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Collect anonymous usage data (parts, planets) for game-balance feedback to Squad

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Admit it, there are a fair number of parts that you never, ever use-- either because you just don't have a use for them, or else they have bad numbers that make them unattractive. Some of that will just be player-specific idiosyncrasy, but I'm willing to bet that there are some parts that just don't get much use from anyone.

  • QBE probe core (OKTO2 is just more convenient shape)
  • Mk2 lander can, in landers (it's just too freakishly heavy)
  • Aerospike engine, until recently (had a crappy TWR)
  • Flea SRB, beyond the first launch (seriously, what's it good for?)
  • Engine pre-cooler and nacelle
  • Mk3-to-Mk2 adapter (what's with the freaky asymmetric shape?)
  • Stratus-V cylindrified monopropellant tank (I never need that much, and if I do, I use one of the stack tanks)
  • Structural Pylon (200 kg? seriously? why?)
  • The Not-Rockomax Micronode
  • ...the list goes on.

Similarly, there are locations that tend not to get visited much... how long has it been since you last visited Dres?

Clearly, Squad wants to fix obvious gaps, and from time to time they go back and revisit parts when they get a lot of feedback (like the greatly-improved TWR of the aerospike engine in the most recent pass).

However, it seems to me that they could do a lot better if they could see what people are actually using out there. Lots of software these days collects anonymous usage statistics-- seems like KSP could get benefit from something like this. It would work as follows:

  • It would be an opt-in feature that pops up the first time you run KSP. If you change your mind later, you can go back to Settings to switch it.
  • When active, it collects statistics from your play time. Whenever you're controlling a ship: how many of which parts does it have on it? Where are you when you're using the ship (e.g. which body, which biome, what situation)? What mods do you have active? Which order do you research tech nodes in? What contract types do you accept? Do you use the strategies from that building I never visit? Which ones? How often do you use the various game features-- do you ever use the "F" key in the VAB, or do you never use it because you had no idea that the feature existed?
  • The statistics are accumulated, and periodically are sent off to Squad.

If designed properly, it wouldn't be that much of a data load, just a few K sent once a day, or something like that.

This would allow Squad to see patterns in the data, such as:

  • Are there parts that very few people use? if so, may be worth investigating to find out why-- do they need a rebalance?
  • Are there places that very few people go? (I'm looking at you, Dres.) May be worth increasing rewards, or figure out a way to make them more interesting.
  • Are there mods that lots and lots of people are using? May be worth looking what they provide-- does the game need to add something like what they provide?
  • Are there really under-used features? Maybe there are discoverability issues and the UI needs some attention?

It's the kind of thing that would let Squad see what their players are really doing. Certainly the forums can be a useful feedback mechanism, but a small minority of people tend to be very vocal (I'm one of them!), and may or may not be representative of the community as a whole.

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Yeah let's go more big brother and send (secretly) more user data to companies.

No thanks.

What "secretly"? Make it an opt-in feature, nobody's going to send any data at all unless they specifically say "yes, please send this.". If it bothers you that Squad would know that you prefer Twin-Boars to Mainsails, then say no. Personally, I would love Squad to know which parts or features I do or don't use, so that they can make the game better for me. If you like something different from me, by all means please opt out. ;)

Seriously, that sort of information can really be helpful to developers in making software better for their customers. I don't put any valuable information into KSP, it's not like it has access to my geolocation or email contents or contacts or web browsing history or anything else. All it can see is how I use the game, and I would love for Squad to know that.

What exactly is the Big Brother concern?

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About the parts: I agree with r4pt0r. Every player plays the game differently, so no point in deleting it from the stock game. But an artpass wouldn't be bad for some of them.

The only thing I can come up when thinking about how to make planets more interesting is occasional/seasonal changes/events on their surfaces. Like that water thing on Mars recently. Or maybe some meteorites hitting the surface and leaving scorch marks. Such places would grant more science points, or something. I mean the science points system isn't something I like a lot, but unless it changes it could work like that.

Another idea would be mapping the bodies. When you take your Telescope and look from an observatory on Kerbin it's just a blurry spot in the map view. Then you send a probe there with a camera part and more details are revealed.

Edit: Actually this post is a slight off-top, so I'm making my own suggestion thread.

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A better solution would be to simply come up with a few more native categories to thin out some of the bigger part groups. (Not that you couldn't do both) I'm not sure why they seem compelled to cram everything in the game under Utility, Structural, and Aerodynamics.

- - - Updated - - -

Huh. Well, whaddaya know.

How long has that been around? Coulda sworn I never saw such a dialog when I first installed.

You can make it pop up again from the settings menu under General. Then you can change your decision. I trust Squad more than most companies so I usually let them have it.

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I wasn't trying to suggest that the parts that I never use are the same ones that someone else wasn't, nor was I suggesting deleting anything. Just that it's nice to know what the actual usage patterns are. If Squad is actually collecting this type of information, great!

Anecdotal evidence (e.g. about a discussion where there was a "consensus" about what never-used parts are) is suspect in the forums-- I don't know how many people play KSP, but I assume it's gotta be many thousands, whereas the list of frequent posters here in the forums is more like dozens. There's a vast, silent majority out there, and I don't see any reason to assume that the folks here in the forums are necessarily a representative sample. ;)

In any case, my original question's answered. Thanks guys!

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Do note that the usage data gathered already is not about part usage. Rather, it's looks at your system specs and sends them off to squad so they can see what kind of computers people are playing the game on.

Nope, it gathers data on game play. The devs have talked about it in the past, specifically whenever questions come up about "Gas Planet 2" I've heard it mentioned that their data shows a large number of player who report data never leave Kerbin.

I'd be willing to bet it gives a ton of information. What mods your using. Where you go, what you take there. What kind of engines your using (part of me wonders if this is at least partially why we have been getting so many plane updates).

It makes complete sense to respond to what your users are doing. If you aren't reporting, well that is your choice but it's kind of like not using your vote lol.

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Nope, it gathers data on game play. The devs have talked about it in the past, specifically whenever questions come up about "Gas Planet 2" I've heard it mentioned that their data shows a large number of player who report data never leave Kerbin.

I'd be willing to bet it gives a ton of information. What mods your using. Where you go, what you take there. What kind of engines your using (part of me wonders if this is at least partially why we have been getting so many plane updates).

It makes complete sense to respond to what your users are doing. If you aren't reporting, well that is your choice but it's kind of like not using your vote lol.

Holy crap! I didn't know that! Always thought it was statistical IP data to gather info about what country I am in, or something. I guess it's time to enable it and give some feedback to SQUAD.

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i kinda like the subnautica ui for that (in game 190 caracter max, sug and report bug tools) but perma data mining .... more cookies ... seriously .... not enough spam ... low chance it bode well in the end. I prefer the whenever i click i send some feedback and comment and associated backstage sorting methods ...

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