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[1.8.0-1.12.5] AtmosphereAutopilot 1.6.1


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That's the whole point of this mod, it's adaptive. You don't "have", nor need to train, i had to grow a forest of crutches and assumptions to make acceptable guesses. It can help sometimes, but rarely. If you remember august, when you had inversed roll issues, one of the crutches (model critic) is there to solve it. Still, when i take off, i usually roll a little, like 15-30 degrees, and then warm up sideslip, left and right.

Saving it is pointless, because of reasons.

It's universal. Not fly-by-wire is trained, flight model is, which is then used by all other modules.

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4 minutes ago, Boris-Barboris said:

That's the whole point of this mod, it's adaptive. You don't "have", nor need to train, i had to grow a forest of crutches and assumptions to make acceptable guesses. It can help sometimes, but rarely. If you remember august, when you had inversed roll issues, one of the crutches (model critic) is there to solve it. Still, when i take off, i usually roll a little, like 15-30 degrees, and then warm up sideslip, left and right.

Alright, that makes sense.


4 minutes ago, Boris-Barboris said:

It's universal. Not fly-by-wire is trained, flight model is, which is then used by all other modules.

Ok, thanks.

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10 hours ago, Kobymaru said:

rocket mode in space

In space rocket and non-rocket are the same, all the diffirence is in atmosphere. Rocket mode handles yaw just like pitch, plane mode handles sideslip (if yaw AoA moderation is on). And i'm pretty sure mechjeb smartass killrot is performing very well too.

Edited by Boris-Barboris
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4 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

I can do that

If you want to. I personally got nothing but annoyance from AVC. That popup on startup, grrrr, i know the mod is dated, stop repeating it every launch!

7 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:


Not now, thank you. Some day i'll have free time to strap up some simple static analysis graph for stock, lets wait until then.

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Just now, Boris-Barboris said:

If you want to. I personally got nothing but annoyance from AVC. That popup on startup, grrrr, i know the mod is dated, stop repeating it every launch!

I agree, but people seem to use it.


Just now, Boris-Barboris said:

Not now, thank you. Some day i'll have free time to strap up some simple static analysis graph for stock, lets wait until then.

Alright. Looking forward to it! Is it gonna be something like "FAR analysis tools for stock aero"?

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5 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

Is it gonna be something like "FAR analysis tools for stock aero"?

Just a graph with pitch and yaw Cm\AoA functions and monstrous label on top of it wich says "stable\unstable" with full\empty fuel tanks. Stock players don't really need anything else.

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2 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

That is truly monstrous :D. I think people really exaggerate the difficulty of the landing, you guys can easily grasp it even in stock after 10-15 tries. After that it's just a breeze.

I can probably guess your stance on landing an entire plane like that then, which I've done. I noticed my plane pitching up and down a bit right after take off when it's on cruise but after that it's fine. Is that the mod learning how the plane handles?

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On 1.2.2016 at 8:40 PM, Kobymaru said:

Also, a little note about GUI: I can only access the Settings for Mouse-Directory & Cruise Flight Controller & Standard Fly-By-Wire *after* enabling them via the master switch. I think it would be better if it's possible to set settings first (like setpoints, moderation on/off, rocket mode...) and *then* activate Master Switch.

On 1.2.2016 at 9:06 PM, Boris-Barboris said:

First press on master switch allocates memory for controllers, those settings don't exist before turning it on. And what's wrong with turning on FBW and then setting parameters? In what situations it's bad? You can also turn off master switch again if you're 100% sure you want no autopilots active, and then tune stuff.

Sorry to bring this up again, and I don't want to fight. But after playing for a while, I still say that it's inconvenient, that I cannot set the settings before enabling autopilot.

Two more use cases that actually happened:

- I flew a spaceplane with AA before, and decided to launch a rocket. I launched it and then after start remembered to turn on AA. Now AA is in Airplane mode instead of rocket mode.
- Last time I used AA with a space plane. Now I did an aerobrake, pointing retrograde with stock SAS. I thought "hey, AA handles everything better, so why not turn it on?". I turned AA on and because the last time moderation was on, my craft decided point prograde all of a sudden. That sort of thing is very inconvenient when your craft is glowing red-hot and burning.

Of course, one could say it's my fault for using it in these situation, and some "planning" would have prevented it. Sure. But still, I believe it would add more flexibility and more use to the Mod, if one could set settings before turning it on.


Also, the Cruise Control makes some very strange decisions sometimes (like dipping a few kilometers before almost reaching setpoint altitude), but I will do more testing and show some data to back it up.
I believe you have an internal data logger, since there is a "Write Telemetry" button. What does it do? Write data at this moment? Write data up to this point? Start writing? Is there one button for all controllers, or do I have to push each button for all telemetry info?

Edited by Kobymaru
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