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Apollo Mission Recreation (And More!) [Requesting Ground Crew Aid!]


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Yes, mission control will have its own chat, while the crew will have theirs. Only CapCom (and maybe INCO) will be able to hear the two at the same time. CapCom will then have to transmit everything said by MC to the crew.

The other way of transmitting info (Telemachus) will reduce comms from the crew to MC.

( ... )

CapCom will transmit to whoever he's talking to. But it will be his and Flight's role to make sure the comms are recieved by their targets, this includes telling the others to shut up :wink:

Regarding what will be heard by the spectators, we haven't decided yet. We really need a PAO to set up all the things about the stream or the recording.

Well, while I can't say for sure, my impression from in the Apollo missions in normal conditions no one could hear everyone. If I understand correctly, CAPCOM would be only element that could communicate bidirectionally with the ship crew, MC could communicate bidirectionally with everyone in ground crew, including CAPCOM, but the console guys could not communicate freely with eachother. That is slightly more complicated to set than two chatrooms, but it can be done if we really want to.

On the PAO issue, TBH I think the biggest issue is that the PAO function is lumping a lot of tasks at the same time, some of them requiring beefy computers and a steady high speed internet. We are basically lumping in PAO the quite heavy tasks of communicating with the outside, directing the video/audio streaming/recording pretty much live, having a highly modded KSP in high graphic settings for video source and to resolve any technical issues that will appear inevitably in such high duration game session. That is a lot of stuff to juggle around ...

Edited by r_rolo1
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Good point r_rolo1. That's why I asked for assistant PAO, to reduce that workload just a little. (I suck at anything requiring influence, but I can take care of some video grunt work.) That job should be divided into more pieces, or maybe some tasks assigned to other existing ground crew.

Ideally, the PAO position should attract an already-established media type person. To do that, the actual workload needs to be as light as possible. Actually, now that I think about it, PAO might be more of a figurehead.

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Well, while I can't say for sure, my impression from in the Apollo missions in normal conditions no one could hear everyone. If I understand correctly, CAPCOM would be only element that could communicate bidirectionally with the ship crew, MC could communicate bidirectionally with everyone in ground crew, including CAPCOM, but the console guys could not communicate freely with eachother. That is slightly more complicated to set than two chatrooms, but it can be done if we really want to.

Free comms between MC crew, and free comms between ship crew, with only CapCom having access to both is indeed what we are planning.

I'm not sure I got the part about the "console guys" though: who do you exactly mean by "console guys" ?

And we are open to any suggestions, including more complicated forms of chat, as long as it is justified and not adding complexity just for fun.

On the PAO issue, TBH I think the biggest issue is that the PAO function is lumping a lot of tasks at the same time, some of them requiring beefy computers and a steady high speed internet. We are basically lumping in PAO both the quite heavy tasks of communicating with the outside, directing the video/audio streaming/recording pretty much live, having a highly modded KSP in high graphic settings for video source and to resolve any technical issues that will appear inevitably in such high duration game session. That is a lot of stuff the juggle around ...

I agree, this is why we consider PAO to be very important.

A discussion going on about PAO is to decide if we should let people asking for the role and give them or if we ourselves should go ask someone to be PAO for the mission.

Ideally, what we would like is to get one of the "big" KSP streamers (or at least a person who has experience with streaming) to be PAO. They would be able to keep people who are watching entertained, and also able to handle technical issues concerning the stream or recording.

We first want to get as far as we can on the planning so that the people we would ask for the PAO position see that we are really serious about this, and hopefully accept.

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Good point r_rolo1. That's why I asked for assistant PAO, to reduce that workload just a little. (I suck at anything requiring influence, but I can take care of some video grunt work.) That job should be divided into more pieces, or maybe some tasks assigned to other existing ground crew.

Ideally, the PAO position should attract an already-established media type person. To do that, the actual workload needs to be as light as possible. Actually, now that I think about it, PAO might be more of a figurehead.

You are right, having a PAO assistant would be a great thing.

But then again, we will have to see the details of all this with the actual PAO. We can't really make any critical decision about this for now.

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Just so all know, every night at 7pm EST the full crew can meet up in the Apollo Recreation Silver Steam Group chat. So if you want to join with us and talk about the mission feel free. This will also be likely where a lot of early unmanned sims will be done.

