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Apollo Mission Recreation (And More!) [Requesting Ground Crew Aid!]


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  ZooNamedGames said:
I'll mark you as CMP(?). Since AFD will be selected based on who participates the most, knows the most and in a pinch, makes the best decisions. Since if something goes wrong while your up, YOU have to save the mission. As important as everyone else is to do their job when that happens, they need a leader. Someone to sort through the unneeded red tape and the red lines which mean life or death, success or failure.

Sounds good.

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  Sanic said:
I probably have the time, but I'm uber scared of getting any kind of mod whatsoever for any game.
FWIW, I felt the same way for years. Then I broke down and got MechJeb. Then some internals. Then Better Atmospheres... One day I got CKAN, and now I've lost count of the mods all happily getting along (mostly). Anyway, the point is it's ok to mod sparingly. Also, it's ok to have a separate install to mess around with mods; that way you don't risk your campaign.
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I'm willing to perform as CapCom. I keep really odd EST hours (9:30 AM->3:00 AM) so I'm able to meet a wide variety of time slots, though, preferably on the weekend. And I really would be just performing as CapCom, nothing else... I run a Mac, so I can't stuff both RSS, RO, and FASA on an install- trust me, I've tried. With the amount of planning required of such a mission, though, we might make it in time for 1.1 to be released xP

I've got a lot of experience- more in vanilla KSP, but I'll try and slap together a RO Lite install to bone up on TAC-LS failure modes and other stuff.

(Are we going to be running KIS/KAS? I'm kind of screwed if we aren't...)

Edited by Kagame
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  Findthepin1 said:
This will be interesting.
  G said:
Argh' date=' the more I think about this the more I really want to be commander :([/quote']

Can you host a server? Have you port forwarded? That's just the requirements.

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  Sanic said:
I probably have the time, but I'm uber scared of getting any kind of mod whatsoever for any game.

Will you have to risk it if you want to join, this is an endeavor impossible without mods.

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  Zephram Kerman said:
FWIW, I felt the same way for years. Then I broke down and got MechJeb. Then some internals. Then Better Atmospheres... One day I got CKAN, and now I've lost count of the mods all happily getting along (mostly). Anyway, the point is it's ok to mod sparingly. Also, it's ok to have a separate install to mess around with mods; that way you don't risk your campaign.

I was the same.

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  Moarmau5 said:
You can put me in as a back up RSO. Or any other less demanding mission control spot. Absolutely love the idea, but I don't know if I can be available around the clock.

Really didn't require a back up RSO Since that role is a used ones and the person fails to show up booster can take his place. In the worst-case scenario.

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  Kagame said:
I'm willing to perform as CapCom. I keep really odd EST hours (9:30 AM->3:00 AM) so I'm able to meet a wide variety of time slots, though, preferably on the weekend. And I really would be just performing as CapCom, nothing else... I run a Mac, so I can't stuff both RSS, RO, and FASA on an install- trust me, I've tried. With the amount of planning required of such a mission, though, we might make it in time for 1.1 to be released xP

I've got a lot of experience- more in vanilla KSP, but I'll try and slap together a RO Lite install to bone up on TAC-LS failure modes and other stuff.

(Are we going to be running KIS/KAS? I'm kind of screwed if we aren't...)

Capcom is going to be selected from the back up through your line crew should something go wrong with them. I suggest looking for a different role or go for the mission through since we are like in area.

Andrea things you mentioned, try your best to make whatever you can. We will not be using KIS/KAS As they are not needed. We only using what we need, nothing more.

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  Legendary Emu said:
Blast. I'll take Retrofire officer before someone else takes it .


Edited by ZooNamedGames
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Even though we're still missing some crew, I started thinking about the mission, and came up with this idea: add 2 mission to the schedule which will act as tests (and hopefully do at least one of them):


An unmanned test mission with the whole payload, so orbit Moon and return; and possibly test the lander (no need to land it completely though). Kinda like an unmanned Apollo 9/10 mission.

The goal of this mission will be to test systems, comms and coordination of the ground crew in "real" conditions.

Astronauts not required, but faking comms with astronauts in the Apollo ship would make the mission even more realistic. Complete Saturn V launcher required.

Mission will last about the same duration as the real mission, but due to it being unmanned, we wouldn't need to be present as often as with the real mission.


A manned test mission in LEO of all the flight procedures.

Complete Apollo ship is not required but we would at least need a command and service module, and a ship faking the lander, that will be able to undock from the command module, manoeuvre in space, and redock with the command module. The service module and lander need not to be completely fueled: this will reduce mass, and hopefully try to launch the mission with a Saturn IB. If a Saturn IB is not possible, then use a Saturn V, and we will hence be able to use complete lander and modules.

Objectives are: to rehearse all flight operations, while staying in LEO (translunar injection, LEM manoeuvres and docking, maybe emergency procedures...), to again test systems, communications, and coordinations of the ground crew, this time with an actual crew in orbit.

We could probably cut the mission down to a few hours, but as all operations will be very close, we will need all crew operational during the duration of the mission.

