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[1.3.1] Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) [v0.3.5] [2017-09-23]


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The following dependencies are required for the mod to run:

Your install folder should look like this (assuming no other mods are installed):


Are you positive that you have the latest versions of all those installed? If so and it still does not work, please post a screenshot of your GameData directory and also a screenshot within the PoodsOPMVO folder.

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4 minutes ago, BarnabeLEPD said:



All seems to be located correctly. When you say 'Atmospheres aren't working' what part of the mod does this specifically refer to? The cloud layers, the atmospheric scatter effect...? If its the scatter, please be aware you have to have the active vessel in orbit around the body for Scatterer to load the effects in. 

If none of it is working. I'm am a bit stumped.

3 minutes ago, Mr Betelgeuse said:

Wow! Great to see a test-release!

Looking forward to this. What cloud back to you recommend?

Do you mean Skybox? I personally have no idea. Errr, I don't like crazy sky boxes with nebula and galaxies showing everywhere. I will not be including a sky box in the mod though, so its probably best you go and search high and low for something you like.

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7 minutes ago, Poodmund said:


Do you mean Skybox? I personally have no idea. Errr, I don't like crazy sky boxes with nebula and galaxies showing everywhere. I will not be including a sky box in the mod though, so its probably best you go and search high and low for something you like.

Haha, that was a type-o. I meant what cloud pack (not black) do you reccomend? 

Also I gave it a shot, and I'm getting the great textures for the Gas Giants, but nothing is happening for Tekto and Thatmo. What's going on?

Aslo, scatterer really screws up with the rings of Sarnus and Urlum.

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14 hours ago, Mr Betelgeuse said:

Haha, that was a type-o. I meant what cloud pack (not black) do you reccomend? 

Also I gave it a shot, and I'm getting the great textures for the Gas Giants, but nothing is happening for Tekto and Thatmo. What's going on?

Aslo, scatterer really screws up with the rings of Sarnus and Urlum.

Recommended cloud pack for the stock bodies... errr, its personal preference. The 1.0.5 packs that I know of are the EVE-Configs, Stock Visual Enhancements and KSPRC. Take your pick. :D

10 hours ago, BarnabeLEPD said:

Scattering seems to work fine, but there are no clouds. I reinstalled ksp and all the mods a few times but it never works. I'm getting the exact same problem as Mr Betelgeuse

With regards to clouds not showing up, are you both sure that you are using EVE-1.05-4 and not the previous version EVE-7-4? If you are using the old version of EVE, none of the cloud layers will appear as the mod underwent a whole rewrite as to the syntax of the config files.

Link in case you cannot find it: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/download/EVE-1.05-4/x86-EVE-Release.zip

I just created a Vanilla install, installed the necessary mods and installed the latest release of this mod and all was working correctly.

Edited by Poodmund
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4 hours ago, BarnabeLEPD said:

I installed everything correctly but Tekto and Thatmo don't change. There's certainly a problem with the mod. And SVE doesn't work with this mod, idk why.

Well I just recorded myself adding the mod to a completely Vanilla install and HyperEdited a craft around Tekto to show you that, indeed, it does work.

So, I'm not sure what you may be doing wrong. Ensure that you have all the dependencies installed in their latest versions. Excuse the ending, HyperEdit's landing feature sometimes causes spontaneous, unplanned, rapid deconstruction.

Edited by Poodmund
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Just installed this, and wow tekto looks fantastic :) however I'm not seeing any of the textures for the gas giants wierdly. I have KSPRC installed and I found that if I delete the KSPRC folder some clouds appear on the gas giants, but the textures stay the same as stock OPM. So it would appear that there may be something conflicting between your configs and proots.

Ok quick edit, the problem with gas giant textures lies within the Kopernicus expansion folder that comes with KSPRC (I think proot uses it for procedural clouds on jool) Deleting this folder gives me your gas giant textures. If the KSPRC folder is present, clouds still wont load for the gas giants.

