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Capt'n Skunky

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While some store glitch won\'t let me upgrade to .16 (I\'m weeping as we speak), I set out to beat my previous record for non-fatal rover jumps. Figure #1: Position of parked marker vehicle at edge of impressive cliff. Figure #2: Looking in direction of jump (marker vehicle next to navball). Figure #3: Moment of launch. Figure #4: Yeah, I think Minmus escape velocity beats my old record of 34.8km. Figure #5: On the way to Kerbin orbit. Who needs rockets?

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Lol, I just sent Jeb into a stable orbit from the surface of minmus with just his suit RCS... Now I am going to have to send a ship to rendezvous pick him up.



*edit* Successful rescue




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My first EVA on Minmus, much like Awaras:

After a quick play around with what I could get, altitude-wise, I refreshed fuel in the pod and did this:


I call it 'I can see my house from here' -- a 14.7km x 15.0 km orbit. And guess what?


He stuck the landing. I wound up almost 4km from the lander, so I put a heavy object on \'W\' and waited more than an hour to get him back to the pod.

The lack of a navball in orbit is somewhat disconcerting. But I just thought, 'What Would Jeb Do?' and carried on by eyeball.

I bet if you shot for a very low (~8 km) orbit, you\'d have oodles of fuel left. I think the mesas on Minmus approach 5km, so much lower might be infeasible.


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Gentlemen, behold!


The Lupa-01 Munar Lander. Launches with 3, seats 7, can rescue either 4, or 2 and leave 2 one-kerbal munar shelters on the surface.

And here we have a slightly improved Lupa-01 rescuing 4 stranded kerbals...


...1 from the first landing that stayed behind in a deployed shelter, plus 3 from the first ship than came to pick them up.

(1 having already boarded)

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