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[1.0.4] Kramax Autopilot: Course guidance and auto-land for spaceplanes (v0.2)


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So, I promised several months ago that I would continue working on flight plans for more of the KerbinSide runways, and that I'd post them once I had a bunch finished.  Well, I won't lie - it's been tough getting the time to sit down and do these with a full-time job and a now-almost-one-year-old crawling around, but a promise is a promise.  Here's my FlightPlan.cfg file, which includes the following plans that I've got so far:

Lushlands RW 01 Departure

Lushlands RW 19 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 Departure

Dundard's Edge RW 0 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 ILS

Green Coast RW 06 Departure

Green Coast RW 06 ILS

Green Coast RW 24 ILS

Area 110011 RW 22 Departure

Area 110011 RW 22 ILS

Area 110011 RW 03 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 15 Departure

Kerman Lake RW 15 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 33 ILS

Round Range RW 10 Departure

Round Range RW 28 ILS

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 19 ILS (credit to Imporator0815)

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 01 ILS (credit to Imporator0815 for both North Pole plans, as these are just copied directly from his post earlier in this thread)

All of these have been pretty extensively tested at this point using several stock crafts as well as my own Kerwing 747-400.  Most of them are just straight-on approaches, although there are a couple fairly scenic ones as well.  In one or two cases, approaches from both directions just wasn't easily doable, so I was only able to create one approach(Lushlands isn't one of those; I just haven't written the RW 01 approach yet).  There are HIKEY waypoints set at 10km and LOKEY waypoints set at ~6-8km for every(or maybe almost every, can't quite remember & too tired to look right now) approach, although I have tested only a few of these with re-entering shuttles and/or spaceplanes, as I usually fly the 747.  Everyone is more than welcome to do with these as you will.  Modify them, improve them, repost them as your own(well, except for Imorator0815's, he wrote those and I don't have any right to speak for him on them).  I'm providing the .cfg file as a whole so that you can choose whether you want to simply paste and overwrite the existing file in your \GameData\KramaxAutoPilot folder, or copy and paste whichever individual plans you desire from it into your own existing file.  If you run into any issues with any of these or want to give me feedback or suggestions of which ones to do next, feel free to reply or PM me.  More to come, I just can't promise how soon it'll be.


Hope you enjoy, Happy Flying!

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2 hours ago, floydian022 said:

So, I promised several months ago that I would continue working on flight plans for more of the KerbinSide runways, and that I'd post them once I had a bunch finished.  Well, I won't lie - it's been tough getting the time to sit down and do these with a full-time job and a now-almost-one-year-old crawling around, but a promise is a promise.  Here's my FlightPlan.cfg file, which includes the following plans that I've got so far:

Lushlands RW 01 Departure

Lushlands RW 19 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 Departure

Dundard's Edge RW 0 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 ILS

Green Coast RW 06 Departure

Green Coast RW 06 ILS

Green Coast RW 24 ILS

Area 110011 RW 22 Departure

Area 110011 RW 22 ILS

Area 110011 RW 03 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 15 Departure

Kerman Lake RW 15 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 33 ILS

Round Range RW 10 Departure

Round Range RW 28 ILS

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 19 ILS (credit to Imporator0815)

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 01 ILS (credit to Imporator0815 for both North Pole plans, as these are just copied directly from his post earlier in this thread)

All of these have been pretty extensively tested at this point using several stock crafts as well as my own Kerwing 747-400.  Most of them are just straight-on approaches, although there are a couple fairly scenic ones as well.  In one or two cases, approaches from both directions just wasn't easily doable, so I was only able to create one approach(Lushlands isn't one of those; I just haven't written the RW 01 approach yet).  There are HIKEY waypoints set at 10km and LOKEY waypoints set at ~6-8km for every(or maybe almost every, can't quite remember & too tired to look right now) approach, although I have tested only a few of these with re-entering shuttles and/or spaceplanes, as I usually fly the 747.  Everyone is more than welcome to do with these as you will.  Modify them, improve them, repost them as your own(well, except for Imorator0815's, he wrote those and I don't have any right to speak for him on them).  I'm providing the .cfg file as a whole so that you can choose whether you want to simply paste and overwrite the existing file in your \GameData\KramaxAutoPilot folder, or copy and paste whichever individual plans you desire from it into your own existing file.  If you run into any issues with any of these or want to give me feedback or suggestions of which ones to do next, feel free to reply or PM me.  More to come, I just can't promise how soon it'll be.


Hope you enjoy, Happy Flying!

How to import your cfg.

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10 hours ago, DanialADH said:

How to import your cfg.

Super easy.  Just go to your KSP GameData folder and look for the KramaxAutoPilot mod folder under that(\GameData\KramaxAutoPilot\).  Just throw that FlightPlans.cfg file into that folder along with the DefaultFlightPlans.cfg file that's already in there.  That's all there is to it.  Once you're back in-game with the Kramax GUI open, just go into the flight plans menu and hit Refresh, and all of the additional flight plans should appear in the list.  

