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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 21 pg 28--and the answer to Angelo's question is...

Mister Dilsby

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5 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

Every time Bill presses the F5 button, the laser surges from the Vallhenge.

Well, I don't often show it on-page, but we (that is, Bill and I) do use F5 quite a bit and I admit sometimes even F9. Hey, sometimes I'm too busy getting awesome screenshots to pay attention to little things like "terrain" and "altitude", OK?



...and anyway, while we did indeed F5 several times in and around the Vallhenge anomaly, no beam was observed until Clauselle sent the five tones.

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

Well, the shot did miss by at least a million meters--if Intrepid did know their location they have a funny way of showing it :) 

Honestly, sometimes I don't even know. Seriously. I didn't even decide on the whole "death laser persistence upload" thing until Qwammer was parked on the surface next to it. :P 

Preparation for update to KSP 1.2.  Not really.. but just saying :sticktongue:

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

...and anyway, while we did indeed F5 several times in and around the Vallhenge anomaly, no beam was observed until Clauselle sent the five tones.

Bill: What do these almost always get posted while I'm at school? Why do these things always happen while we're passing through one of their jamming fields? 

Bob: Wait... The Vall is a Death Star?!? 

Jeb: there's a very high energy reading coming from Vall moving at the speed of light. Also if it was intended to be a weapon then the Kerbulans are the worst shots I've ever seen. 

Bill: Well, max's WiFi is super slow the Kerbulans are jamming us, so I guess we'll have to wait about another hour and a half to read the comic pages to find out what happened... 


Edited by max_creative
The WiFi is horrible here. HORRIBLE
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Now I have a very clear mental image of the pointy spires lighting up in sequence, smallest to largest, as each note plays - in different colors, per the CE3K board - and the last, as the beam bursts from it, sounds more like a VERY LOUD tuba (again, per the movie) or electric guitar note than a mere synth tone.  :D



Edited by Commander Zoom
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10 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Honestly, sometimes I don't even know. Seriously. I didn't even decide on the whole "death laser persistence upload" thing until Qwammer was parked on the surface next to it. :P 

I like how you're making the plot up as you go along xD

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1 hour ago, parameciumkid said:

I like how you're making the plot up as you go along xD

No, he's not. He's had this series in his head since

On 8/19/2015 at 6:40 AM, Kuzzter said:

Correct--I want a big ship to go to Jool, with a bridge.

at least.

The first time that Kerbulus is shown as canon is here:


On 10/30/2015 at 5:27 PM, Kuzzter said:




Anyway, while doing my research for this post, I remembered about Dilsby's and Val's no-win training. I have a very, very, very strong suspicion that one or both of them will have to deal with a no-win scenario, more than likely involving the Kerbulans.

Also, I took a look at the very first Martystu Kerman post. It ends with him diving into Jool with the Lookies following him. In case you didn't remember, the Lookies were hellbent on the destruction of Kerbalkind. Again, I have a feeling this will come into play, too.

I recall mentioning during the E:O0 trial that he didn't plan things out too far in advance. Looking back, I'm sure that he took some umbrage at that. Sorry, Kuzzter! :)

Edited by Dman979
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18 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

(...) This is likely the end of Chapter 14, unless I think of something else I need to wrap up before Intrepid leaves Vall for Bop :) 

Seems like the universe is about to instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. Or at least, by one that is more "Loud and Clear".

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7 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

I like how you're making the plot up as you go along xD

5 hours ago, Dman979 said:

No, he's not. He's had this series in his head since [snip]

I recall mentioning during the E:O0 trial that he didn't plan things out too far in advance. Looking back, I'm sure that he took some umbrage at that. Sorry, Kuzzter! :)

I do take a lot of umbrage, don't I? :) It's OK Dman, and to be clear there are are some things I plan out way in advance--months, or sometimes years ahead , as in the case Dman cited. But there are also things I decide on a much shorter timescale, and some things that don't get written until they're actually happening. The big elements, the What This Story Is Really About stuff, of course that's already decided. And just like in the example above of Jeb spotting Kerbulus, I do spend some time and some panels preparing the story before those big elements happen. 

Another thing I've said before is that I do not tend to spend time telling a story that I do not intend to go anywhere. The "Kerbahashi Maru" scenario Dman mentions is a good example of this. I used Dislby's experience with the simulator in Eve: Order Zero to go a bit deeper into his character and explore the theme of a person struggling with command responsibility--which was a big part of the story (and not just for Dilsby) in that book. Then I flashed back to it when Dilsby ordered Tedus to abort to surface. Looking back at those pages, I can see a lot of elements that have made their way into the present story (I still laugh at how alike some elements of the bridge are to Intrepid's) Are there still bits and pieces of clues in there, or in Val's simulator flashback [Which I can't seem to find the link to! Did I really write it?] , that have yet to appear in Jool Odyssey? Maybe, maybe not. But yeah, if you want to get some idea of where I'm going next in a story, you can do worse than to look at what I've already shown you :) 


30 minutes ago, FyunchClick said:

Seems like the universe is about to instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. Or at least, by one that is more "Loud and Clear".

This is one of those things that I haven't decided yet :) At minimum, of course, updating to 1.2 cannot change the story towards a direction I don't want to go. We'll see, I have a few possibilities in mind for when the 'disturbance' occurs...

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12 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

This is one of those things that I haven't decided yet :) At minimum, of course, updating to 1.2 cannot change the story towards a direction I don't want to go. We'll see, I have a few possibilities in mind for when the 'disturbance' occurs...

Be super careful when you make the switch.  :wink:

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Just now, Kuzzter said:

Thank you! It was driving me crazy, I checked through all of the E:O0 and AJO .png files twice and couldn't find it--I had forgotten that those pages of D,OB! actually appeared after the Dilsby pages in O0 :)

Yeah, the interleaving (multiplexing?) of D,OB! and E:O0 there is a bit complex.  I was pretty sure it was in D,OB! though and went straight there.

It was very fun to reread some of those pages!

Happy landings!

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So, no proper update today but we have some progress in the so-called "mission" part of this mission report. Posting some pics because we might not catch up to Intrepid in Chapter 15 until she's in Bop orbit (haven't decided).

After a successful liftoff, Val finds Intrepid in polar orbit right where she left her. Here's Qwammer on final approach to Q-bay. Jool, Laythe and Tylo visible in background, Vall in fore.



Captin on the bridge! Welcome back, Val!



Here's our ejection burn from Vall orbit...



And with that burn completed, we just need a planar correction to intercept Bop.



I will most likely not attempt to land the ship on Bop, the terrain is ridiculous and gravity is a bit worse than Pol. But we'll see how I feel about that after the 11th or 12th Qwammer mission. :/ 

Edited by Kuzzter
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