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[PART, 1.0.2] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - Historical thread


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Has anyone found a decent launch profile with MechJeb yet? Just for fun I did the default setting which was a gravity turn at 10k and well that was disastrous :P I didn't have time to further test but I was curious to see if anyone has found something that works well with the new aero.

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Has anyone found a decent launch profile with MechJeb yet? Just for fun I did the default setting which was a gravity turn at 10k and well that was disastrous :P I didn't have time to further test but I was curious to see if anyone has found something that works well with the new aero.

What I use is automatic altitude turn all the way to the left, end turn altitude to 0, turn shape 40. Haven't gotten real far in making rockets yet though, so I don't really know as far as performance. Seems to work ok though.

Edit: Any thoughts on having MJ work well with RealChutes? I know you'd have to get all of the other issues out of the way first.

Edited by smjjames
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Has anyone found a decent launch profile with MechJeb yet? Just for fun I did the default setting which was a gravity turn at 10k and well that was disastrous :P I didn't have time to further test but I was curious to see if anyone has found something that works well with the new aero.

A couple were posted 6 pages back but I will repost mine:

Turn end = 50

end angle = 0

turn shape =50

Limit AoA = 5

Corrective steering = Off, always off and never anything other than off.

Turn start depends on TWR, anywhere from off the pad to 7km.

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Ok the windows bug is fixed in the dev release. Lagopus the one you had in your previous post is a different one and I don't really see how it can happen...

What about the one (well, two actually) that I posted a few pages back?

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How come corrective steering always off?

Because I have never ever found an ascent where it doesn't increase dV needed, and I have done a lot of tests. It can make some extreme enough changes that you might loose control (though with AoA limit it is less likely, but with AoA limit it is less useful) especially with new aero. The only thing it is good for is making sure the ascent gets on the correct inclination as MJ always gets that wrong, always off by 6 degrees at 90 desired inclination.

AoA limit is really important with the new aero. Not only might you loose control at larger AoAs but you will also have more drag leading to less efficient launches.

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Sarbian, major bug! The atmospheric stats no longer show for deltaV readout in VAB/SPH. Build 434

It does show on launchpad though.

Also, observation, the supposedly bugged vessel TWR is actually the atmospheric TWR (even though it doesn't actually say that) because it matches KERs atmospheric TWR data. For Kerbin anyway.

Edited by smjjames
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Terminal Vel and Atmo stats in the VAB also fixed in #435

Thanks. :)

I'll also check out the terminal velocity thing, was trying to use it to see what the best acceleration limit would be.

Edited by smjjames
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Hey guys, so i just installed mechjeb on a fresh install ... its the only mod i got right now. and basically the plane is all over the place when smart a.s.s. is on ... its like its over correcting, and well ... you can imagine it ends up badly with the new physics.

any idea how to correct it?

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I naively :blush: think it is very easy to implement a new skin featuring:

  • 100% transparent windows, window borders, title bars, buttons and input fields.
  • All text matching "Est. Burn/Node in T" in font, size, and color.
  • Tight line-spacing.
  • Buttons and input fields just thin green outlines.
  • Use only bold font to indicate selections/active states.

Bonus for changing all solid triangles (◀▶▼) to be their outline equivalents (â—Ââ–·â–½)

This would make MechJeb supply a highly customizable HUD with no need for any other HUDs.

Edit : to the other poster. I read your post. I won't do more large change until 1.0 is out.

Being that it has been a month and a half; just a friendly reminder. Obviously you have a lot to catch up to on KSP's most important mod...

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Adding to the ascent profile discussion:

In 0.90+FAR, I had good success executing true gravity turns using SmartASS as follows. First, rotate the vessel in the VAB so it's aligned due east. On the pad but before launch, engage SURF mode, with the appropriate heading (90 for a normal equatorial orbit) and pitch of 90. Press execute.

Decide on your pitch-over angle. For a rocket with initial TWR around 1.6, I found 3-4 degrees with a pitchover about 100m above the pad to work well. I haven't spent enough time yet with NewStock aero to know what's best.

Pre-input the pitchover maneuver into the SURF input. E.g. for a 4-degree pitchover, change pitch to 90-4=86. Don't press execute.

Launch as usual. At the appropriate moment, execute the maneuver. (You can cue this by speed or altitude. We're going by heuristics here; I don't believe anybody's made a gravity turn calculator yet.)

Watch the navball closely; once the surface prograde indicator is lined up with the vessel's heading, switch to SVEL+ mode to maintain a 0-degree angle of attack (which is the essence of the gravity turn). If your rocket is aerodynamically stable, you can and should turn off SmartASS once you reach a few hundred m/s and turn it back on once you leave the atmosphere.

Lather, rinse, change your pitchover angle, and repeat until you reach orbit efficiently.

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It would be very interesting if you guys could make some sort of code to make it so that when your craft is re entering the atmosphere it gets the trajectory as close to the designated landing zone as possible, but when the craft reaches a set parameter, for instance when craft starts to get to a certain temperature, the landing autopilot goes into "reentry" mode, where it points the craft retrograde until the temp falls below the predetermined cutoff. Then, it will enter the final landing stage, where gears are deployed, chutes opened, and the final approach is made, that way it is designed to be used with the new heat shields. Any thoughts on this?

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KSP 1.0 + MechJeb 2.5, I get:

[EXC 18:12:49.707] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.GetManeuverNodes ()
MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID)
UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)

When trying to open the Maneuver Node Planner/Editor.


Seems to happen only when you haven't unlocked the Maneuver Nodes in Career mode. Works fine in Sandbox. The mod should open the window and display a message instead of throwing exceptions. But functionally it's fine. :)

Edited by Zeenobit
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The game should not set important value to null when a functionality is disabled, that would work even better....

To the others, again: no log, no fix. And provide vessel save too.

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