I'd mentioned earlier about either overwriting or copy/pasting into an existing FlightPlans.cfg file, but that's only going to be applicable if you already have your own FlightPlans.cfg file sitting in that folder(in other words, if you've already been adding or writing your own custom flight plans).  Otherwise, you'll likely just have the DefaultFlightPlans.cfg file, which contains the stock (RW 09 DEP, RW 09 ILS, RW 27 ILS, Island, etc.) plans, so this FlightPlans.cfg file just goes into that same folder next to it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...



Can the flare function be edited in any way? Everything was just perfect in 1.0.5, but in 1.1.3 my planes seem not even trying to flare. They hit the runway without reducing vertical speed. such a hard landing does not seem good at all, as plane at least skids off the runway.

I have tried to add a few meters to FLARE and STOP waypoints, but wit no visible effects

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2 hours ago, Lan_Morehell said:



Can the flare function be edited in any way? Everything was just perfect in 1.0.5, but in 1.1.3 my planes seem not even trying to flare. They hit the runway without reducing vertical speed. such a hard landing does not seem good at all, as plane at least skids off the runway.

I have tried to add a few meters to FLARE and STOP waypoints, but wit no visible effects

I have had this, answer: slow down.

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1 hour ago, Lan_Morehell said:

Well, I am really afraid to slow down further, as my craft is approaching at 75mps, with AOA around 9 to 10 degrees :(

Ok that's your approach speed, what about your vertical speed since that's what you're concerned about?

Also, if this is a big plane (and it sounds like it might be if you're skidding off the runway after touching down at such a low speed?) then you should really think about drag chutes. If you're using the stock chutes then that means attaching big enough chutes to slow the plane down and triggering them manually. Or use Real Chute which lets you configure actual drag chutes that deploy on touchdown.

If using FAR, set up flaps and deploy them when approaching the runway. In stock you can do the same with any control surface but I question whether they serve as well as real flaps would. (flaps increase lift and drag)

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8 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

Ok that's your approach speed, what about your vertical speed since that's what you're concerned about?

Also, if this is a big plane (and it sounds like it might be if you're skidding off the runway after touching down at such a low speed?) then you should really think about drag chutes. If you're using the stock chutes then that means attaching big enough chutes to slow the plane down and triggering them manually. Or use Real Chute which lets you configure actual drag chutes that deploy on touchdown.

If using FAR, set up flaps and deploy them when approaching the runway. In stock you can do the same with any control surface but I question whether they serve as well as real flaps would. (flaps increase lift and drag)

Thank you! I'll try shutes as well as flaps!


Regarding the vertical speed, it is about 5.5 mps. And what I'm concerned about is that it does not change even 0.1 mps from final to touchdown. The airplane just does not flare. Also i cannot notice any pitching up from the threshold when viewing from the side. It literally flies into the runway.

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Is this mod still being maintained, like.. from a source code perspective?  If so, one thing this mod REALLY needs is an indicated-airspeed hold.  ground speed in m/s is practically useless with aircraft since stall speeds and approach speeds are in KIAS, not m/s ground speed... since things vary with altitude.  Being able to use the FAR airspeed units with this would help a lot; as it is the speed hold is *useless* except in level cruise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/20/2016 at 7:59 PM, floydian022 said:

So, I promised several months ago that I would continue working on flight plans for more of the KerbinSide runways, and that I'd post them once I had a bunch finished.  Well, I won't lie - it's been tough getting the time to sit down and do these with a full-time job and a now-almost-one-year-old crawling around, but a promise is a promise.  Here's my FlightPlan.cfg file, which includes the following plans that I've got so far:

Lushlands RW 01 Departure

Lushlands RW 19 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 Departure

Dundard's Edge RW 0 ILS

Dundard's Edge RW 18 ILS

Green Coast RW 06 Departure

Green Coast RW 06 ILS

Green Coast RW 24 ILS

Area 110011 RW 22 Departure

Area 110011 RW 22 ILS

Area 110011 RW 03 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 15 Departure

Kerman Lake RW 15 ILS

Kerman Lake RW 33 ILS

Round Range RW 10 Departure

Round Range RW 28 ILS

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 19 ILS (credit to Imporator0815)

North Pole Bio-Dome RW 01 ILS (credit to Imporator0815 for both North Pole plans, as these are just copied directly from his post earlier in this thread)

