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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Well, SAS only does what you could also do by hands now, so if MechJeb has code for correction that does the same as SAS (or better), SAS is not needed.

Yes, except that as of 0.21 SAS is now better at those things than Mechjeb is. Mechjeb has some basic, fundamental issues with attitude control that just aren't being addressed, probably because nobody seems to actually talk about what the problems are. If you ever watch Mechjeb's inputs at work, ask yourself...is that how *I* would be flying my ship? If it is then you're going to wear out your WASD keys in short order.

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For those with docking autopilot problem you can try 2 things

- search for my patch a few page before

- activate fine manoeuver mode (capslock) . C7 explained here that it change how RCS works in .21 and it seems to help. I'll do some test and see if I can auto activate it in docking mode

Sarbian are you taking over for R4m0n?

If so is there any way to get a known issues posted at the beginning of this thread so we can stop filling it up with the same thing over and over? Like:

- Rockets taking off at an angle - check your navball, right click on top of rocket and select control from here

- map jitterring - download dll fix from bloodyrain2k


Edited by Toyotawolf
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No I'am not. I just do some small patch and build.

Did you PM him ? I don't have any special way to talk to him, and since he is in a different timezone I can't try to talk to him on IRC.

Yes, except that as of 0.21 SAS is now better at those things than Mechjeb is. Mechjeb has some basic, fundamental issues with attitude control that just aren't being addressed, probably because nobody seems to actually talk about what the problems are. If you ever watch Mechjeb's inputs at work, ask yourself...is that how *I* would be flying my ship? If it is then you're going to wear out your WASD keys in short order.

They are addressed. Someone made a patch way before 0.21 but it's not yet in mainline, and I don't know why. Try it if you want, search for my post a few page before.

And there is a big difference between thinking "it's how it should move" and writing code that does it.

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im using 0.21 and 2.0.9MJ, landing assistant lawn darts me straight into mun, even on attempts make an orbit. also not able to select a target body once i get close to mun or any other planet.

super noob btw haha

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Nope, works fine for me and big rockets. Some of my NP2 lifters hit over 60ms2 when the SRBs are almost empty, I limit to 50ms2 and it does it by throttling back the liquid engines. If you only have SRBs of course, it's not going to work.

NM, it's apparently because I'm running FAR. I wish they played nice together, but on the other hand I can just manually do it. I've been so used to letting MJ handle it though that I keep forgetting to throttle down and end up going supersonic at only a few thousand meters lol.

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I tried to integrate the mechjeb functionality in the probe cores by adding the modules in the part.cfg, but now my probe cores are stuck at launch. They don't move one millimeter. If I delete the modul from the part.cfg they move again. :(

Is there a way to solve this problem? I really like the information mechjeb gives my about my orbit und the manoverplanner, but the ar-modul is too big for small probes. :/

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I tried to integrate the mechjeb functionality in the probe cores by adding the modules in the part.cfg, but now my probe cores are stuck at launch. They don't move one millimeter. If I delete the modul from the part.cfg they move again. :(

Is there a way to solve this problem? I really like the information mechjeb gives my about my orbit und the manoverplanner, but the ar-modul is too big for small probes. :/

What are you putting in there? The following should do it:

name = MechJebCore

Or if you have ModuleManager installed, stick the following somewhere in your GameData folder as a *.cfg file. Really doesn't matter where in there it goes or what it's named as long as it has .cfg as an extension and it's located in GameData or a subfolder.

name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore
name = MechJebCore

Edited by Starwaster
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This version of mechjeb has some serious issues. I get floods and floods of null exception errors whenever I have mechjeb as a part on my ships. This is causing the stutter issue worse than ever before. In previous versions it was nearly non existent. Before I could go 4x physical warp with even the largest of my ships and not ever see red. Now, even 2x Pwarp causes the time counter to go red and it's synced with the stutters.

Another new problem is it doesn't seem to want to allow me to go to the tracking station. I can hit the button all day but nothing happens. It forces me to revert the mission.

I have done a fresh install of kerbal and added my mods one at a time. Had no problems until I added mechjeb. When I remove it, everything works fine. I don't have kethane or anything like that installed. Basically, I just have mechjeb and b9 and KSPX.

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This version of mechjeb has some serious issues. I get floods and floods of null exception errors whenever I have mechjeb as a part on my ships. This is causing the stutter issue worse than ever before. In previous versions it was nearly non existent. Before I could go 4x physical warp with even the largest of my ships and not ever see red. Now, even 2x Pwarp causes the time counter to go red and it's synced with the stutters.

