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[1.3.1] Docking camera (KURS) (14.feb.18)


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Updated for KSP 1.3.1

Once upon a time there was LAZOR mod from famous Romfarer, which included a useful docking camera, that displays the videostream a small window in the main flight scene. However, it has not been updated for a long time, and refused to work in recent versions of the game (or I could not start it). Nevertheless, I like it output style of information and I was bored without this service. That in turn has led me to attempt to revive the aforementioned docking camera. And YES, i know about Docking Port Alignment Indicator, HullCamVDS, cameras for RasterPropMonitor etc. But i do not know about any working cameras in window.


New shaders example:


So, what we have here. Docking-camera itself, which can be integrated to any part (MM patch enclosed for the docking port modules). It looks ahead by the vertical axis of the vessel's and displays a minimum of necessary info for the docking maneuver - namely, range, speed, angle, alignment and when the correct trajectory occured - time prior to docking with the mark that such trajectory will lead our vessel to dock without additional actions (small lamp will become green and will show time to docking). camera window has three size presets. It also has three viewing modes: color, Black and white and infrared. Powered zoom function. Also, there is a button to remove flight data from the screen.

Furthermore, effect of television interference can be added. The range of the camera,parameters of night vision (RSMA) and presence of noise - can be configured through CFG. Camera requires a target to operate.

In addition the ugly external camera enclosed. It can show videostream only and also has three modes of vision and is able to rotate on two axes. For cameras, installed under the belly of the aircraft (which gets inverted upside down) there is the mode of rotation of the image. In the CFG of the partcamera some meshes could be configured for use with other camera model.

All cameras have a title with its number, and also can work a few pieces at a time. Docking camera reporting its target on its window title.

There is an experiment on part camera - a try to reproduce a surveilance (spy) activity. You need to be at a distance less than 1000 m near any targetable thingie, catch it on camera's screen and targeted. press "⦿" button. A ray will be shoot. If all requirements have met and there are no obstacle on ray's path - you'll should get experiment results, if something wrong - you just spend one bullet.  Experiments is limited by bullets (4 yellow balls around cam, dissapearing one by one each time). I thought it will be interesting if contracts.

Camera has 3 presets of shaders (noisy TV 1960th style, TV 1980th style  and standart (color, b/w and nightvision). available via button, appearing when blizzy toolbar is installed. 

Also, by toolbar button you could find info about nearby cameras installed on other vessels in transmission range. If camera has been activated on some vessel, but you drive other one - a new window from distant camera will appear when distance from first one will become less than 2500 (or 10k (customizable)). 

If you want you can use "look at me" mode by activating it on distant camera. "Targetcam"  and "follow me" modes on your active vessel (set camera position using scrollers).

The cameras can transmit the videostream to nearby vessels, but only at a distance of up to 2 500 meters. You can change this unload range via toolbar button.


Configuring examples

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


Download from Spacedock

CKAN-Indexed-brightgreen.svg   SpaceDock-listed-blue.svg    license-CC%20BY--SA-green.svg



installation: remove previous version and just extract an archive into Gamedata.

requirements: ModuleManager

recommends: Blizzy Toolbar 


Edited by DennyTX
for KSP 1.3.1
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  theJesuit said:
Would you be amenable on taking a request on alternate GUI layouts in the camera window?

Yes, please! Me personally very interested in decimals readings (sort of 0.00º) for roll, pitch and yaw like for all other d(X,Y,Z) and v(X,Y,Z) readings...

Another thing - repositioning of readings layout, font and size variants. Ah, dreams, dreams... xD

Also green lines not very convenient in certain situations like docking against green plains of Kerbin or in Jool orbit :D And dont forget about color blind people. Ideally would be to change color somewhere in cfg...

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Yes! :)

I remember playing around with some "Docking Camera" mod back in .90 that had (IIRC) a black and white view of the docking (but was difficult to see due to low light. But later I read advice to put the Batteries with the green lights around the ports so they were more visible)

But I only used it a few times before I uninstalled it (either by accident, or cause I did not want the other features (Maybe it was Lazor, but I dont remember)

Later I could not figure out what the mod was and really missed it.

