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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  modernwar90 said:
What would I be doing wrong with them? I don't see how you can use docking ports wrong so MechJeb doesn't work because of them... I just click them onto the side of a rockomax hubmax like you're supposed to... I even manually set the MechJeb pod "control from here".

If you're using the MJ pod itself as the control point, and it's not aligned so that when the ship is on the pad the navball is 'straight up' and all blue, the ship won't fly right. You have to set control to a pod or docking port or other part that's aligned with the thrust axis. You only want to set control to a side mounted docking port when you're doing things like docking.

Which by the way is NOT the problem I'm having with MechJeb's not working with a Kethane salvage craft that has two 16K tanks but works fine with one that has two 8K tanks.

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I just did a test of a KSP install with no mods other than the latest MechJeb build, MJ put on the pods with Module Manager and Hyperedit so I don't have to launch and fly test ships all the way.

A very simple, newly made craft http://pastebin.com/YSAS0PHd with a new name so there's no profile for it. Popped it to a 20KM Mun orbit then I tried to use Maneuver Planner to change the inclination to 2 degrees.

What happened? Exactly the same issue I've been having with my main KSP setup. It warped to the node and started to do the burn correctly but when it got down to 0.3 m/sec left it cut the engine to idle, aimed the exhaust at the Mun then sat there gently wobbling around. Sometimes it doesn't even start the maneuver correctly, it'll just aim the engine at the Mun then do the idle and wobble thing.

Output log from that flight. http://pastebin.com/dv70aHnU

Edit- I bet it's something hyperedit is or is not doing when it moves a craft. Just hit me that with .23.5 maneuver planner has failed to work correctly with every craft I have moved with hyperedit but has worked with crafts I have launched and used MJ to fly to their destination.

Edited by Galane
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Hello all. first post. Where do i put the icons folder that is in the mechjeb download? Do i put the parts into the parts folder in the gamedata folder or the parts folder in the ksp folder? Just got back to ksp after a year off so dying to try all this new stuff but i need mechjeb to enjoy myself

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Inquiry: what is the suggested KSP approach procedures for using Spaceplane Guidance autoland? Should I be at a specific distance, specific altitude, glide angle, how should my prograde vector be positioned in relation to the ILS target, etc etc.

Searched all over, can't find a good guide on how to use it.

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Is it just me or has MechJeb become a bit 'wonky' lately? Running KSP v and Mechjeb 2- (from the latest devbuild, same problems as with the 2.2.1 release) brand new installs of KSP and mechjeb

And it seems to simply ignore the Force Roll option when using docking autopilot :(

Another problem I have noticed is when using the transfer to other planet option. it sets a course with about 3times the thust needed and tries to blast staight into Kerbin. it does however set the correct course if I wait until about 15 mins until the burn and clears it and creates a new node. (tested towards Duna and Eve)

It also doesn't set correct inclination anylonger for transfers to MinMus or to Moho (only tested towards those) resulting in a massive course correction needed

These issues I think started appearing after the KSP 0.23 version, never had any of these problems before.

Anyone else noticing these issues or is there something I'm missing?


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  Pondafarr said:
Inquiry: what is the suggested KSP approach procedures for using Spaceplane Guidance autoland? Should I be at a specific distance, specific altitude, glide angle, how should my prograde vector be positioned in relation to the ILS target, etc etc.

Searched all over, can't find a good guide on how to use it.

It automatically adjusts itself from anywhere in the atmosphere. I've goofed around with it a bit and had my spaceplane trying to dive straight down from 30km so be careful about where you activate it. Otherwise, just line up the runways generally at an intelligent approach, hit the button, and find out if you're balanced good. Note: It doesn't compensate for nose gear lift, it always tries to land flat, so if your nose gear is longer than your rear gears, you're gonna have to flare it yourself just before touchdown.

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  Hedd said:
It automatically adjusts itself from anywhere in the atmosphere. I've goofed around with it a bit and had my spaceplane trying to dive straight down from 30km so be careful about where you activate it. Otherwise, just line up the runways generally at an intelligent approach, hit the button, and find out if you're balanced good. Note: It doesn't compensate for nose gear lift, it always tries to land flat, so if your nose gear is longer than your rear gears, you're gonna have to flare it yourself just before touchdown.

It does work better with planes that have thrust going than it does flying a powerless glider. It's somewhat like the earliest autoland systems on airliners. It can get on course and glide path to the runway but it's still up to the pilot to run the throttle and the brakes. I put some jet engines on my Rocko Monster SRB glider so MechJeb will fly it instead of dropping it nozzle first into the ocean. Once it gets it onto the path it's happy with I can pop the jets off and sit back and watch it do a perfect deadstick landing.

