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I'm retiring from KSP.


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The problem with any game like KSP is that it's limitations isn't with the game's limits nor abilities.

It's with it's ability, or lack of it, to trigger (im)possible scenarios within the mind of the player.

After some 18 months of mostly fails but some random success I'm still blessed with several years of more or less stupid things I want to try (and most likely fail) in KSP ;)

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Yeah, I've done pretty much everything imaginable, too, including a lot of crazy challenges and some whackjobian projects and have gotten bored of the game too. Didn't play it for the last year or so and nothing new came out in the last few updates for me.

I'd have some incentive to play again if Squad incorporated some diversity on the planets. Or axial tilts. Or weather. Or more anomalies. (How's this not a thing? 70% of my time playing KSP has been spent travelling to/exploring anomalies, ridges, mountains and poles but mostly anomalies.)

I guess U5 update will renew my interest for a bit though (plus the upgrades to the awesome Bahamuto's Armory).

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Ya Ill be waiting until Unity 5.

All these years and I still haven't visited any other place other than Duna, Mun and Minmus. The reason why is that the game doesn't feel complete enough for me to completely visit all the worlds.

And I don't want to do it using mods. I want to complete this achievement using stock features that squad deems I should have.

As long as this game isn't finished, I refuse to visit the other planets until it is.

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  The_Rocketeer said:
I've seen cargo bays used as VTOL bays, landing gears, DIY cockpits and IVAs, hell, even as ballistic missile tube bays in submarines. While I agree that Squad's parts all seem part of the 'set' these days, I don't think this argument holds water in the face of the diversity of awesome mods, which were after all part of Squad's vision for their end product, and which broaden the scope of KSP tremendously. I'm part purist - I love stock KSP - but on the occasions when I think it gains something from a mod that's not present (I deliberately avoid the word 'lacking') in stock, I would much rather use the mod than see Squad do their 'official' version of someone else's idea.

This game has enough issues for Squad's devs to be working on without reworking mod concepts into stock parts. As ever, imagination is the key - I don't see any part as a shortcut, I see them all as opportunities.

(Hot tip - I recently noticed that the newer landing gears can have parts attached to the wheel trucks, which stay in place when the gear is retracted)

I have given up on mods, as every other version of KSP seems to break them and many of the mods I was using was also suddenly discontinued.

Which is also something I wish were past now that it has been released officially.

It also prevents you from being able to share your crafts as well. Like for example the mod i used for ball bearing was dependent on two mods and legally you cannot even include those with your craft files.

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  The_Rocketeer said:
Imagination exhaustion. It happens.

Last time I really closed the door on a videogame was World of Warcraft. Make of that what you will!

Hmm, interestingly enough... me too. I actually closed the door on all MMOs shortly after the game "Bait and Switch" was released (though I think technically it was called Age of Conan or something like that)

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  sedativechunk said:
Hello all,

If it wasn't time consuming and I had the motivation to do it, I was thinking of having a send-off, fly all my ships into Kerbol like the series finale of Battlestar Galactica. But let's say I did it in spirit! I will probably drop by the forums from time to time and continue watching Scott Manley videos here and there. But, I feel like I've had my dose of KSP, and now it's time to retire. Good luck to you all! :cool:

niceeeee, the last episode! love that series.my first burnout was Minecraft.(im just too pro to do stuff in there)

so, what do you think to do next? more games? become an astronomer or a stargazer?

launch real life rockets instead of in KSP?

whatever you want to do,just do it! good luck to you mate!

Edited by RandomRyan
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  Thegamer211 said:
Oh my god we need a mod that can do that.


- - - Updated - - -

  EladDv said:
i know of a modder working on this

Then, this effort must come to fruition... *Emperor Palpatine cackle*

- - - Updated - - -

  Pax Kerbana said:
820 hours? Do you boast after having 3 beers? ;).

*LoL* harumph. Well said.

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Moved to Space Lounge.

It helps to remember KSP is just a game, one of very many, and even games aren't the only entertainment available.

Do things you enjoy, if that is playing KSP, that's fine, if it's something completely different that's fine too :)

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  John FX said:
Would you still be quitting if each time you started career there was a new solar system generated by a seed which was not laid out straight away in the map screen meaning you had to explore it with telescopes and probes?

Well good luck to you in whatever you move on to.

Yes, please! I want this!

To respond to OP:

I am now 36 years old and KSP is the only game that doesn't bore me to tears after 2 hours, even though I have clocked in over 2000 hours.

Why? I played Quake (1996) on semi pro level (if there ever was such a thing back then) - every other shooter since then was just meh for me.

"Action adventure"? Press A to jump, B to interact, X to punch, RT to fire. Yawn.

KSP is the only game that doesn't limit my creativity (unless my designs break my computer - see my Normandy recreation on my YT channel, link in sig). I come up with my own mission ideas (currently doing sort of an Outer Planets Tour thing). And stuff I see, I read about or I hear from other people inspires me to create new designs. I am honestly more of a builder than an explorer.

I have 2000 hours and never finished career mode. I don't really do contacts. I have never been to Moho, Ike or Dres. I have yet to do a grand tour. Or visit certain anomaly sites (Vallhenge or the Bop Kraken come to mind).

I am still struggling trying to build an SSTO able to carry a full 82t S3 tank to orbit. With a cargo bay made out of one huge fairing.

Please don't take my post as me knocking your decision to quit KSP. I understand and I have felt the same in the past. I can't remember what inspired me to continue... maybe it was reading The Martian. Maybe it was my deep desire to one day really fly into space (unlikely, but I still dream about it). I don't know.