Another new problem is it doesn't seem to want to allow me to go to the tracking station. I can hit the button all day but nothing happens. It forces me to revert the mission.

I have done a fresh install of kerbal and added my mods one at a time. Had no problems until I added mechjeb. When I remove it, everything works fine. I don't have kethane or anything like that installed. Basically, I just have mechjeb and b9 and KSPX.

Have you updated to 2.0.9 because that was what I was getting before I upgraded.

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Have you updated to 2.0.9 because that was what I was getting before I upgraded.

Yes. I have the newest version. I'll check again but I'm pretty sure I have the newest build from 6 days ago. Nothing newer on the hub.

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This version of mechjeb has some serious issues. I get floods and floods of null exception errors whenever I have mechjeb as a part on my ships. This is causing the stutter issue worse than ever before...

Try installing BloodyRain2k's patch. This fixed all the 0.21 issues that seem to be linked to mechjeb for me.

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Surely I've missed something here... but ascent auto pilot has yet to get me above 8km using auto throttle only (orbit of 120km set). I've tried everything from asparagus to good ol' multistacks when it comes to launching, I even read the manual! .Every time somebody dies (well a probe core, but probes are people too right?) With my asparagus launcher, (3 inner radial tanks that split off to 2 more each, 10 engines total with the center one) auto pilot tries to go west and then up into oblivion before spinning end over end until out of fuel. The stock multistacks I tested make a B-Line for a dirt nap, and more than a few should've exposed some mantle. Does the auto pilot "learn" or something? Or am I just dong it wrong? All the vehicles I tested are orbit ready if I do a manual run, each one makes it to at least 150Km, a few will pull out to solar orbit if i forget to stop the burn. In the words of the great Jeb... "Halp!"

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Surely I've missed something here... but ascent auto pilot has yet to get me above 8km using auto throttle only (orbit of 120km set)...

There's too much that could be wrong for anyone to answer your question unless you provide more information. Wobbly rockets, too little or too much SAS torque, too little or too much control surfaces, excessive thrust, etc. Please post a craft file and a list of the mods needed to load the file. Or, if your design is rock-solid, try changing ascent profile values and judge how they affect your final orbit. If your rocket is solid but the ascent profile is off, you should still get to space but you could end up off of your target orbit. The autopilot doesn't learn, and is remarkably consistent with a stable rocket.

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Seeing as how I'm new to the .craft file thing (gonna search how to upload after this post) I think it might be better to narrow my questions. All are assuming I've only set auto throttle on. A) Am I solely responsible for my roll? B) I mainly use asparagus launch systems, and therefore like manual stage control, is this messing with the auto pilot or will it adapt on the fly? C) Is auto throttle not also a flight path controller? aka Is it just adjusting my throttle based on where I'm pointing? I suppose what I really want to know is what are the limits of the "ai?" What does it look at for each sparameter and how does it respond?

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I remember reading somewhere that the fault is because you have mechjeb on an angle.. - before you take off, right click on your pod and go control from here, I think from memory that fixes the problem...

Do you know something... this is actually the reason my ship was taking off at an angle. It's even a reasonable failure too because in real life it could be the gyros inside Mechjeb being tilted. Using the "Control From Here" is also similar to re-caging the gyros to neutral from the position you are in.

KSP and MechJeb is making me jawdrop every time I come across something new... even the problems we come across have real world implications. :cool:

Thanks to everyone who pointed out the "fix" for this issue. Was driving me nuts for a while.

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Is it possible to turn off mechjeb auto-gear when landing

Not that I know of... but I disable the landing sequence at 1000m and come in on translatron keep vertical at slower and slower speeds and then move to where I want to actually land anyway. More fun and was how the Apollo pilots did it. Mechjeb can do it but can make a lot of mistakes on uneven terrain.

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I'm not a C# guru but on the docking module source it seems that you have a hard coded speed limit of 1 in the docking autopilot. so if you enter anything above 1 it defautls to .2 ?? I can see that would be nice so if you type 100 by accident the craft won't deorbit. but I think 1 is little low maybe 5 would fine.

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Does the newest version of Mechjeb 2 have docking yet? I downloaded a new version and it had no docking... with orda dead that kinda means I can't dock XD

MJ 2.0.9's Docking Autopilot works fine for me, especially when used in conjunction with the latest version of Romfarer's Lazor Docking Cam.

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