These will allow us to figure out how the real mission will happen, and possibly correct/anticipate everything that could go wrong.

I also think we should make the mission more "personal": even though we would be reproducing a Apollo mission, with the Apollo hardware, it would be nice to get a name of our own (for the program and individual missions), insignias for the mission...

Also, as soon as we can, a briefing with all the members of the mission(s) is needed to make sure everyone know their role in detail and can prepare for it as good as possible.

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  Gaarst said:
Even though we're still missing some crew, I started thinking about the mission, and came up with this idea: add 2 mission to the schedule which will act as tests (and hopefully do at least one of them):


An unmanned test mission with the whole payload, so orbit Moon and return; and possibly test the lander (no need to land it completely though). Kinda like an unmanned Apollo 9/10 mission.

The goal of this mission will be to test systems, comms and coordination of the ground crew in "real" conditions.

Astronauts not required, but faking comms with astronauts in the Apollo ship would make the mission even more realistic. Complete Saturn V launcher required.

Mission will last about the same duration as the real mission, but due to it being unmanned, we wouldn't need to be present as often as with the real mission.


A manned test mission in LEO of all the flight procedures.

Complete Apollo ship is not required but we would at least need a command and service module, and a ship faking the lander, that will be able to undock from the command module, manoeuvre in space, and redock with the command module. The service module and lander need not to be completely fueled: this will reduce mass, and hopefully try to launch the mission with a Saturn IB. If a Saturn IB is not possible, then use a Saturn V, and we will hence be able to use complete lander and modules.

Objectives are: to rehearse all flight operations, while staying in LEO (translunar injection, LEM manoeuvres and docking, maybe emergency procedures...), to again test systems, communications, and coordinations of the ground crew, this time with an actual crew in orbit.

We could probably cut the mission down to a few hours, but as all operations will be very close, we will need all crew operational during the duration of the mission.

These will allow us to figure out how the real mission will happen, and possibly correct/anticipate everything that could go wrong.

I also think we should make the mission more "personal": even though we would be reproducing a Apollo mission, with the Apollo hardware, it would be nice to get a name of our own (for the program and individual missions), insignias for the mission...

Also, as soon as we can, a briefing with all the members of the mission(s) is needed to make sure everyone know their role in detail and can prepare for it as good as possible.

Good idea... But having to do this more frequently might scare them off... Hmm. I'll think about it and see, but good thinking. If they themselves think their up to it, then sure.

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  ZooNamedGames said:
Good idea... But having to do this more frequently might scare them off... Hmm. I'll think about it and see, but good thinking. If they themselves think their up to it, then sure.
Seems prudent to do a few meetings and events, to get familiar with everything. (I think you already mentioned simulations.) They could be scheduled gently, of course. Also, various meetings and exercises don't necessarily require everyone to attend.
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  ZooNamedGames said:
Good idea... But having to do this more frequently might scare them off... Hmm. I'll think about it and see, but good thinking. If they themselves think their up to it, then sure.

You're right, we don't have to do both missions. I think we should at least do the second one: we'll get a good taste of how the final mission is going turn out, and it will only be a few hours long. It can be easily done over an afternoon/evening in a week-end.

  Zephram Kerman said:
Seems prudent to do a few meetings and events, to get familiar with everything. (I think you already mentioned simulations.) They could be scheduled gently, of course. Also, various meetings and exercises don't necessarily require everyone to attend.

I totally agree with you, we obviously can't plan the mission by just sending everyone do something on their own and meet all together right before final countdown. Even if people work on planning their tasks on their own, giving a regular summary of what they have done to CapCom or FD is viable, IMO. Of course meeting every so often will be needed.

Then again, as you said, having everyone at each meeting is not required.

I think planning thoroughly is the key to success, but doing too much can make the thing more of a burden than anything else: after all, primary objective is to get a nice experience, and spend a good time. :wink:

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  Zephram Kerman said:
Seems prudent to do a few meetings and events, to get familiar with everything. (I think you already mentioned simulations.) They could be scheduled gently, of course. Also, various meetings and exercises don't necessarily require everyone to attend.

True it doesn't require all but it does need a substantial few.

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Alright fine, you've convinced me. We will do a Apollo 6 mission as a test first. No set date or time yet, but that's first. A full test mission to see how things go.

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Also, I'd like to make a suggestion for the mission. How about crew recovery after splash down? We could come up with some sort of ship using the maritime mod to retrieve the crew and capsule. Then have some sort of plane waiting on the coast to take them back to KSC. I'd be willing to take charge of that if you want to stretch the mission out that far.

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  Moarmau5 said:
Also, I'd like to make a suggestion for the mission. How about crew recovery after splash down? We could come up with some sort of ship using the maritime mod to retrieve the crew and capsule. Then have some sort of plane waiting on the coast to take them back to KSC. I'd be willing to take charge of that if you want to stretch the mission out that far.

Sure, but I know someone who would be able to make a aircraft carrier for us which can shuttle the astronauts to the KSC. I'll consider how far we will go.

