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Why can't I complete this contract?

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I made it all the way to Eeloo for this and for some reason it's decided I don't meet the criteria.

I built this rocket and launched it after taking the contract. You can see the docking port. You can't see the antenna, but it's on the back and I just used it to make sure. There are two fuel cells on board and plenty of fuel.


(meanwhile, the nuclear tug floats idle in orbit, with solar panels on the verge of overheating for no reason at all)

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I think, there´s a known bug where fuel cells won´t count as power generation for contracts. Just hit Alt+F12 for the cheat menu, go to contracts and complete it this way ;) If its completed, its completed, even if the game thinks different

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Are the fuel cells producing power?

Not at the time of taking the screenshot, but I turned then both on and nothing happened.

I think, there´s a known bug where fuel cells won´t count as power generation for contracts. Just hit Alt+F12 for the cheat menu, go to contracts and complete it this way ;) If its completed, its completed, even if the game thinks different

Rage inducing.

Well, a single solar panel would have been enough, but I see none.

It appears you are correct, and as far as I'm concerned that makes it a bugged contract. The nuclear tug floating in orbit has a series of solar panels for use at the parts of the mission closer to Kerbin, but since this is Eeloo, I don't think it's fair to claim they are "generating power".

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The problem with that is that the tug has solar panels, so I had a "tick" at launch, and all the way to orbit.

With this interference you can test staging away rockets and then check the criterion only on payload

But I admit I don't often do this either

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The issue at hand is that there are several methods of creating power in the code. The first one is ModuleDeployableSolarPanel which obviously generates electricity when light exists (ignore the "deployable" part, all solar panels use this module).

The second is ModuleGenerator which generates some resource always or can be switched on and off (the RTG use this one).

ModuleAlternator is used by the engines to generate EC when active. This one is intentionally not counted as the contract requirement.

The final is a new one which was added as part of the ISRU, ModuleResourceConvert which removes one resource and adds another. Since this one is new, it was added after the contract system and Squad forgot to add a check to the contract. It's an easy mistake when you think about it but hopefully it's fixed in 1.0.5.

Edited by Alshain
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I believe you can see if this particular clause of the contract is met in the VAB while designing your base.

But I'm with the Alt-F12 crowd. It ain't cheating if it fixes a bug.

Thanks, that's what I've done.

As above though, in the VAB, the requirements were met because I had a tug with solar panels. I watched electricity drain to 0 as it left eeloo and sit on 0 all the way until it was inside dres' orbit before it ramped up to full. It's more than clear that it wasn't sane to refer to as "generating power".

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