Something to note, a parachute on the back end does nothing at all to yank a glider out of tail down attitude, even with landing autopilot off it doesn't help much once a glider is going down backwards. I tried that because some real planes have used parachutes as an emergency aid to get them out of flat spins or other situations where there's not enough airflow over the control surfaces to regain control of the aircraft.

I'd like to see a glidepath virtual HUD so a plane or glider could be manually flown into the position MechJeb can take over from.

Real ALS has systems to guide the pilots to the correct altitude/distance for the computers to be able to take over. Newer automatic flight systems are good enough to run the entire flight from start of takeoff roll to landing and full stop. I wouldn't be surprised if the newest ones can also taxi to and from the runway. Look up on Youtube the first Airbus A380 landing at SFO. There's a cockpit video showing the pilot hardly ever touching the sidestick. Some of the time he's using a keyboard - when it's not folded down under the instrument panel. I wonder if they can fly the plane with WASD? ;)

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I've encountered something I haven't seen before. After installing build 257 (I always extract the entire new zip over my old one) every time I make a maneuver, lock in on the node and timewarp to the burn, my ships can no longer stay locked on the node during the timewarp. It wobbles around A LOT and has to re-lock on the node after coming out of timewarp. That's never happened before. Anyone else getting this?

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  Hedd said:
It automatically adjusts itself from anywhere in the atmosphere. I've goofed around with it a bit and had my spaceplane trying to dive straight down from 30km so be careful about where you activate it. Otherwise, just line up the runways generally at an intelligent approach, hit the button, and find out if you're balanced good. Note: It doesn't compensate for nose gear lift, it always tries to land flat, so if your nose gear is longer than your rear gears, you're gonna have to flare it yourself just before touchdown.

reduce throttle a little before touchdown. It will flare. It has to or it will touch down short of the runway.

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  Holocus said:
Another problem I have noticed is when using the transfer to other planet option. it sets a course with about 3times the thust needed and tries to blast staight into Kerbin. it does however set the correct course if I wait until about 15 mins until the burn and clears it and creates a new node. (tested towards Duna and Eve)

It also doesn't set correct inclination anylonger for transfers to MinMus or to Moho (only tested towards those) resulting in a massive course correction needed

These issues I think started appearing after the KSP 0.23 version, never had any of these problems before.

Anyone else noticing these issues or is there something I'm missing?


I have the suicide plunge into Kerbin on occasion, as well as the inflated dV. If the dV seems off, I just time warp a bit and try again.

I have also done a mission to Minimus and had the same problem as you.

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hello all i have a question regarding RCS Throttle...how do i turn of that so that the RCS doesent start when i;am out of fuel i;am using #257 developer version

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  futrtrubl said:
For Minmus at least are you doing a plane matching maneuver before doing the Hohmann transfer?


Actually I havent tried that, don't go to Minmus that often, just did it as a check. MechJeb used to fix that earlier though!

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  Holocus said:
Actually I havent tried that, don't go to Minmus that often, just did it as a check. MechJeb used to fix that earlier though!

You don't have to do a plane match, you can do a fine tune closest approach after doing the transfer burn, but the angle you intercept at will be anywhere but equatorial.

1. Match planes

2. Transfer burn

3. Fine tune closest approach (optionally aim for aerobake/capture if destination has atmo)

4. Circularize after passing the intercept marker, too early and it'll try to circularize around the body you are leaving

I like to aim the intercept *at* the target rather than *around* it. That way any bits the rocket sheds afterwards are very likely to be self disposing. A fine tune can be done after to miss it.

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Question. Is the location of the runway and launchpad hard coded? I'm using the MoveKSC mod and MJ still thinks it's in the stock location. If it's in a settings file somewhere, i'm blind. So right now using the spaceplane guidance is less than helpful.

If it's not, I'd like to make a feature request :)

On the landing assistant, make the the button for [Target KSC] a dropdown with a list that could be configureable either from a GUI or just a config file.

Right now, i've placed flags as markers for landing zones for returning stages and flags off the end of my runway to help me.

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I downloaded the new version MechJeb, and I discovered a new bug, which previously did not have.

On the right side of the screen I have no control bar, so I can not turn on any panel. Panels that were turned on, disappeared.

On the MechJeb lit red control, and do not work any options that were previously on, such as speed limits, or overload (acceleration) limit.

New version I just rewrote the old place (on Gamedata folder), but when I discovered the error, I tried to solve the problem completely deleting MechJeb and expanding new download. Unfortunately, I still have the same result.

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  Alfik said:
I downloaded the new version MechJeb, and I discovered a new bug, which previously did not have.

On the right side of the screen I have no control bar, so I can not turn on any panel. Panels that were turned on, disappeared.

On the MechJeb lit red control, and do not work any options that were previously on, such as speed limits, or overload (acceleration) limit.

