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[1.8.0-1.12.5] AtmosphereAutopilot 1.6.1


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14 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

Yes, will do.

I was going to say something similar about heading and altitude - when in cruise mode, it would be nice if the WASD controls somehow gradually increased or decreased heading/altitude fields in the GUI (as it does in Pilot Assistant) rather than having to type in values. Typing in "2000" rather than "3000" in altitude at first makes AAP think that you want 2 meters and it tries to correct sharply for this.

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On 5/11/2016 at 1:22 AM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

I was going to say something similar about heading and altitude - when in cruise mode, it would be nice if the WASD controls somehow gradually increased or decreased heading/altitude fields in the GUI (as it does in Pilot Assistant) rather than having to type in values. Typing in "2000" rather than "3000" in altitude at first makes AAP think that you want 2 meters and it tries to correct sharply for this.

That sounds like about the best thing that could be added to this mod!  I'd personally prefer hotkeys rather than changing the functionality of WASD/L-Shift/L-Ctrl  maybe set them to the up/dn/left/right arrow keys for (elevation/heading) and R-Shift/R-Control for speed settings.

Edited by Aideen
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I'm not sure I entirely understand what I'm supposed to do to activate the altitude control. Or make any of the autopilots function. Whenever I activate the Master Switch, all of the control sliders go haywire, alternating left to right with pitch going up and down at a seemingly random pattern. This seems to happen in every autopilot mode (Mouse Director, Cruise and Fly-By-Wire), regardless of settings or what is activated.

Maybe I'm missing a step. What did I just break?

Edited by MiniMackeroni
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28 minutes ago, MiniMackeroni said:

Is there a pre-flight sequence I have to do? Fiddle around with the settings? Or should the default settings be usable?

No. I doubt it, it's rarely needed. Yes.

Are you using FAR? What is your KSP version and AA version? Do you have problems on one craft or on all crafts? Do stock planes (like Aeris) behave well? Post screenshot of troublesome craft on SPH with CoM\CoL indicators on, then in flight while oscillating with as many GUIs on as possible (ang vel controllers shown for best effect).

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I'm not using FAR.

KSP version is the latest 1.1.2. And the AA version is the latest as well. Re-downloaded and re-installed today to see if it was a botched installation or something. 

Attempted with two different (custom-made) planes. Now attempted with the Aeris 3A and the Osprey, all autopilot modes causes the plane to become very uncontrollable right after take-off with the control sliders flipping out, eventually crashing the plane if I don't deactivate the Master Switch. I can sort of influence my bearings. Holding a pitch button does tend the plane to pitch up or down, but with struggle and jittering.

Decided to upload an Imgur album (with descriptions!) http://imgur.com/a/YJJPS

Edit: Ah, I forgot about the Mouse Director autopilot. Here are some images from testing the Mouse Director with the Osprey stock plane http://imgur.com/a/gAKDl


Hope this helps


Edited by MiniMackeroni
Mouse Director
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@MiniMackeroni Control surfaces on those pictures don't seem to react correctly to input signal. What ModuleManager version is in your gamedata? Make sure it's 2.6.24 or later. And also make sure you set up then for every craft, AA in stock uses custom csurface module, so set up them for every craft again (though i'm sure they must be active in all three planes by default). If it won't help, can you try to reproduce it without mods at all (just cut all folders besides AA, Squad and modulemanager.dll to some temp location), on some test sandbox save and stock plane with rebound control surfaces? Set roll on rudders OFF please, and I recommend to take off in FBW mode, Level mode of Cruise can be misleading when it's activated on halt on the ground (will direct you to west sometimes).

Issue is most probably in your setup, since you're the first one to report it. Those crafts are well-behaving for me.

Also, you have SAS on on director album.

Edited by Boris-Barboris
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8 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

@MiniMackeroni Make sure it's 2.6.24 or later.

This may have been something to it. I installed the master branch instead, which includes the 2.6.24 instead of the version on curse which has the 2.6.23 and it seems to work now. Weird.

Edit: Did a rollback to the curse version. Can confirm.


8 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

@MiniMackeroni Also, you have SAS on on director album.

That's a bad miss.

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4 minutes ago, MiniMackeroni said:

which includes the 2.6.24 instead of the version on curse which has the 2.6.23 and it seems to work now. Weird.