Edited by Chimer4
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29 minutes ago, BarnabeLEPD said:

It's finally working !! I used a modified version of EVE that I found in KSPRC. But unfortunately other cloud packs don't work anymore ;.;

It sounds as if you were not running EVE-1.05-4 that is required. I have also experienced the fact that SVE does not work with this mod but KSPRC does. I am looking into it. :D

21 minutes ago, Chimer4 said:

Just installed this, and wow tekto looks fantastic :) however I'm not seeing any of the textures for the gas giants wierdly. I have KSPRC installed and I found that if I delete the KSPRC folder some clouds appear on the gas giants, but the textures stay the same as stock OPM. So it would appear that there may be something conflicting between your configs and proots.

If you temporarily delete the KopernicusExpansion folder that KSPRC adds, do the OPM-VO base colour maps appear? Could you please test this and I will look into it further.

EDIT: Yes it is KopernicusExpansion that is cause the base colour maps not to show. I was experiencing some weird graphical bugs when playing around with KopernicusExpansion so I decided not to support it at this time until it has had a stable(ish) release for the new Kopernicus. I do plan to support Kopernicus Expansion when it is stable enough when using DX11/OpenGL.

Edited by Poodmund
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18 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

If you temporarily delete the KopernicusExpansion folder that KSPRC adds, do the OPM-VO base colour maps appear? Could you please test this and I will look into it further.

I'm not sure if I got my edit in before you posted, but yes if I delete the kopernicus expansion folder, the OPM-VO textures appear, and the gas giant clouds will appear when I delete the KSPRC folder. It's weird though that thatmo and tekto clouds work just fine with or without the KSPRC folder

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4 hours ago, Chimer4 said:

I'm not sure if I got my edit in before you posted, but yes if I delete the kopernicus expansion folder, the OPM-VO textures appear, and the gas giant clouds will appear when I delete the KSPRC folder. It's weird though that thatmo and tekto clouds work just fine with or without the KSPRC folder

Ah, I think its down to an error with KSPRC's "pqs.cfg" file. Open it up and change it to:

		body = Jool
		deactivateDistance = 175000

Then it should all work. I'll notify Proot to change it. :D

EDIT: @Chimer4 I have sorted out the Kopernicus Expansion issue for Sarnus and I just need to replicate it for Urlum and Neidon. Kopernicus Expansion support will be provided in the next release.

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@Poodmund you seem familiar with EVE, I have a question for you.

I would like to add cloud compatibility to my rescale mod, which are the parameters that should be rescaled?

I know I will need to rescale the "deactivateDistance" in the "PQS_MANAGER"

and also I will need to rescale the "altitude" of each "OBJECT"

is there anything else?

Edited by Sigma88
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22 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Ah, I think its down to an error with KSPRC's "pqs.cfg" file. Open it up and change it to:

		body = Jool
		deactivateDistance = 175000

Then it should all work. I'll notify Proot to change it. :D

EDIT: @Chimer4 I have sorted out the Kopernicus Expansion issue for Sarnus and I just need to replicate it for Urlum and Neidon. Kopernicus Expansion support will be provided in the next release.

That change has sorted things a treat, thanks :) Also when you say Kopernicus Expansion support will be provided in the next release, do you mean that they will be procedural or simply just it will be able to be loaded alongside KE?

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8 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

@Poodmund you seem familiar with EVE, I have a question for you.

I would like to add cloud compatibility to my rescale mod, which are the parameters that should be rescaled?

I know I will need to rescale the "deactivateDistance" in the "PQS_MANAGER"

and also I will need to rescale the "altitude" of each "OBJECT"

is there anything else?

Err, anything related to the surface I would have thought, so maybe Detail Texture speed multiple by a factor of the circumference increase/decrease. Errrm, I'll have a think about it, if you have any troubleshooting thoughts just tag me in the Sigma Dimensions thread and I'll spare a thought. :D

4 hours ago, Chimer4 said:

That change has sorted things a treat, thanks :) Also when you say Kopernicus Expansion support will be provided in the next release, do you mean that they will be procedural or simply just it will be able to be loaded alongside KE?