All of these have been pretty extensively tested at this point using several stock crafts as well as my own Kerwing 747-400.  Most of them are just straight-on approaches, although there are a couple fairly scenic ones as well.  In one or two cases, approaches from both directions just wasn't easily doable, so I was only able to create one approach(Lushlands isn't one of those; I just haven't written the RW 01 approach yet).  There are HIKEY waypoints set at 10km and LOKEY waypoints set at ~6-8km for every(or maybe almost every, can't quite remember & too tired to look right now) approach, although I have tested only a few of these with re-entering shuttles and/or spaceplanes, as I usually fly the 747.  Everyone is more than welcome to do with these as you will.  Modify them, improve them, repost them as your own(well, except for Imorator0815's, he wrote those and I don't have any right to speak for him on them).  I'm providing the .cfg file as a whole so that you can choose whether you want to simply paste and overwrite the existing file in your \GameData\KramaxAutoPilot folder, or copy and paste whichever individual plans you desire from it into your own existing file.  If you run into any issues with any of these or want to give me feedback or suggestions of which ones to do next, feel free to reply or PM me.  More to come, I just can't promise how soon it'll be.


Hope you enjoy, Happy Flying!

any chance of KSC2 flight plans?  I really like the ones you've made.. even the weird approach to Kerman Lake with the .. nontraditional glideslope.  It's like a precision GPS+WAAS approach which we don't yet have on Earth :)

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On 9/15/2016 at 4:04 AM, ss8913 said:

any chance of KSC2 flight plans? 

Actually, yes.  I'm planning on doing KSC2 next, but have just been taking a little bit of a break and kinda hoping that 1.2 comes out of pre-release soon(and that KK/MM/etc. get whatever patches or updates they might possibly need in order for Kerbinside to work in 1.2), so that I can enjoy doing the few dozen Quickloads I always end up needing to do while writing these, without my crafts sliding laterally all over the runway(even though the engines are off and the brakes are on lol).  In fact, I think the reworked landing gear in 1.2 is going to be a godsend for all of us who particularly enjoy flying planes/spaceplanes and taking off/landing on multiple runways using Kerbinside! 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is this mod still being maintained?

I love this mod...its easy to use and really accurate in my experience. The autoland feature is the only one that I know of...watching it has actually helped me learn how to land a plane in KSP.  


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For 1.1.3 linuxgurugamer recompiled the mod and shared it. Not sure whether this is as easy for 1.2. Github indicates the last official changes were made five months ago other than the pull request of linuxgurugamer.

I hope this mods will get updated, I like the simplicity and intuitive gui of it, it makes flying over greater distances enjoyable.

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This mod and Kerbinside are what facilitated my passion for travelling the surface of Kerbin and allowed me to experience that brand new sense of adventure and my appreciation for KSP all over again.  I've downloaded and installed 1.2 and fired it up once or twice just to check out some of the new features/improvements, but I honestly don't know if I even feel like starting another new career again at this point, until/unless those two mods are available.  And if it turns out that either or both mods are completely gone forever(I don't even understand why there aren't more modders making surface plane autopilots and additional bases/runways for Kerbin!), I might honestly be done with KSP entirely.  I've put a bunch of stuff into space, been to all of the planets & moons, built and docked a bunch more stuff, dragged asteroids around the system and met the Kraken on many, many occasions and in many of the glorious forms He has chosen to reveal Himself.  I was really, really enjoying designing and testing my commercial and experimental aircraft and flying medium- and long-haul flights around the planet and writing my autopilot flight plans and sharing them with all of you.  Every time a new KSP version has been released, I've put my efforts aside for a bit until these two mods were updated and released, and now that 1.2 looks like it may indeed be the last big release we see for a good long while, it seems like it would be such a shame if they don't get updated for this one.  I'm still hopeful that they both will.  @linuxgurugamer / @Kramer , are you out there?  Please, please hear our prayers.

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Since @Kramer doesn't seem to be around, or at least, not supporting this mod, I'll probably take it over in a maintenance mode.  

This means that I'll get it compiled for the current version of KSP, but since I don't use it, I'll have to depend on the users to let me know of any problems.  I'm doing this as a service to the community.

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This means that I'll get it compiled for the current version of KSP, but since I don't use it, I'll have to depend on the users to let me know of any problems.  I'm doing this as a service to the community.

@linuxgurugamer Thanks very much, you're service to the community is much apprieciated! I'll be testing the recompile as soon as my game is up and running.  I'm patiently waiting for certain mods critical to my mission to update.

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WOO HOO!  Thank you guys so, so much! And no worries, I'll be happy to test the ever-loving fudge out of it! As it is, I've spent evenings just trial-and-error tweaking with the PID controller settings(which, even after several hours of watching YT vids and reading wiki articles on, I still don't completely grasp a whole lot of) on all of my crafts and trying to find the best handling sweet spots for them.  I'm literally using this mod every single time I play KSP for the past year or so now since I first discovered it when I started building planes.  I'll be firing up 1.2 with this tomorrow after work, and will be glad to document and report any bugs I encounter.  I appreciate how much work goes into designing and making and maintaining these mods, and IMO, they are what make KSP really able to be all that it can be.  So thank you again for this, truly.

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