Good. I released 1.5.3 for 1.1.1, and in 2 hours SQUAD rolled out 1.1.2, wich broke ModuleManager 2.6.23. Because of it's popularity I didn't think anybody will have problems with it and will already have updated MM. I'll make some bold-fonted warnings on Curse just for this case.

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2 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

Good. I released 1.5.3 for 1.1.1, and in 2 hours SQUAD rolled out 1.1.2, wich broke ModuleManager 2.6.23. Because of it's popularity I didn't think anybody will have problems with it and will already have updated MM. I'll make some bold-fonted warnings on Curse just for this case.

Hah. Aah. Yeah, at first glance I assumed that since the patch came out on the 30th and your version was updated on the 30th, you were just really quick with the update.

Thanks for the help, though!

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8 hours ago, dark jam said:

fly to waypoint

You're already flying. Activate CruiseFlight. Open it's GUI. Press "waypoint" - it pushes you to map view. Left click on the surface of Kerbin where you want to go. Manually close map. If you want to hold altitude, enter it in "desired altitude" and press button "hold specific altitude".

Edited by Boris-Barboris
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@Boris-Barboris, remember how I offered to help you with GUI a month ago? Well guess what, I did something!


As you can see, this version of GUI is very minimal, only the essentials, but everything is compact and easy to find. I plan to work on this a little more, polishing some cornercases and such. If you are interested in this GUI, I can prepare the patches.

Edited by Morse
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Wow. Nice one. Is that a Unity asset? As you can see from the source, AA is using legacy layout functions, GUI is coded in C# code. I'm not really familiar with all this bundle stuff, and will not have time to fix this ignorance for next 3 weeks anyway, graduating.

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Yes, this is prefab. It is very different from IMGUI, but not much more complicated, although you'll need a Unity Editor to modify prefabs. I separated this new GUI from the old one, so both of them are usable, even simultaneously, if needed. I only changed the behavior of the applauncher button.

Anyway, in three weeks this GUI will definitely be ready, so ping me when you'll be in the mood to mess with the code.

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On 11/05/2016 at 7:22 AM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

Typing in "2000" rather than "3000" in altitude at first makes AAP think that you want 2 meters and it tries to correct sharply for this.

I think the cleanest solution to this problem is to have a short (configurable) delay (about 1 second) after changing the value before it takes effect.

eg. The course reads 195. You want to change it to 210.

1. You clear the 195 and press the '2' key.
2. Internally, the mod starts a 1 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
3. Less than 1 second later you hit the '1' key.
4. The mod restarts the 1.5 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
5. Less than 1 second later you hit the '0' key.
6. The mod restarts the 1 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
7. After 1 second, you haven't changed the value any more and new value of 210 takes effect.

This solution means no change to the GUI and no change to how users interact with the mod, it just means the mod doesn't try changing course to '2' and then '21' before you finish typing '210'.

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1 hour ago, OminousPenguin said:

I think the cleanest solution to this problem is to have a short (configurable) delay (about 1 second) after changing the value before it takes effect.

eg. The course reads 195. You want to change it to 210.

1. You clear the 195 and press the '2' key.
2. Internally, the mod starts a 1 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
3. Less than 1 second later you hit the '1' key.
4. The mod restarts the 1.5 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
5. Less than 1 second later you hit the '0' key.
6. The mod restarts the 1 second countdown. The mod still behaves as though the course is still 195.
7. After 1 second, you haven't changed the value any more and new value of 210 takes effect.

This solution means no change to the GUI and no change to how users interact with the mod, it just means the mod doesn't try changing course to '2' and then '21' before you finish typing '210'.

This may work, but it would be an awful lot slicker just to make WASD change the values - then you can also do fine adjustments on the fly, as needed, without mousing, clicking, typing every time. 

Pilot Assistant does this very well, and I think replicating the functionality of that part of PA for AAP would be really useful.

If that happens, nothing says that you must use WASD (or whatever, but WASD is the most intuitive) to change values in the boxes - you could type them, still, and the delay you propose would still be valuable for that scenario, I think. Creating this feature doesn't change anything, it only adds something which (via WASD) is intuitive for two reasons:

1. The course autopilot (as opposed to fly-by-wire) is controlling pitch/yaw/roll while it's active, so WASD (in that mode) should be telling the autopilot what the user wants rather than manipulating control surfaces.
2. The plane would still end up doing what it ought to do if WASD were acting like normal: pressing W would indeed make the plane pitch down, S would make its heading "yaw" left, etc.

My $0.02.


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