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My First Rover atempt

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  MajorGosnell said:

My very first Rover,Handles as you might expect...very poorly.

Any Ideas on how to Stabilise her.


Top Speed:whatever dosent explode

Turnrate:Very Slow

Use:Science gathering

Hey man,

Welcome to the forum! If you want to post a video just click on the little film icon above where you write and paste the link into the window that pops up when you click the film icon.

also something funky happened to your last few sentences, they are greyed out and very hard to read. I will have a look at the video and see what can be done.

I will say this without having seen the video, the jet engines have an off center center of mass so adding one with the nozzle end sticking up will massively lower your center of gravity.

Try that and report back, MJ


oK I flicked through the video and I can see that the wheels are too close together. Try spacing them out a little, outwards. That will give you more stability.

You are asking quite a lot given that the rover is rocket powered. Is it desgined to fly as well? Or just do little boost hops then glide?

You could also try using SAS or RCS to keep it level. And maybe adding weight lower in the craft will help too. Remember RCS is denser than fuel so yo get more effect with the same amount of space.

Edited by Majorjim
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  MajorGosnell said:

My very first Rover,Handles as you might expect...very poorly.

Any Ideas on how to Stabilise her.


Top Speed:whatever dosent explode

Turnrate:Very Slow

Use:Science gathering

Well in my opinion, you don't have a rover there - you have a trackless rocket sled! The wings are even creating lift and taking your wheels off the ground a little, creating more stability issues.

The actual rover wheels have built-in motors and only need electricity. Rover stability is accomplished by a wide wheel base and low center of mass.

Edited by MalevolentNinja
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  MalevolentNinja said:
Well in my opinion, you don't have a rover there - you have a trackless rocket sled! The wings are even creating lift and taking your wheels off the ground a little, creating more stability issues.

The actual rover wheels have built-in motors and only need electricity. Rover stability is accomplished by a wide wheel base and low center of mass.

Nothing wrong with a rocket powered rover, its is the only way to get above 25 m/s.

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  TimePeriod said:
I rarely ever use rovers, they are unnecessary parts which only clutter my program. I don't think they are useless, I just don't see much use of them.

Would help if the game actually gave them a proper use that would make it worth it..

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  TimePeriod said:
They do have a use however there is so many other ways to more effectively do what you are trying to accomplish, without using wheels.

Well on bodies with decent gravity rovers are nice for gathering science as you can do 3 or more biomes at once. Mun has an 7 biomes inside of 5 km location.

They are nice for rescuing kerbals then you can not land close by.

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  MalevolentNinja said:

spoiler - 0.09 mph


spoiler - 55.9 mph

that's fine, just don't call it a "rover"

My rovers are more like this one:


"I will always be puzzled by the Human predilection for piloting vehicles at unsafe velocities." - Data, traveling on Kolarus III


Rovers can work at 100, 150, even 200 mph (90 m/s) I'm working on a tutorial.

and FYI the Apollo Rover topped out at 18 m/s

Edited by Brainlord Mesomorph
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Rovers are awesome once modded into diesel electric transmission equipt trains... Undertaking a rescue on terrain too rough to land is exactly the kind of thing many people seem to miss.. Its nice to see its not a lost underappreciated art :) rep for you

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  Brainlord Mesomorph said:
My rovers are more like this one:


"I will always be puzzled by the Human predilection for piloting vehicles at unsafe velocities." - Data, traveling on Kolarus III


Rovers can work at 100, 150, even 200 mph (90 m/s) I'm working on a tutorial.

and FYI the Apollo Rover topped out at 18 m/s

Yes its multiple classes of rovers. You have the light and fast ATV types no cockpit, usually around 500 kg, You have the medium rovers who uses the same setup as the atv but have cockpit, might have room for more crew, might have an integrated accent stage, 1.5 to 5 tons. same top speed as the atv but safe speed is around 20 m/s.

You have the huge trucks, fuel trucks or crew facilities up to mobile bases finaly you have the tiny probe rovers who are more like curiosity.

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Might help to space the wheels farther apart for a wider and more stable wheelbase. Also if you want to go fast on the surface, try using a jet engine instead of a rocket as it'll last longer - the mini one coming on 1.0.5 would be ideal for this, but a Wheesley would work too.