New version I just rewrote the old place (on Gamedata folder), but when I discovered the error, I tried to solve the problem completely deleting MechJeb and expanding new download. Unfortunately, I still have the same result.

I have to add my 2 cents in as well

for i am having the same issue, i'm using career mode and so far all i see is a tiny black dot where as if i click on it nothing happens. if i click an hold, some times i can get the little box to expand ( in a few different sizes i mite add ) but i can not get the control panel or task bar to show up.

I have researched a large portion of the tech so i got what i believe to be most of mechjeb researched.

i went back to curse and re read the instructions but after redownloading, and reinstalling the mod, its still the same issue.

took a couple pictures of it.

Outside my first space station, got it together before the last update when mechjeb was working


this one i got in a bit closer


and this is of my new lander, you can easily see the black dot on the solar panel


this is before i joined my space station together and the last update.

can clearly see the MJ button, same place as in the enw version but now its just a black dot instead of a button.


hope this helps for i love this addon. got me into orbit first time and learned how to stay there. course i still cant dock with out it lol

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Hi, have got some problems with exploding solar panels at ascent, using Mods BTSM and Deadly Reentry. I assume its a G-Force limit. Can you add "show g-force" and "limit g-force" functionality? Would be pretty nice. It seems that it get calculated by acceleration, not sure about that.

Limiting terminal and acceleration to 35m/s² (or terminal alone to 40) does the job with my current vessel, but thats only a workaround. Btsm and Deadly Reentry seem to utilize a different terminal speed table too.

edit: nevermind. seems the limit is exactly at 30m/s².


cfg file inside mechjebs directoy with

name = MechJebCore

adds mechjeb functionality to every vessel without the need to add the module. I believe this really should be there by default.

Edited by Tahib
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Just did more testing, using old, all stock parts, crafts I put together in .21

If I launch to Kerbin orbit then move the ship with Hyperedit, Maneuver Planner and Rendezvous Autopilot work.

If I launch to Kerbin orbit and use Mechjeb to do maneuvers, it works. If I use Mechjeb to fly to the Mun, it still works.

If I just pluck a ship off the launchpad to orbit with Hyperedit, they fail to work properly. This go-round I had rendezvous AP doing a plane change that went directly to a full throttle Mun escape, and another where it didn't even begin to do it correctly, just aimed the engine at Mun and burned. I tried several times, reverting to launch or VAB - every time Mechjeb's maneuvering won't work properly with a Hyperedit "launched" craft.

The problem only appears to be with ships that have NOT launched. Is there some new thing in .23.5 that gets set when a rocket or plane leaves the pad or runway under its own power? Something that Hyperedit isn't setting when it's used to teleport a craft to an orbit?

Whatever is being buggy, it's preventing me from using Hyperedit, which a real damper on testing since the only way I can use Mechjeb is to fly things to places the long way.

So I'll fly a ship out to salvage the 32K Kethane from the lander in Mun orbit, which was the original plan to prepare for IR .16, but that still leaves me unable to do Moho lander testing, my next target after going to Eve and back. (Which is going to get a major rework on the transfer ship using Kerbodyne and ThunderMax or ThunderMaximus pieces to reduce parts count to something manageable.)

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If you haven't done so already, I suggest you report this to the Hyperedit people. In the meantime, have you tried strapping the thing you want to launch to a large booster (large enough to get it a few hundred metres into the air) and then launch it, decouple the payload and then hyperedit it into orbit from atmospheric flight?

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What does the countdown timer on the ascent autopilot do? Bit of an odd question I agree but it doesn't seem to do anything (unless it's a hidden action) when I select "Launch to rendezvous".

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  rosenkranz said:
Question. Is the location of the runway and launchpad hard coded? I'm using the MoveKSC mod and MJ still thinks it's in the stock location. If it's in a settings file somewhere, i'm blind. So right now using the spaceplane guidance is less than helpful.

If it's not, I'd like to make a feature request :)

On the landing assistant, make the the button for [Target KSC] a dropdown with a list that could be configureable either from a GUI or just a config file.

Right now, i've placed flags as markers for landing zones for returning stages and flags off the end of my runway to help me.

seconded, especially with multiple launch centers being possible now in RSS and others.

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  djnattyd said:
What does the countdown timer on the ascent autopilot do? Bit of an odd question I agree but it doesn't seem to do anything (unless it's a hidden action) when I select "Launch to rendezvous".

Before launch, MJ auto-warps until the target is in an appropriate position for launch. If you set a countdown timer then it ends the auto-warp soon enough that the last seconds of the countdown happen at 1x warp. Without the countdown setting, you will get 4 or 5 seconds at 1x, but no more.

In other words, it's for Roleplayers who want to do their best NASA Mission countdown. :) I like it. :)

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