Cant wait to try this out. (I will wait for CKAN implementation)

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This will be great with the docking target mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130258-Docking-Target-%280-1%29-July-30-2015

- - - Updated - - -

  BlackHat said:
Yes! :)

I remember playing around with some "Docking Camera" mod back in .90 that had (IIRC) a black and white view of the docking (but was difficult to see due to low light. But later I read advice to put the Batteries with the green lights around the ports so they were more visible)

But I only used it a few times before I uninstalled it (either by accident, or cause I did not want the other features (Maybe it was Lazor, but I dont remember)

Later I could not figure out what the mod was and really missed it.

Cant wait to try this out. (I will wait for CKAN implementation)

I think you're refering to LAZOR Docking Cam: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220272-lazor-docking-cam

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Got actually chance to test this out. Found some bugs:

1) Ludicrous change on text color (to red) in many mods windows in flight and in editor. Withot this mod all gets back to normal green.

2) Readings in window of inactive craft did not refreshing - need to be hided or refresh at least once a second, imho..

3) Sometimes camera windows does not appy unity dimmed style


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My only concern with installing this is that I already have so many mods installed and one more will only clog up the system resources more than they already are. It would be really great if someone could come along and simply add to the currently available functionality. For instance, I've always wanted to be able to have an RPM screen in a freely movable window, which would include the functionality of the mod's own cameras and such.

If this mod were to simply hook into another already working camera system but provide a new way of accessing them, then I could maybe see installing this one. Either way, good job on recreating the old LAZOR camera mod, which was one of my first ever mods to be played with. Unfortunately, it too got uninstalled for simply doing too much for too little gain over other mods that also included the functionality of a camera system.

Great job otherwise, though.

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  JamesL86 said:
I second this. I'd love to use it but if it ain't on CKAN these days I just won't bother unfortunately.

Thought CKAN was to do all this putting stuff on ? take it to the CKAN thread and ask them ? CKAN wasn't to add work to the modders if, I remember right they was going to do all the work ?

EDIT- Well installing mods is easy you should try it

Edited by Mecripp2
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CKAN maintains some of the files, but the developer is able to manage it themselves as well. KerbalStuff is supposed to also have an option to automatically list on ckan (which your mod appears to have enabled since the title says "ckan" after it). In my experience new mods take a few days to get listed however.

As for the MM patch, maybe make it rely instead on the part having the docking node. I previously had a similar feature working on a branch of Tarsier so this modified version of the could should work:

name = DockingCameraModule
allowedDistance = 1000
nightVisionArgs = 0.5,0.7,0.5,0.5
noise = true

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Annotation of upcoming update. (v.1.2)

1. Docking camera will get its position from "dockingNode" now, this should fix the problem with Inline Clamp-O-Tron.

2. Color of "targetting cross" will be customizable in CFG.

3. Most operational buttons has been moved in openable window.

4. Flight data and roll rotator can be turned off/on by toggle.

5. Flight data from cameras, that installed at other vessel (non current one) will be shut off.

6. Bug with red text everywhere seems to be fixed. (deltaZ speed must become red only if closure rate becomes higher 3 m/s or if we moving away from the target).

7. Speed of part-camera rotation by axiss becomes depending on the current zoom. High zoom - smaller step of rotation.

8. More verifications has been added into the code.

9. CKAN. mod is marked as CKAN on kerballstuff. i thought this enough... Previous mod ScienceSituationInfo came on SCAN by this way. What more should i do...

also, i have an idea to break down and decouple docking devices when dock contact occurs on high speed. is this a good one?

  Virtualgenius said:
Denny does this mean your back will you be fixing your other mods

hmm, really dunno. I'm in c# now, and not touch 3Dmax for ages. Only God knows, may be i'll catch the inspiration on one fine day

Edited by DennyTX
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