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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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13 hours ago, greenTurtle1134 said:

Animated series? Isn't that basically what we've been watching? Frame by frame?

If you think I work slow now, imagine if I was doing 24 frames per second...in PowerPoint...

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57 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

If you think I work slow now, imagine if I was doing 24 frames per second...in PowerPoint...

Yeah..... :confused:

I think the only way it might work, without having to hire a huge team of animators, would be doing something like Southpark...

But I don't think Southpark style would do Kerbfleet any justice...

Naaa.... Just keep doing it the way you are, @Kuzzter!  :wink:

Edited by Just Jim
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54 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

But how did he get in there without the Kerbulans noticing? I suspect the magic of crew transfers was involved...

Ummmm...yeah, it's a lot easier to explain how Dilsby got in that cockpit than to explain how the Kerbulans aren't, well, everywhere. Maybe they just really like burning through things? Though Kurt and Melgee could not have transferred into the hab with the cuties anyway, it was already at max capacity (3)

*waves hands*

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7 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Ummmm...yeah, it's a lot easier to explain how Dilsby got in that cockpit than to explain how the Kerbulans aren't, well, everywhere. Maybe they just really like burning through things? Though Kurt and Melgee could not have transferred into the hab with the cuties anyway, it was already at max capacity (3)

*waves hands*

Kurt and Melgee definitely aren't the sharpest tools in the box anyway - I suspect a good murderdeath spree has them nicely distracted. I can imagine the Evil Bridge Crew are also somewhat distracted by the need to make sure that their Away Team don't burn through the outer hull by mistake , or let the recoil from their indiscriminate weapon fire (:wink:) propel them into anything important.

*rationalise, rationalise*

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8 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

It occurs to me how Kerbfleet can stop the Kerbulans: Fully occupy any crewed module they're trying to get into! :)

Nice idea--but apparently burning through the doors circumvents that rule. Two Kerbulans and three Kerbals are presently occupying a three space hab, along with three empty spacesuits and a lot of shell casings I am NOT going to draw. 

I suppose it really only matters if they all try to sit down? I guess there's always room to EVA, through the magic of minty greenscreen.

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On 7.1.2018 at 10:34 PM, Angel-125 said:

It occurs to me how Kerbfleet can stop the Kerbulans: Fully occupy any crewed module they're trying to get into! :)

Kerbulans and Kerbals do have the same Kerb number (+1). So far you'd be right: A Kerbal (+1) and a Kerbulan (+1) have a Kerb number of +2. However, this isn't the only Kuantum number that affects crew count. There's also the Kerb flavour or family and that's where things get a bit complicated...

If Kerbulans were just anti-Kerbals they would annihilate upon contact. But they don't as we have already seen in previous comics. So...they are members of different families like the electron, muon and tauon in the standard model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepton_number

Now, a Kerbal has a Kerbal number of +1 and a Kerbulan has Kerbulan number of +1. If you put a Kerbal and a Kerbulan in a module, you will end up with a Kerb number of two, but a Kerbal number of 1 and a Kerbulan number of 1. Since Kerbal modules are affected by the Kerbal number but not by the Kerbulan number, the module isn't occupied by two Kerbals. Similarly, the Kerbulan modules are affected by the Kerbulan number but not by the Kerbal number.



On 7.1.2018 at 10:47 PM, Kuzzter said:

Nice idea--but apparently burning through the doors circumvents that rule. Two Kerbulans and three Kerbals are presently occupying a three space hab, along with three empty spacesuits and a lot of shell casings I am NOT going to draw. 

I suppose it really only matters if they all try to sit down? I guess there's always room to EVA, through the magic of minty greenscreen.

This problem is easily solved, since there are space suits as well:

The empty space suits are basically fulfilling the same function as electron anti-neutrinos (Kerbalantineutrinos?) which do have a Kerbal family number of -1 but no Kerb number. Similarly, a Kerbulan space suit has a Kerb number of zero but a Kerbulan family number of -1.


So....let me sum up: Three Kerbals (Kerb number 1, Kerbal number 1, Kerbulan number 0) + two Kerbulans (Kerb number 1, Kerbal number 0, Kerbulan number 1) + three Kerbal space suits (Kerb number 0, Kerbal number -1, Kerbulan number 0):

-Kerb number = 3+2+0 = 5

-Kerbal number = 3-3+0 = 0

-Kerbulan number = 0+2+0 = 2

As we can see, the Kerbal number in that particular module is zero and that's what causes crew count.

That means, you could actually put another three Kerbals in the same module, as the Kerbal number is zero.



Well, that's basically the standard model. But, I assume we will soon see if it applies or not.

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1 hour ago, something said:

Well, that's basically the standard model. But, I assume we will soon see if it applies or not.

This... is...  brilliant!  Are they still taking nominations for the Nobel Prize in physics or do we have to wait until next year already?  :D

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I guess copying the standard model is not what you call meeting the requirements for a Nobel prize nomination...the multi messenger observation of the neutron star coalescence was a far greater achievement (it has already been nominated 'scientific breakthrough of the year' by this niche journal called 'Nature' :wink: ). I hope that event is recognized by the royal academy...

If you are eligible to nominate somebody (which the vast majority of people are not) - the deadline is January 31.

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1 hour ago, something said:

If you are eligible to nominate somebody (which the vast majority of people are not) - the deadline is January 31.

Given who all has gotten the Peace Prize in the last few decades, a lack of qualification to nominate anybody is not a bar to making a nomination :wink:


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2 hours ago, FlyingPete said:

Just re-read this starting right back at Eve: Order Zero. Spotted a few plot intricacies around the Kerbulans which I missed before! Excellent writing and looking forward to the conclusion!

Thanks! I guess that's one advantage of a slow update schedule, it gives a kerb time to review :D 

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On 1/17/2018 at 8:02 AM, FlyingPete said:

Just re-read this starting right back at Eve: Order Zero. Spotted a few plot intricacies around the Kerbulans which I missed before! Excellent writing and looking forward to the conclusion!

That comment seemed to sit in my subconscious for a few days, @FlyingPete, until I found myself starting over with Duna, Ore Bust!, and then the Eve series.  Was great fun, but forgive me, @Kuzzter if you're getting notifications that some yahoo has been 'liking' stuff you posted 2+ years ago (before we even had a "like" button, IIRC).

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31 minutes ago, boccelounge said:

That comment seemed to sit in my subconscious for a few days, @FlyingPete, until I found myself starting over with Duna, Ore Bust!, and then the Eve series.  Was great fun, but forgive me, @Kuzzter if you're getting notifications that some yahoo has been 'liking' stuff you posted 2+ years ago (before we even had a "like" button, IIRC).

It actually made me quite happy to see your progress through the back issues, while I was laying out the next pages...which I did NOT get to finish this weekend, as I had a great deal of "homework" from the day job. :( 

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