Just wanted to share my thoughts on this and wish you best of luck. Hope you stay in the forums though ;)

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  sedativechunk said:
Hello all,

Well, I'm not sure where (or should I say who) I can talk to about this, nor will some of you care (which is fine if you don't). But I just kinda feel the need to say it because of how deep I used to be into this game. After about 820~ hours of KSP since May 2014, I am officially retiring from Kerbal Space Program. ;.; I'm finished with the game and I am hanging up the pilot wings for good!

I'm not dying, I'm not quitting video games. Nothing is wrong with KSP, the game is fine, the 1.0 update was great. It feels weird. But... I feel like I've accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in this game. I've been to every planet and every moon countless times, including most of the outer planet mods. Taking off, building new rockets, landing on planets, trying challenges, new mods, I've done it ALL. And I just don't feel the same fire or enthusiasm to play this game anymore. I took a good long break for a while and came back but I still don't feel much of a spark. And finally I came to the conclusion that I am finished with KSP.

I don't think my whole life of 25 years on this planet have I ever felt like I was totally finished with something! But KSP, that's it! It's funny, but I feel satisfied with my time on KSP and it feels like it's time to move onto new things, both on and off the computer. It's weird because it almost feels like closing a chapter in my life with the amount of time I played this game. So yea, this is it. But thank you SQUAD, for making this wonderful and educational game on spaceflight. We need more kids enthusiastic about the exploration of space. I thoroughly enjoyed this indie game and put more time into it than the AAA, big-budget titles out there. And I will always recommend it to others that haven't tried it!

If it wasn't time consuming and I had the motivation to do it, I was thinking of having a send-off, fly all my ships into Kerbol like the series finale of Battlestar Galactica. But let's say I did it in spirit! I will probably drop by the forums from time to time and continue watching Scott Manley videos here and there. But, I feel like I've had my dose of KSP, and now it's time to retire. Good luck to you all! :cool:

So...essentially, you're just bored?

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Seeya mate, have a good one. If you're satisfied with what you've done, that's as good a reason as any to quit. Better to quit while you're ahead.

As for the rest of you, why can't you leave somebody alone? This guy's gotten what he wants out of it, he doesn't want to do anything more. You're trying to suggest solutions for a non-existant problem. Just put it down and realize that not everybody can play a single game for "2000 hours".

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  Mat2ch said:

What makes me wanna stop playing also the little things. The lack of polishing, an empty Kerbin, the stuttering when flying my 100 parts rocket up through the atmosphere and seeing the heat effects kick in. I have to rely on MechJeb for all bigger projects, because otherwise its uncontrollable. Kerbin lacks roads, bridges, settlements, quarries. SpaceStations and Bases lack a reason for existance, even though this shall change, I still can deny the contracts and do it without. A game has to be rewarding. First time making an orbit all alone, this is rewarding. First time docking in space without Navyfishs docking alignment mod: It is rewarding! But after that it becomes annoying. I remember my first landing on the moon. That was a really good feeling! But since then it's all been the same. I always wanted to make a craft that can get back from Eve to orbit. But it's just too hard for me and I lost interest, all the testing, all the failures and then the bad performance, it took the fun out of it. And I don't get what ion engines are for now. It takes much too long for a dV change with them, not fun for me. The Nerfs aren't as good either. Ever did a 5 minutes burn? Boring, very.

Hello everyone, thanks for responding and the wishes. I don't know, I just feel like I'm done with the game for now. :( Maybe someday I'll play again, maybe not. I've taken a break for MONTHS though, I hardly ever play the game anymore and I came back and still don't feel all that enthusiastic about it. :\

I think Mat2ch brought up a good point, about the lack of polishing and things. I know I said it wasn't the game itself. However, myself, I am (or was) an extremist KSP player. I almost feel like this is kind of what kills my interest in the game. When I travel to anywhere past Duna, I just find it completely unrealistic/impractical to cram three Kerbals into a command pod and send them on a 5+ year voyage to a place like Jool. I had to build HUGE ships to do these missions... I mean, just take a look at my screenshots:


I built huge ships with crew storage, life support, tons of fuel, disposable tanks, landers. And each time I do this over and over it becomes a huge grind. I have to build these huge vessels that (literally) take me 12 hours to get into orbit into kerbin, and once all the parts are there, at Mat2ch said, the game's physics mucks up, things wobble and shake, the framerate sucks, and it's not my custom built PC as much as it is the crappy Unity engine that kills it. Even with limited mods this becomes a problem.

So yes, that was one thing. but again, as stated earlier, I have done EVERYTHING else. Built huge space stations (manually with shuttle flights). Built rovers, sky cranes, bases, establishments. One aspect of the game I've kind of avoided is colonization. I always thought of maybe starting a colony on Laythe. Maybe that's an idea that wouldn't take a massive amount of parts to accomplish because I wouldn't need to bring anything back.

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Just wait. Once multiplayer becomes stock and stable, I think your interest will be revived. While I often visit the forum, I hardly play the game anymore, largely to having done most of the things I want to do in the game (and life in general means less time for games). I admit, the contract system has for me been too much in the way of selection but too little of what I want to select. For me, that aspect of the game is a grind. Regardless, you can only play so much of a good game by yourself. I think some of the fun of games is in playing them with others. For single player games, I get with friends and relatives and we take turns as the player and the rest of us spectate (with popcorn). But even that has gotten old with KSP. For multiplayer, this of course allows friends to get together online.

I do keep current with the updates and I try playing career and sandbox when new parts or major changes are provided. But with multiplayer on the distant horizon (or is it beyond?), that's when I'll really want to get into the game; doing things with friends and relatives. Time will tell.

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