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  Gaarst said:
I think planning thoroughly is the key to success, but doing too much can make the thing more of a burden than anything else: after all, primary objective is to get a nice experience, and spend a good time. :wink:

Well said! That sounds quotable. Very good point there! This project should be big enough to be "serious", yet "easy on easy off" enough to keep it fun. (By "easy on easy off", I mean the demands are well defined and small enough that folks are willing to commit.

  ZooNamedGames said:
Alright fine, you've convinced me. We will do a Apollo 6 mission as a test first. No set date or time yet, but that's first. A full test mission to see how things go.
I'll go along with whatever you decide. But I was thinking more of very small tests to get started. Like a quick meeting on Skype just to make sure everyone can use it well and brainstorm more ideas. Then a couple of tasks from the middle of the mission to prove the network functions. Etc., etc.

By the way, I'm getting some ideas already. (I might be excited about this!)

• I would like to assist the PAO. While I have zero interest in social media and marketing, I would be happy to do some of the grunt work in processing video clips. Here's my YouTube not-a-channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DistracticusPrime/videos (I'm most proud of the Intrepid mission. Put dozens of hours into editing that one. Each of these took way too much time, but they were fun.)

• By the time we get our act together, it's likely version 1.05 will be released. So be ready for some speedbumps around that day.

• We need to consider in more detail which roles handle which real life functions. I.e., you mentioned RSO moderating the Skype channel. What other IRL tasks should be assigned?

• Would it be possible for Booster or others to track spent stages using one of the multiplayer mods? That'd be great for the video.

• Bob Fitch's Alexandria project is currently on 1964. "SA-5 was the first launch of the Block II Saturn I rocket and was part of the Apollo program." I don't know his plans for Apollo 11, but I suspect it will be soon, and that he will do something very special and beautiful. If we are patient enough, we might opt to use his design.

Sorry guys, that's an awful lot of new ideas to inject into this conversation all at once. I'll back off for a little while. ;)

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  Zephram Kerman said:
• I would like to assist the PAO. While I have zero interest in social media and marketing, I would be happy to do some of the grunt work in processing video clips. Here's my YouTube not-a-channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DistracticusPrime/videos (I'm most proud of the Intrepid mission. Put dozens of hours into editing that one. Each of these took way too much time, but they were fun.)

AFAIK, we don't have a PAO yet so you'll have to see with whoever will be PAO. Also I think ZNG wanted to have the mission hosted on KSPTV (not the whole duration of the mission obviously), and a recorded video would be nice (I don't know how KSPTV handles its VODs).


BTW, have you asked for a KSPTV host already ? I know that is a bit early since we have no schedule nor dates, but at least we could know if it a KSPTV stream can happen or not. I can ask if you wish.

• By the time we get our act together, it's likely version 1.05 will be released. So be ready for some speedbumps around that day.

Considering the mission relies on a lot of mods, it is possible that a few will be broken by 1.0.5. We then would have to do the mission on 1.0.4.

• Would it be possible for Booster or others to track spent stages using one of the multiplayer mods? That'd be great for the video.

I agree on that, also we should have RSO or Boosters managing the debris (S-IC and S-II down to Earth, S-IVB crash on the Moon...), then we would need to have control on these debris anyway.

• Bob Fitch's Alexandria project is currently on 1964. "SA-5 was the first launch of the Block II Saturn I rocket and was part of the Apollo program." I don't know his plans for Apollo 11, but I suspect it will be soon, and that he will do something very special and beautiful. If we are patient enough, we might opt to use his design.

ZNG's original plan was to use FASA's Saturn V. If a kOS auto-pilot is used, then we will have to stick with whatever rocket it is programmed for. Of course, if we can get someone coding a custom program for the mission, that would be great.

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I haven't asked, but I know KasperVld... I'll shoot him a PM later and see.

Yeah, regardless of 1.0.5's release, we're sticking with 1.0.4. Since unless mods get updated INSTANTLY, they will break.

I shoot a PM to Mulbin, someone who has apparently made a AGC within kOS. Which is what we need. The plan is to use FASA or something like that since there are a few other Saturn V specific mods.

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  ZooNamedGames said:
I haven't asked, but I know KasperVld... I'll shoot him a PM later and see.

Yeah, regardless of 1.0.5's release, we're sticking with 1.0.4. Since unless mods get updated INSTANTLY, they will break.

I shoot a PM to Mulbin, someone who has apparently made a AGC within kOS. Which is what we need. The plan is to use FASA or something like that since there are a few other Saturn V specific mods.

Good cus I'll have a bit of trouble getting 1.0.5

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If you want some subs, I can sub for RetroFire Officer or Booster Systems Engineer / Control Officer .You'll probably need atleast 2 or three persons for most ground jobs anyway, to avoid human fatigue a decrease of attention due to long repetitive tasks ( and I really don't have the time avaliability to grab a full time spot anyway :/ )

I can also help setting up the stream if that actually happens. ( I do that semi-professionally anyway ).

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