon extractor system is now integrated.

The hatch at the highest point of the hull has significant advantages, particularly when landing in the water! The yellow area, and part of the wings accommodate the necessary Monoproppelant fuelAs main Engine use 2 'REX large Orbital Maneuvering Engines'. For orbital maneuver so are 1469 m/s deltaV at 0.22 TWR with full load available.


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@ Hraban  I find this shuttle perfect for kerbals

But, EVA will not be risk so close to the dock? (Collision)

You already have certainly to configure everything, but the airlock would not be better a little more forwards



You have him maybe configured in this place to be able to reach it by the wing?

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19 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

very nice Hraban! I think its my favorite of your little shuttles. How many have you made so far? I lost count at some point.

With Hermes and 2 still secret held there are 11.

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Here the BETA of CD-Hermes. Search by tag 'cd' you find 3 parts.

- Hermes space plane
- Hermes storage and docking module payload
- Hermes decoupler attach to 2.5m launcher

Hermes Beta 0.1

For reentry they reduce the orbit to less than 90 km. Up to an altitude of 25km is a setting angle of 15° - 20° to keep. Thereafter, the angle of attack can be lowered slowly. Use it the RCS thrusters for attitude control. Do not expect great maneuverability.

Who KSP Typical flight behavior expected (ie totally unrealistic) must attach control surfaces. It is envisaged adaquately space.


Is Contares FAR Compatible? No!
Why is the spaceplane of one part? Because I want that.

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@hraban She is very difficult has to control, she is going to ask for a little of training!

But she is very beautiful during flight.

On the other hand the ignition of the cockpit (light on), lower the general luminosity of KSP, strange bug (test on clean install without mod) (my ksp for dev)

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2 minutes ago, Well said:

@hraban She is very difficult has to control, she is going to ask for a little of training!

But she is very beautiful during flight.

On the other hand the ignition of the cockpit (light on), lower the general luminosity of KSP, strange bug (test on clean install without mod) (my ksp for dev)

That with the cockpit lighting is also noticed. Obviously there is a problem with the cockpit interior lighting. I'll check and fix that.

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6 hours ago, Well said:


During an waterlanding with the reservoirs of mono propellant empty, the buoyancy is correct and stable.

During the final approach , the overdue often passes in front of and I totally loses control.

Thank you for testing. Btw. I think this spaceplane is to big to fly without rudders and flaps. If you have time, please test it with small rudder  at the fins and two small airbrakes (as flaps) on the upper rear of the wings.

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@hraban I have already tried, it is almost compulsory to make her controllable.

Stock elevons are not too much adapted in size, but she become very pleasant has to pilot.


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55 minutes ago, Well said:

@hraban I have already tried, it is almost compulsory to make her controllable.

Stock elevons are not too much adapted in size, but she become very pleasant has to pilot.


IF you want, you can use the REX-L Orbital Engines. There was in the Beta included.

For stability and manouverability i have a idea and test it next days. The spaceplane is always to light on weight.


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5 minutes ago, popeter45 said:

one small request with the hermes

would it be possible to move the center of mass or position of the docking port so they line up?

would enable boosting the shuttle to higher orbits via external means

The docking and service module is not designed to act as a drive adapter. Not for nothing the fragile and extremely light-built module is transported in the cargo bay. Let your imagination run wild and find a more elegant solution.

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Revised Beta for spaceplane Hermes:

Hermes BETA 0.2

Notes on reentry and target approach:

Initial orbital altitude 80 km.
With a planned landing on the VAB with Mechjeb support is recommended that potential landing position to be set to 95° W 37' 1". Has Mechjeb the braking phase achieved with a target position under 2km then disable
Mechjeb. From that moment the landing must be done manually. Hold an AoA of 15° until the space shuttle begins to rise. Reduce AoA to 0 ° and wait until the spaceplane go under 900m/s. Now go into the target approach with an AoA from -10° to -20°

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@hraban A lot of scientific experiments do not survive at the reentry (explode) in the CargoBay Conductivity?

The speed in final approach is crucial, too slow we lose control, too fast it is the crash.

The DrogChute help really

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1 hour ago, Well said:

@hraban A lot of scientific experiments do not survive at the reentry (explode) in the CargoBay Conductivity?

The speed in final approach is crucial, too slow we lose control, too fast it is the crash.

The DrogChute help really

Yes, the heatconductivity is the problem. Any information about the use of this parameter?

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@hraban It allows to manage the heat dissipation, parameter seemed since 1.0 I believe with radiators.

For a shuttle I do not think that it is of a big importance can be to verify cargo boat bay of stock game? To compare?
The problem here is that Hermes is a single parts, thus the parts most exposed transmits all the heat in parts the most fragile.



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