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Is Tweakscale cheating?

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Hey guys! i've recently been playing around with tweakscale, the mod. I installed mostly for fuel tank size tweaking, but soon i realized that i can for example, downsize a nuclear engine. It will have less trhust, less weight, but retains its ISP. The TWR stays the same, but i can easily get around the fact that the 3 tons it weighs make it unviable for smaller craft. I have also used it to make 2.5m SRBs, upscaling a 1,25m SRB.

What do you guys think? am i cheating?

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Here we go again. There is no cheating in a single player game. You play it the way you want to play it. The very definition of 'cheating' requires competition, of which there is none in KSP.

I like Tweakscale to fill in the gaps on structural parts (girders, hubmax, etc) which sometimes you just need to be bigger for that space station you are building. Fuel tanks, I don't really see the need, there are other mods to add them but I usually just use stock or Fuel Tanks Plus. I never touch the ability on engines. But that is just the way I like to play.

Edited by Alshain
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Tweakscale is only cheating when you are taking part in a challenge that states that Tweakscale is a mod that is not allowed....

(Be it that no mod are allowed, mods changing parts or Tweakscale is specifically noted as a mod not allowed...)

In other cases it is the Kraken that decides if you cheat, but the Kraken ha been known to make some strange decisions at times...

Edited by UncleBod
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Yes. Yes it is. Hang your head in shame oh vile cheater and make the sign of obeisance to mighty PROBE, lest the Kraken come for thy shrivelled and tarnished soul.

And after you've done that, install any and all mods that you want to, remember that KSP is a single player game and go nuts.

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  UncleBod said:
Tweakscale is only cheating when you are taking part in a challenge that states that Tweakscale is a mod that is not allowed....

(Be it that no mod are allowed, mods changing parts or Tweakscale is specifically noted as a mod not allowed...)

In other cases it is the Kraken that decides if you cheat, but the Kraken ha been known to make some strange decisions at times...

This, and that depend exactly on the challenge, some has no mods at all, most allows mods who don't affect the challenge.

Mechjeb would be pointless if challenge is accurate landings but might be legal in an largest launcher contest, for tweakscale it would be the other way around :)

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Seriously, play the game how you like.

The biggest thing that annoys me about Tweakscale is when I see someone else using it it totally messes with my sense of size. Am I looking at a cute baby orange tank in a standard sized cargo bay, or a regular orange tank in a giant bay?

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Tweakscale increases weight, capacity, cost, and impact tolerance when scaling. I personally dislike using it because I can take 1.25m tanks and scale them them to 2.5 or 3.75m and have it be tougher than the stock tanks of those sizes.

Anyway its a matter of preference. If you think Tweakscale is fair/balanced then its not really a cheat. If you think it isn't fair/balanced then it is.

The only reason Hyperedit can be agreed as a cheat mod is because the developer specifically made it as a cheat mod.

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Whether you call it cheating or not doesn't really matter, just know that any mod or use of the debug menu cheats can have the potential to ruin your game experience if you over-do it. I have hyperedit installed for example, but I have enough restraint that I'm not tempted to use it during normal game play as I deem it to be essentially God-mode and if I used it too much then I would start to lose interest in the game. It's a great tool though for testing ship designs quickly. Everyone is different though, it's up to you to decide if using a specific mod has any potential to change the game to be less challenging and maybe too boring to continue playing.

The flip side is that sometimes using a new mod can reinvigorate a game if the game was getting a little stale for you. Throw in some new mods and all of a sudden the game has new features and opportunities.

As everyone else points out, this is a single player game, so it doesn't matter what you do.

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It annoys me to see tweakscaled craft on the forums, because it's hard to judge how big they are when the parts look the same (and I lose all respect when someone says "look how big this craft is" and it's just a normal sized craft tweakscaled much larger). It's much easier to see the size with mods that add larger or smaller parts if that's what you're after. If you don't plan to share them then go ahead with Tweakscale.

If you mean "is it an advantage compared to stock?", then yes it is. Up to you whether to accept that or not.

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