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Decals; What will be in this category?


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I think definitely KSP logos etc, warning arrows and the like, maybe even \'CAUTION YOUR BLAST\' or something.

But a brilliant addition to this category would be to be able to select your own decals from your computer\'s directories, WITHOUT having to delve into the game files. Just a window that opens and you can browse for transparent images, or whatever other images you want to add to your rocket. This would complete the decal section.

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Hopefully some pony decals will be added too

If pony decals are included in game as stock, I will personally seek out the one responsible, and murder them. It will not be fast. It will not be painless. And I will enjoy every second of it.

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If pony decals are included in game as stock, I will personally seek out the one responsible, and murder them. It will not be fast. It will not be painless. And I will enjoy every second of it.

you will not enjoy life if you can not handle simple opinions of someone liking a show

and obviously they will not become stock what is wrong with you

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you will not enjoy life if you can not handle simple opinions of someone liking a show

and obviously they will not become stock what is wrong with you

You will not enjoy life if you can not handle simple humor. Do you really think he was actually planning on murdering someone?

As for the decal question, I figure it\'ll be little stickers and stuff you can put on your rockets, like a little KSP logo on the side of a booster. Maybe you could have a folder for custom ones as well.

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If pony decals are included in game as stock, I will personally seek out the one responsible, and murder them. It will not be fast. It will not be painless. And I will enjoy every second of it.

What if you were told applying these decals would increase total fuel and thrust by 50%?

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What if you were told applying these decals would increase total fuel and thrust by 50%?

Re-texture them to a dead bleeding pony with 'Powered by pony blood.' written underneath.

In all seriousness, I really like the idea of logos and maybe even country flags? People could also design their own flag for their ship, either in-game or in GIMP/Fireworks.

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I think definitely KSP logos etc, warning arrows and the like, maybe even \'CAUTION YOUR BLAST\' or something.

But a brilliant addition to this category would be to be able to select your own decals from your computer\'s directories, WITHOUT having to delve into the game files. Just a window that opens and you can browse for transparent images, or whatever other images you want to add to your rocket. This would complete the decal section.

This is what I think was intended. But with the parts catalog overhaul pending in v 0.16, I could see this and all current categories being deprecated. That said, it would be awesome to be able to drag and drop your own PNG or SVG images onto the surface of your rockets, and save a library of those decals in their own section of the parts catalog, along with a small selection of pre-made examples.

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Hopefully some pony decals will be added too

Dear Lord. My 13-year-old daughter has this whole pony thing going on too. She\'s an artist and is right this very moment in my living room painstakingly creating a gorgeous digital drawing of some of her own pony characters, which she intends to enter into some online contest in just under a day.

I will mention the decals thing to her. I bet she\'d be happy to draw 1,000,000 more pony pics (in between her Soul Eater-like pics she also likes to draw) to make the Bronies on KSP jump for joy.

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I like the idea of loading custom decals. It\'s been done in other games too. For example, X-Beyond The Frontier had an option to load an image from the local hard drive to use as the player logo. Also, Robot Arena had decals to put on the robots. (Unfortunately, I never figured out how to hack my own images into there. I always wanted a band-aid on my robot.)

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'I\'m Hogarth\'s other vehicle'

'The candy comes out of the cones in the bottom'

'Space, the big black sparkly place. These are the inconclusive voyages of a big-ass rocket'

'Don\'t look down on those who came before. They gave us awesome explosions'


-A picture of a celery stick tied to an ignited rocket. With Bob\'s expression.

All this pretty much shows the support I have for decals. (Spoiler: YES!)

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A smiley face, eagles, original us mission logos for acheivements, russian hammer and sickle, jeb sunglasses, 'Mun or Bust'

'Kerpollo V.. Don\'t ask what happened to the other IV', 'Is this safe?', 'Jeb is Driving', 'Bob liked this stage', 'If you find this stage, send help', 'This ISNT supposed to come off', 'This way down <---', 'Please contact the KSC if you find this', 'Awsome Rocket', 'Caution: \'Splosion capable', a thumbs up logo, 'Crash proof', 'Jeb appoved'...

just a few ideas.. oh nothing much.

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Adding decals add 0.2 drag, 3.0 mass, and have vectoring ability. Trufax.

I can imagine the Decals will have its own folder where KSP will load from and we will be able to put our own images there. Then again, knowing Unity, this won\'t be a completely easy thing to implement, but I can dream. x]

As for stock decals, it would be great if there was just an enormous image of Jebediah as a decal that covers 3 full-size liquid fuel tanks.

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