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Battle of the Space Movies!


Which movie do you like best?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which movie do you like best?

    • The Martian
    • Interstellar
    • Gravity
    • Other

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So which do you like best? I have watched all of them. I made a quick overview of them to help thse who have not watched it.

1.Gravity: A realistic worst-case scenario in space.

2.Interstellar: A apocalyptic situation where a last ditch effort to rebuild civilization is sent on a spacecraft.

3.The Martian: Like Gravity but on Mars. A stranded astronaut is stranded and is able to survive alone on Mars.

I can't choose. But I like Gravity and The Martian best.

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Any of several not mentioned in the poll. :)

After reading Torgo's post, I thought I'd better edit my post to indicate some of my choices:

Of the 3 listed by the OP, I like them all; The Martian first and next Interstellar. Gravity was entertaining but not profound.

Edited by Dispatcher
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Of the 3 listed, Martian, Gravity, then Interstellar.

I found the latter to be more boring than profound. Gravity was okay for what it was: (wo)man vs environment in space. Martian - well I haven't seen it TBH but the book was fantastic and the people I know who have both read the book and seen the movie gave the movie thumbs ups, so I'm willing to give it the benefit of a very small doubt.

Out of all movies ever made, I don't know. Unlike others, I think 2001 is terribly boring. I don't feel like thinking much right now so will just leave that blank on the form.

EDIT: Out of the "realistic" movies I'd have to say Apollo 13 or The Right Stuff. If they just have to take place in space and it doesn't matter if the movie was trying to be realistic or not, I'd say Aliens.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Of the three listed, I would say Interstellar, Gravity, then The Martian. Interstellar was a good balance of story, special effects and physics, although I would have had a different lead actor. Despite its abhorrent physics, Gravity was a good space thriller, with excellent special effects. I must admit I was somewhat disappointed in The Martian, it didn't have enough of what made the book so good, which was the Apollo 13-esque aerospace engineering in action type of stuff, the microgravity effects were quite bad, you could practically see the strings, and the most memorable scene

was Sean Bean at the meeting on project Elrond.

If you want to watch a guy stranded in space, I would recommend Moon instead of The Martian, or just read The Martian. Moon is a little weird, but generally deeper and more interesting, IMO, and if my judgement is correct, it inspired the LackLusterLabs mod.

As far as the more fantasy Sci-Fi things go, the original Star Wars trilogy, then the J.J. Abrams Star Trek films and his upcoming Star Wars films, then Enders Game, then the Star Wars prequels.

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i haven't seen the martian yet so i really dont want to vote yet. interstellar would win over gravity easy. i like that these kind of movies have become a trend and hope to see a lot more of them in the future.

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Gravity, REALISTIC?!?! Hang on a moment, let me compose myself... Hehehe, Gravity... Realistic... Oh, that slaps me on the knee! Realistic.... Ha!

Seriously, Gravity is probably one of the most unrealistic space movies I've seen. I would list all the inaccuracies, but that would take up too much room.

Heh, Gravity... Realistic.... Hehe...

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Haven't seen many of them, have you? Seriously, most space movies are far, far more unrealistic. They don't even attempt any semblance of realism.

Best space movie is clearly Spaceballs. :)

Of course, I have yet to see a space movie that is 100% accurate, but Gravity just stands out to me because of how blatant the inaccuracy is to anyone who knows about how NASA really works, or how orbital inclinations work, or how George Clooney probably shouldn't be sent to space, etc.

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Oh god Gravity was bad - I actually turned it off, I couldn't take it (about 15 minutes in). Haven't seen The Martian yet (recently read the book though - which was good). Interstellar was pretty good, but has some issues - like why go down the wormhole, you've just perfected anti-gravity. Surely the possibilities within the Sol system are now endless? Terra-forming Mars or Venus would surely be simpler than the wormhole option, or just ....ing farming in space, and shipping back to Earth while the Earth's ecosystem is fixed gotta be cheaper than shipping everyone to a new planet. (not that they mention how many people are being shipped to the new planet)

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Out of those three I liked The Martian the best (although the book was better). Interstellar didn't totally suck. Gravity was laughable, not just from a realism standpoint, but from a filmmaking standpoint as well.

