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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Deep Space Exploration Vessels - Build NASA Inspired Ships In KSP

Angelo Kerman

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31 minutes ago, Space Kadet said:

spent some time trying to break DSEV and it seems to hold up. im still tryin to test the greenhouse with TAC installed (some work and some dont) but ill get you the info when i narrow down the problem

And that huge heat shield rocks! 4000 tonne ship moving at 4 times orbital speed on even and i managed to aerobrake into the eve system :D 

Awesome, glad it's working out. It almost didn't make it in, but I decided it would be useful. The hollow space was a last minute addition after watching Voyage to The Planets.

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i am given new parts on a day when i was binging the new star trek.....


ok 3 question i have to ask, i understand if the answer is no but the kraken loves a tryer...
 how easy would it be to make a new heat shield that's just a size bigger (7.5m)?
same for the tank cluster (bringing it to the current largest tank size)?
and what about white / grey textures for the cluster and orb tanks?


Just a question, dont hit me! :P   


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1 hour ago, Space Kadet said:

i am given new parts on a day when i was binging the new star trek.....ok 3 question i have to ask, i understand if the answer is no but the kraken loves a tryer...
 how easy would it be to make a new heat shield that's just a size bigger (7.5m)?
same for the tank cluster (bringing it to the current largest tank size)?
and what about white / grey textures for the cluster and orb tanks?


Just a question, dont hit me! :P   


They locked the new star trek behind CBS All Access here in the States, and I'm not paying extra just to watch it. But that's a creative way to use the new heat shield. :)

To make a new heat shield:

  1. Make a copy of the Mk3-1HeatShield.cfg file found in WildBlueIndustries/DSEV/Parts/Command folder.
  2. In the copied file, change the name from "WBI_MK31HeatShield" to "wbi7p5mHeatShield"
  3. Change rescaleFactor to 2
  4. Pick a new name for the "title" field. Something like "7.5m Heat Shield"
  5. Change cost to 2200
  6. Change mass to 2.0

Not sure what you mean for the tank cluster. It is 7.5m in diameter (actually a bit more if you account for the fins.)

Tank textures is something I can put on the wish list. I'm working on my top secret project this month so it might be a while.

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same here its locked behind a paywall. but some people look over the wall (i had a friends laptop) hence the Binge... well worth a watch when it comes to normal tv...

@Angel-125 thanks for the help, ill get on that, and i love the idea of a wishlist! Cant wait to see the new secret project baris was great.

the tank cluster idea was to bring the central tank to the size of the 5m parts, but i think you gave me the way how.....

11 hours ago, Kosmonaut said:

Benefits of a DVD Player- you don't have to pay for a program to get a show

you steal the dvds?! naughty kerbal! :P 

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22 hours ago, SpaceMouse said:

Wouldn't it be rescaled to 1.5 if they're going from 5M to 7.5M?

Agree on Discovery also. I paid for it but I'm displeased its behind a paywall. Among my other criticisms.

I will gladly pay the $10 a month (Netflix Australia) to avoid the mind-bendingly awful biological waste that is television advertising. That and a lot of shows are breaking away from the commercial lock of 42 minutes of content in a one hour show. I liked Discovery. I foresee people at cons wearing black leggings and t-shirts with DISCO on them on days where that Next Gen dress uniform might be just a little to hot. I look forward to the next season.

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45 minutes ago, Sudragon said:

I will gladly pay the $10 a month (Netflix Australia) to avoid the mind-bendingly awful biological waste that is television advertising. That and a lot of shows are breaking away from the commercial lock of 42 minutes of content in a one hour show. I liked Discovery. I foresee people at cons wearing black leggings and t-shirts with DISCO on them on days where that Next Gen dress uniform might be just a little to hot. I look forward to the next season.

This is getting off-topic but, the show itself has improved in many aspects. Here in the US, we only have two *official* options. Pay $6 a month to see it WITH the bain that is advertising, or $10 to see it without. CBS essentially wants you to pay $10 a month. for... one... show...

The rest of the world got a much better deal. If I wasn't a massive Sci-Fi fan I'd have said F- CBS on principle alone. 

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2 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

Ooooooo, velly intellesting......   (gets bucket and shovel, heads to beach in a hopeful mood)

It's not Sandcastle, actually, but I am creating small bits of Sandcastle as I go. I finally have the design direction figured out for Sandcastle... The Hogan is the first of that. I'm planning on adding a similarly sized part for the end-game science wing- with working observatory that will be useable with Tarsier and CactEye...

Edited by Angel-125
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,

I´ve just reinstalled KSP and reduced my modlist a littlebit. Now I am missing some fuel tanks that I really loved and I´m pretty sure it must have been in one of your mods.


The fuel tanks I am looking for had the option to colour them in "big orange" and something like grey/white style. Maybe you can tell me if those tanks are from one of your mods and if yes, which is it :wink: 




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1 hour ago, Phil Kerman said:

Hey there,

I´ve just reinstalled KSP and reduced my modlist a littlebit. Now I am missing some fuel tanks that I really loved and I´m pretty sure it must have been in one of your mods.


The fuel tanks I am looking for had the option to colour them in "big orange" and something like grey/white style. Maybe you can tell me if those tanks are from one of your mods and if yes, which is it :wink: 




Those are the Duna series of tanks that are still in DSEV, methinks you broke something when reducing your modlist.

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7 minutes ago, Krakatoa said:

Those are the Duna series of tanks that are still in DSEV, methinks you broke something when reducing your modlist.

Ahh thanks, that´s good news. 


I completely reinstalled and left DSEV out.  Before reinstallation I had serious problems with game crashes when I returned back to KSC from flight. Now it´s running lovely, maybe one crash a day :D 

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  • 2 weeks later...

DSEV is now available:

- Fixed radial airlock's missing ladder and airlock hatch.
- Fusion reactors now generate ElectroPlasma to avoid CRP resource conflicts.
- Compact ISRU can now create LiquidFuel & Oxidizer from Water, Minerite, and Nitronite. This only applies to Classic Stock play mode.
- WBT update.
NOTE: This is the last update of DSEV for KSP 1.3.1

Edited by Angel-125
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On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 11:50 AM, bice said:

@Angel-125 I tryed to follow your advice but I'm still unable to finish the experiments. I have docked a second vessel with the short logistics module but when I click to transfer the experiments the module is not selectable.

see image

And in VAB, I didn't see any option to configure the module for "science". It shows only KIS inventory and research kits. Maybe a problem with other mods like IFS?


I've been waiting for updates to this mod trying to solve this but after several  of them i started to see other posibilities.

So today, after some testing around that I noticed that the problem is in the WBI play mode. If you choose "Pristine mode" you can't see the options to customize the short logistics module and it's imposible to return experiments from space in it.

Is there a MM patch that could solve this?




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On 2/14/2018 at 11:59 PM, bice said:


I've been waiting for updates to this mod trying to solve this but after several  of them i started to see other posibilities.

So today, after some testing around that I noticed that the problem is in the WBI play mode. If you choose "Pristine mode" you can't see the options to customize the short logistics module and it's imposible to return experiments from space in it.

Is there a MM patch that could solve this?




Pristine Mode is not intended to do anything except provide pretty models to make ships and stations with. The real problem is that it sounds like the science system is still available when it shouldn't be.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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