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With console guys, I meant the various teams behind EECOM, FAO, FIDO ... I'm pretty sure that they , under normal circumstances, not even the chiefs of those teams would talk with each other freely. And even that is not true I think that putting MC inside a chatroom where everyone can speak would probably overload him/her if something unplanned happens or even in high stress load times of the flight , like the landing itself.

On the PAO, IMHO ( and again I speak as someone that does technical setups for streamings in a semi professional way ( for churches , mostly ) ), I think that the video editing itself should be a separate task, especially if live ( less if we just record it ) and probably the video sourcing ( the person that will run the game for video ) as well. That would leave the communications with the exterior with the PAO, that by itself is quite a task.

I think this would allow some interesting options, like the PAO having guests to comment on the events ( or to have various part time PAO ) and would also free the video editing to juggle various sources and filters ( say , to mute game sounds as needed ( in space no one can hear you scream ... or your rockets firing :P ) or to pass low res-like filters to emulate real received ( aka with some intereference ) SSTV signals while keeping the gorgeous full blown res videos for further post production ) ... this besides dividing the workload a lot

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Feel free to friend me or any of the other member's on Steam/Skype. I will also try to get both theyre Steam and Skype info and add info to that on the OP for all to read. When you send a friend request to them tell them who you are and or why your friending them!! Once they have friended you they should add you to the group. From there you should receive updates as to any major announcements.

Also I will later today compile an Excel spreadsheet which will identify everyone's timezones which will allow or us to more easily decide rotations and time shifts.

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What's PAO?

Also, what's IMHO?

PAO, Public Affairs Officer. Mentioned and described in the OP.

IMHO, In my honest opinion.

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With console guys, I meant the various teams behind EECOM, FAO, FIDO ... I'm pretty sure that they , under normal circumstances, not even the chiefs of those teams would talk with each other freely. And even that is not true I think that putting MC inside a chatroom where everyone can speak would probably overload him/her if something unplanned happens or even in high stress load times of the flight , like the landing itself.

On the PAO, IMHO ( and again I speak as someone that does technical setups for streamings in a semi professional way ( for churches , mostly ) ), I think that the video editing itself should be a separate task, especially if live ( less if we just record it ) and probably the video sourcing ( the person that will run the game for video ) as well. That would leave the communications with the exterior with the PAO, that by itself is quite a task.

I think this would allow some interesting options, like the PAO having guests to comment on the events ( or to have various part time PAO ) and would also free the video editing to juggle various sources and filters ( say , to mute game sounds as needed ( in space no one can hear you scream ... or your rockets firing :P ) or to pass low res-like filters to emulate real received ( aka with some intereference ) SSTV signals while keeping the gorgeous full blown res videos for further post production ) ... this besides dividing the workload a lot

Actually as I even told them yesterday NIGHT every last thing someone does has to be passed through several others then FINALLY past me. It's quite the opposite, they actually work VERY close. The FAO can't add a mile long list of things to look at as it can reduce the fuel which is to be managed by EECOM which also has to speak to Retro and FDO as to whether not it can be done and if it interferes with a plan with one of them.

Will it be noisy with a lot of chatter? Ofc, but Gene Kranz couldn't mute his co-workers, he was in the room with them. They and I will have to deal with it. Silence is key, people can't be having side conversations as it will interfere with what we can hear. But to prevent people from going insane there will be text chat.

Once we get a PAO, then you can discuss how things should be done with him since he will ultimately manage that the recording/streaming.

As to guests, Im all for anyone who will join us. Advertising will help get people. The PAO have to comment on events and explain what's happening, why and such. As to filtering and such, that's again the PAO's decision.

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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Just so all know, every night at 7pm EST the full crew can meet up in the Apollo Recreation Silver Steam Group chat. So if you want to join with us and talk about the mission feel free. This will also be likely where a lot of early unmanned sims will be done.

For European people, 7pm EST is midnight GMT, 1am CET, 3am MSK.

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Registering my tentative interest.

Australia. GMT +10. If this is happening real time then perhaps I can do a "night shift". This thread is a bit hard to follow so I'll try to keep up.

I have kos experience and I'm a mission planner extraordinaire. Seriously - I pre-plan flights from launch to land to return and recovery and fly them on auto-pilot. Never successfully, of course. :cool:

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