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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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  sarbian said:
You bet wrong because MJ pulls the value from the game.

When you say "to the east" you mean 20 meters or km ? The stock parachute have a problem and they give less drag than they should, so the ship is slowing down less than MJ simulation expect.

Targeted at the pad (using the button in the LGAP), I consistently landed just to the east of where the pad structure sloped down to the base (the part which eventually slopes down to the ground itself). Prior to .024 and the current dev build I hit the center of the launch grid 99% of the time.

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  Prismatech said:
What's going on with mechjeb controls like a lunatic. no engine-control. orientation is not working well. itself in all he makes crap.

What's going on is you can receive no help unless you say something useful. You can cry all day, without logs and a reliable way to repeat this "lunatic" behavior there's nothing anybody can do.

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i can nolog have when its no written. mechejb over steer when orbit high stop not thrusters. i have idee mom. make youtube video.

The horror fly at carreere mode:


edit : test mechjeb other rocket in sandbox is funktionell (hurra)

Think now its the rocket that not can steere or what? self mechjeb have a problem test it with a other rocket.

Edited by Prismatech
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Hey . can someone tell me why my mechjeb wont load? like ive tried allot what you guys have said but no matter what i do it doesnt load into the R&D . and it doesnt seem to load on the loading screen.

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Do you have the MechJeb2 parts available in Sandbox mode? If not, you may have installed it improperly.

If the MJ parts are there, but you want normal command parts to include MJ functionality, you'll need to create a .cfg file and place it in the /GameData/MechJeb2/ folder so ModuleManager knows add MJ to those parts.

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  SilverlightPony said:
Do you have the MechJeb2 parts available in Sandbox mode? If not, you may have installed it improperly.

If the MJ parts are there, but you want normal command parts to include MJ functionality, you'll need to create a .cfg file and place it in the /GameData/MechJeb2/ folder so ModuleManager knows add MJ to those parts.

it does but how do i get it to show up in career mode?

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It's got something to do with that .cfg file, but I haven't used Career mode much, so I'm not sure of the details. Flip through the last few pages of this thread, I think the info is in there. Or maybe someone else will come along and give you the answer.

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To all who have MJ not showing up : open your KSP.log and search for :

Attempting to replace PartModule 'MechJebCore' with 'XXXXXX' (the XXX part change)

If you get that then you stumbled upon a bug in .24 and I can't do anything for you. You ll have to wait for a KSP patch.

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  sarbian said:
To all who have MJ not showing up : open your KSP.log and search for :

Attempting to replace PartModule 'MechJebCore' with 'XXXXXX' (the XXX part change)

If you get that then you stumbled upon a bug in .24 and I can't do anything for you. You ll have to wait for a KSP patch.

Wow thats a pretty severe bug. Is it something Squad is aware of and working on, or are we talking .025 ​here?

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Now have i make a minimal installation follow addons ar installed.










Bug : Throttle not used from mechjeb (self´steering is funktional)

message at KSP log:

[ERR 22:33:15.517] MechJeb moduleRegistry creation threw an exception in LoadComputerModules loading MechJebRPM, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at MuMech.MechJebCore.LoadComputerModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[ERR 22:33:15.596] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'BuildEngineer'

[ERR 22:33:15.597] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FlightEngineer'

[LOG 22:33:15.611] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part/mumech_MJ2_AR202_features1'

[LOG 22:33:15.619] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'MechJeb2/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part/mumech_MJ2_AR202_features2'

use this for implant mechjeb in commandmoduls: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221500-mechjeb-and-engineer-for-all

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  sarbian said:
Hum, yes. I forgot to mention it but I sent them the details and how to duplicate it on stock.

Whats the root cause here? I'm no programmer but that seems like an odd thing for the stock game to be doing. I haven't even touched .24 yet as it seems to have broken pretty much everything, and no MechJeb is a bit of a game killer for anything "serious."

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hmmmm, just come across a huge bug in 2.3.0 version...

Trying to get to Minmus for first time in career, but MJ seems to be locked onto Mun as the only target?!

For 2.0, I was impatient and grabbed the quickly updated version of the .dll file, and everything worked, in fact I had extra maneuver options... now I'm back to the same maneuver options I had in the first place, and this bug is forcing me to manually work out manuevers (lazy, I know, but isn't that one of the reasons some of us love mechjeb? hehe :wink:)

EDIT: I could be wrong about the maneuver options... they seem to have moved in the list :sealed:

EDIT 2: oops, 32-bit... not tried 64-bit yet!