I will included Kopernicus Expansions features i.e. 'Procedural Gas Giants' module within Kopernicus. I'm not a huge fan of the way Kopernicus Expansions does the 'procedural' look so what I am doing is creating a 1px wide ramp texture from the scaled space colour maps I have made, create an EVE layer with the Gas Giant colour map as its main texture but with a slightly lowered Alpha value so that Kopernicus Expansion's procedural 'wiggliness' can be seen through the texture subtly. An issue I am having right now though is that EVE does not seem to flip .dds textures vertically like KSP does when it displays them in-game, therefore unless I can somehow create a flipped effect of the base colour map in EVE, I would have to include a duplicate texture that is flipped. :/

I will also be including a 'pqs.cfg' file to overwrite Proot's one in the KSPRC folder temporarily until the issue is fixed in one of his future releases. I know this is a bit questionable but I personally feel it is appropriate at this time.


v0.1.2-beta - Poodmund's Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul


  • Added support for Sigma88's OPM-Tilt. If OPM-Tilt is installed, all visuals will adjust to suit the 90 degree axial tilt.
  • Added support for MrHappyFace's Kopernicus Expansion. If KE is installed, Sarnus and Neidon will have subtle, small rippling gas bands.
  • Including a 'pqs.cfg' file to overwrite KSPRC's one to allow for EVE Cloud Layers on Gas Giants (will remove from distribution when KSPRC is updated to suit).

Please read the Readme as it goes over some known issues, features, dependencies etc. that I won't go over in the OP at this moment as this is a dev thread.

Feedback please... specifically as to what you think of Sarnus and Neidon if you are using Kopernicus Expansion. KSPRC should be fully compatible now with this mod @Chimer4. :D

Edited by Poodmund
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some feedback @Poodmund:

as for SVE since you are using colored textures that doesn't allow me to make your mod compatible with my OPMRecolor.

using greyscale textures would solve the issue, but of course that's your choice ;)

If you feel colored textures give a better result I don't expect you to change them. I don't even know if there are people using my mod anyways :)

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18 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

some feedback @Poodmund:

as for SVE since you are using colored textures that doesn't allow me to make your mod compatible with my OPMRecolor.

using greyscale textures would solve the issue, but of course that's your choice ;)

If you feel colored textures give a better result I don't expect you to change them. I don't even know if there are people using my mod anyways :)

With regards to OPMRecolour, it is only the 3 'translucent' gas ring layers around Sarnus that have any hue to them. However, for OPMRecolour support, it would basically be me recolouring the base scaled space colour maps to suit your recolours, detecting if a user has OPMRecolour installed, and if so, applying those textures instead (much the same as I do when detecting OPMTilt). That means it would cost 3 more body-size textures in the distribution which is quite a large percentage of the overall size. I feel like if I were to support OPMRecolour, I would probably have it as an aside distribution that any users that use the mod, could download separately and overwrite the existing textures in my mod.

Feels a little bit cleaner that way I think.

Also, I haven't really had any feedback on how anything looks since before I released the initial release so some time over the next few days I'll probably try and get some good screenshots together to show the mod off in its current state. If anyone is using this, I would love to see your own screenshots/videos so that we can all discuss what you make this mod look better etc.

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15 minutes ago, Poodmund said:

With regards to OPMRecolour, it is only the 3 'translucent' gas ring layers around Sarnus that have any hue to them. However, for OPMRecolour support, it would basically be me recolouring the base scaled space colour maps to suit your recolours, detecting if a user has OPMRecolour installed, and if so, applying those textures instead (much the same as I do when detecting OPMTilt). That means it would cost 3 more body-size textures in the distribution which is quite a large percentage of the overall size. I feel like if I were to support OPMRecolour, I would probably have it as an aside distribution that any users that use the mod, could download separately and overwrite the existing textures in my mod.

Feels a little bit cleaner that way I think.

Also, I haven't really had any feedback on how anything looks since before I released the initial release so some time over the next few days I'll probably try and get some good screenshots together to show the mod off in its current state. If anyone is using this, I would love to see your own screenshots/videos so that we can all discuss what you make this mod look better etc.

the other alternative would be to use greyscale textures and color them using the "_Color" parameter in EVE, that way you just need 1 texture and it will be possible to change the color of the clouds to whatever anyone wants using a simple MM config

I haven't messed around enough with EVE to know if this change would affect quality, but I don't really see why it would. even better, you may end up saving a lot of RAM doing that since you'll just need 1 channel per cloud texture instead of 4.

I am probably not the best person to give you feedback about the aestetic of the mod, since I don't really play KSP that much, but for what is worth I am a big fan of the style of the first three Neidon pictures from the album in the OP

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