Best space movie of all time? For me, personally, my favorite is Star Trek II: TWOK. Not because it was, in itself, a spectacular piece of filmmaking, but because of the context. I saw it on opening night when I was fourteen, and it just blew me away. "I never took the Kobayashi Maru test until now. What do you think of my solution?" It made me expect more than just ray guns and space battles from science fiction. Which is funny, since I'm not really a fan of Star Trek. I watched TOS when I was growing up, but I thought the first movie sucked, and it has been nothing but downhill since TWOK. The Abrams Treks are okay, but they're action films, I can see why the Trekkies hate them.

In the realism camp, I think that Apollo 13 has set a bar that will be very difficult to beat. Not to mention the fact that it was extraordinarily well directed and acted. (Who here wants to come watch Tom Hanks read the phone book with me?)

I can't remember where I saw it, but it raised a chuckle: "Between The Martian, Interstellar, and Saving Private Ryan, hasn't the United States spent enough money rescuing Matt Damon?" :)

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Interstellar was the better movie in my opinion. The Martian was good, but it lacked emotion. There's no suspense what so ever in the movie. Had they stuck to the book better ( which would've conveyed more emotion ) The Martian would've gotten my vote.

As far as space and realism goes The Martian takes the cake. But Interstellar was the better movie.

PS: Matt Damon is 0-2 with airlocks.

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  pTrevTrevs said:
Gravity, REALISTIC?!?! Hang on a moment, let me compose myself... Hehehe, Gravity... Realistic... Oh, that slaps me on the knee! Realistic.... Ha!

Seriously, Gravity is probably one of the most unrealistic space movies I've seen. I would list all the inaccuracies, but that would take up too much room.

Heh, Gravity... Realistic.... Hehe...

Someone hasn't seen Armageddon, apparently. I almost performed seppuku whilst watching that movie.

The Martian is probably my favorite, though tied with 2001: A Space Odyssey. 2001 was a very unique movie, in the way that it is the most movie movie out there. The dialogue isn't driving the plot, the visuals do. And the dialogue is probably only a few pages long. The Martian, is, well, The Martian! The book was awesome and the movie lived up to it,

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Haven't seen many of them, have you? Seriously, most space movies are far, far more unrealistic. They don't even attempt any semblance of realism.

Best space movie is clearly Spaceballs. :)

Spaceballs is #1. The only "space" and "sci-fi" movie I can watch.

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  pTrevTrevs said:
Of course, I have yet to see a space movie that is 100% accurate, but Gravity just stands out to me because of how blatant the inaccuracy is to anyone who knows about how NASA really works, or how orbital inclinations work, or how George Clooney probably shouldn't be sent to space, etc.

How about Apollo 13? I haven't exactly seen it, but it did really happen. So shouldn't it be the most realistic?


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Can't believe the choice isn't obvious as it is


Nothing more to say.

Actually, if you still don't agree, then read this.

Interstellar is the most unique out of the three. The boldest and most artistic and true to the sci-fi genre.

It explored further than any of the three and it pushed the boundary to its limit. Yes, some things were not completely realistic. The same can be said about The Martian and Gravity, and some mistakes in those could've been fixed easily. In Interstellar, the complexity is way above Gravity's or The Martian's level.

Interstellar raises the most important and relevant issues of our time. It questions our future path, about our negligence towards the precious world we live on and how we decide to play it safe and stay here instead of venturing out into the unknown. The movie heavily emphasizes these points, that Earth cannot hold us forever. It shows the incredible wonders of space, the final frontier. While being the most challenging, it is what we were born to do, because it excites us. We are natural born explorers, and Earth cannot stay our home forever. Interstellar was one of the most inspiring and mind-blowing movies I have ever seen, on par with classics like 2001 and Solaris. I've been watching movies for years and reviewed lots of them, but Interstellar stands out from the crowd.

It is the most important movie of the century, or even this generation.

I hope as many young people as possible see it and become inspired to strive for something more and try to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known and to make Earth a better place.

Gravity and The Martian are good films, but when it comes to this, they don't even come close.

I'll leave you with the original teaser for Interstellar, which expresses my point the best.

P.S. The biggest mistake most people make here is focusing mainly on scientific accuracy and not the actual plot, characters, acting and the work the director put into giving you the movie.

Also imho Interstellar>The Martian> Gravity

Edited by SpaceXray
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Don't discount Guardians of the Galaxy either. Not realistic what so ever, but it's one of the more entertaining movies I've ever seen.

@SpaceXray - completely agreed. As far as movies go in general Interstellar was a step above all. The only thing I can think that'd beat it is another Space Odyssey.

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