Edited by Cmdr. Arn1e
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  Cmdr. Arn1e said:
hmmmm, just come across a huge bug in 2.3.0 version...

Trying to get to Minmus for first time in career, but MJ seems to be locked onto Mun as the only target?!

For 2.0, I was impatient and grabbed the quickly updated version of the .dll file, and everything worked, in fact I had extra maneuver options... now I'm back to the same maneuver options I had in the first place, and this bug is forcing me to manually work out manuevers (lazy, I know, but isn't that one of the reasons some of us love mechjeb? hehe :wink:)

cant confirm that my mechjeb works fine on minmus win 64bit

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2.3.0 Version, running on 32-bit 0.24 KSP.

Mechjeb Bug: Selecting Land Anywhere with the landing module while flying over water, Kerbin, , distance to surface is miscalculated by an additional 1,000 meters, or so. This means no landing thrusters, resulting in catastrophic crash. Tested multiple times from a variety of orbital trajectories. Landing over land seems to work perfect, over water, disaster.

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MJ 2.3.0 -- KSP 0.24 -- Linux 64-bit

Playing now for a full day...

Need to report some consistent general goofyness in MJ behavior when running Career-Contracts mode. MJ AGAP doesn't want to control the throttle during ascent. It keeps the throttle at the game setting (50%) throughout the ascent, and allows the engine to run at the same setting in the coast-to-apoapsis phase. This, obviously, throws the apoapsis well above the desired altitude.

Looked through the logfile on my latest run, and there were no ERR messages for any MuMech or MechJeb items. Looks like the latest FAR build is having a bad hair day, though. Bunch of NREs, but none appeared to be associated with MJ.

The Toolbar integration is also having hiccups. If I have to "Revert To Launch" a bunch of MJ module buttons suddenly disappear. I can restore them via a trip through the tracking station.

If I can spot anything directly MJ-related in the logs, I'll post.

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  Fiontar said:
2.3.0 Version, running on 32-bit 0.24 KSP.

Mechjeb Bug: Selecting Land Anywhere with the landing module while flying over water, Kerbin, , distance to surface is miscalculated by an additional 1,000 meters, or so. This means no landing thrusters, resulting in catastrophic crash. Tested multiple times from a variety of orbital trajectories. Landing over land seems to work perfect, over water, disaster.

Ah, I came here to post exactly this. Same deal. MJ 2.3.0, 32 bit KSP. I'm not seeing any Mechjeb related errors in the log.


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I cant even seem to get to the main menu with MechJeb installed..

Game crashes every time right after loading, removing the MechJeb folder fixes that crash.

Too many pages to read trough in this topic, so if there already is a solution to this, could someone please point me to it? :)

2.3.0 Version ofc, running x64 KSP...

Edited by Lucchese
No version no support it seems
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  Fiontar said:
2.3.0 Version, running on 32-bit 0.24 KSP.

Mechjeb Bug: Selecting Land Anywhere with the landing module while flying over water, Kerbin, , distance to surface is miscalculated by an additional 1,000 meters, or so. This means no landing thrusters, resulting in catastrophic crash. Tested multiple times from a variety of orbital trajectories. Landing over land seems to work perfect, over water, disaster.

Good catch. I'll try to not forget to fix that one

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Hi Sarbian,

I have been battling for a few days now trying to get KSP x64 to run and updated my mods to 0.24 version I have suceeded right up until I add mechjeb v2.3.0 and then it dies on the launch screen after almost completing the load. If I load just the squad parts it loads, with mods installed its a no go I have uploaded my log files to media fire https://www./?6tcl74221cujd7n,525wf6npy8ssag8 in the hope it helps you identify the problem please advise if you need any more or wish me to replicate the problem.



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lttle as k i use a cfg for implant MJ in my pods or probs must the old cfg file change for 0.24?







MechJebModuleCustomWindowEditor { unlockTechs = flightControl }

MechJebModuleSmartASS { unlockTechs = flightControl }

MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleNodeEditor { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleTranslatron { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleWarpHelper { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleAttitudeAdjustment { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleThrustWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleRCSBalancerWindow { unlockTechs = advFlightControl }

MechJebModuleRoverWindow { unlockTechs = fieldScience }

MechJebModuleAscentGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleLandingGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = unmannedTech }

MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

MechJebModuleRendezvousAutopilotWindow { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }

MechJebModuleRendezvousGuidance { unlockTechs = advUnmanned }








name = BuildEngineer







name = FlightEngineer



hope you can help

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