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Sam halls micro turbine pods were and still are at the core of every locomotive ive built from the original jet propelled ones similar to your propulsion on the 1000 class.. To used as generators for battery storage banks

If you want to have a good start download his cockpit..it comes with the turbines..

Rover wheel sound mod also helps 100x as it gives the rover wheels electric motor sounds

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for the wheelsound .its 0.25 but works still fine

And just as important..sam's kn2 cocpit with included microjet pods...perfect for ones jet rover or as modded generators running off fuel

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Also for your sanity consider modding all wheels so overspeed is 600 not 60 :)

Moon rover stock M1 are best i find once modded to be tougher

Finally if thats awesome stuff.. Join the dark side with learner landliner train...ditch them nasty cars for something stylish and lethal :)


Dont let anyone discourage you...rovers are awesome... More than the casual user knows.. Jet propelled is a learning experience

Have fun and goodluck

Edited by James Kerman
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  Brainlord Mesomorph said:
and FYI the Apollo Rover topped out at 18 m/s

That's about 40mph or 64km/h... We'd probably have some astronaut corpses on moon if it had been that fast.

You may have meant 18km/h ~11mph.

One thing that helps steering rovers a lot is to map different keys for rover controls. Does need some getting used to but it's nice you can use reaction wheels to keep you upright while steering with the wheels. Of course the friction of the wheels is a bit strange at times and going fast is somewhat dangerous no matter what you do. :)

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I'd suggest a wider wheelbase, especially if you're going higher speeds.

Here are some pics from my rovers, the wider one on the left is tested on mun and duna, the long one is new and still untested. It was designed to fit into a cargo bay, just waiting for the new bay door that comes with 1.05.



Both rovers have a low speed / high speed mode. low speed runs on power with the rover wheels, high speed on either monoprop or LfO. Short bursts are enough to cruise a while.


What is a problem with all rovers are speeds above 60 m/s, every litlle bump will give you airtime and landing without RCS thrust is not recommended. but I got up to 90 m/s on duna, just look for flat ground.

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Rovers do actually have a proper use: They are by far the most efficient way of getting around on places like Tylo, since the lack of atmosphere makes it impossible to use a plane, and using rockets to 'hop' around would waste too much fuel. For a rover, all you need is a few RTGs and you're set. Sure, it's not fast, but better than running out of fuel and crashing.:)

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In my opinion the issue with rovers is directly related to the low detail scenery. Without fine details like grass and surface features, it is very hard to get an accurate representation of speed to the player. Furthermore this also makes for a very boring locale in any one place that once you've landed you've really seen everything in the local area. This is why I think that after they get down with the unity upgrade they should focus more on surface details and giving us places to actually visit and stay a while.

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  wolfedg said:
In my opinion the issue with rovers is directly related to the low detail scenery. Without fine details like grass and surface features, it is very hard to get an accurate representation of speed to the player. Furthermore this also makes for a very boring locale in any one place that once you've landed you've really seen everything in the local area. This is why I think that after they get down with the unity upgrade they should focus more on surface details and giving us places to actually visit and stay a while.

I believe and also hope they will. Having just seen the very early demo for the Infinity battlescape game, KSP looks like a PS1 game in comparison..

Edited by Majorjim
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About them being useful, I am pretty fond of driving on Mun, and with thr right craft, on Minmus too.

Last "season" I played KSP (in 1.0.2) I made a science truck with ISRU capabilities to refuel and used 4 of the tiny orange engine (ants?) to propel myself. Pretty good automomy between refueling too, so I got all of Duna's Biome.

Could I have done it by making a lander rocket ? Sure. Would've been quicker too. But I love taking my time and KSP is perfect for guys like me. Rovers are fun (to me) and even if I sped 10h of driving on a moon/planet I don't get bored.

This is also the reason WHY I want those electric propellers so much. I would not mind flying on Kerban/Duna/Eve/Laythe (and many more in the future with outer planets mod and maybe new stock KSP content).

If you like rovers keep going at it, keep your center of Mass low and centered, disable breaks on the front wheels, put probe core up and forward for ease of maneuvering, and train... train a lot.

As for having more of a goal, wasn't there contracts to drive from X-Y-Z at some point? maybe it was just a mod. At lease you have good details of the surface for ISRU potential base location now.

Now that I think about it, going to be quite interesting to see how unmanned rovers handle when the new signal from KSC thing kicks in in 1.0.5/1.1 methinks lots of satellites in high orbit heh.

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