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23 hours ago, KasperVld said:



Known issues:

  • [No Fix] Because thread and post IDs were reset, old links will not work.

Being a DB-admin and a DB-programmer simultaneously I must say: migration to a new sofware with any information lost is an unsuccesful migration. But with added that your staff have managed to lose this VERY IMPORTANT information of the links correspondence between the old and the new database, this migration is a DISASTER!

I suspect, that forum is already dead for some period of time.

Edited by Ivan Pomidorov
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11 minutes ago, Ivan Pomidorov said:

Being a DB-admin and a DB-programmer simultaneously I must say: migration to a new sofware with any information lost is an unsuccesful migration. But with added that your staff have managed to lose this VERY IMPORTANT information of the links correspondence between the old and the new database, this migration is a DISASTER!

I suspect, that forum is already dead for some period of time.

Nope, like with Course, and new Devnote format they are never wrong, no matter what Community says.

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17 minutes ago, Ivan Pomidorov said:

Being a DB-admin and a DB-programmer simultaneously I must say: migration to a new sofware with any information lost is an unsuccesful migration. But with added that your staff have managed to lose this VERY IMPORTANT information of the links correspondence between the old and the new database, this migration is a DISASTER!

Yep.   As I said in a post that mysteriously disappeared, there would be much honor and no shame in declaring this migration a failure and rolling back to the old forum system until such time as a lossless migration becomes possible.

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11 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

I keep getting gateway errors....


Anyhow, it's pretty cool.

Yep, yesterday I wasn't able to get pass the front page, and even getting to load the index.php was a hit-or-miss (more miss than hit).

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First: KasperVld, once you get a chance to breathe, you deserve a couple of rounds of either ethane hydroxide or hydroxyl-methyl-methane, in the 50% to 60% by volume range. A migration of this relative scale is no mean feat. For it to have gone as smooth as it has is to your, and squad's credit. I've lived some horror stories and been on all three sides of the fence of several migrations.

Second the First: The only good change is the stuff in my pocket. I hate change. Change is bad. Change is evil. Change will be our doom. Waily waily, waily.

Second the Second: Since I have zippo control over it, I'm going to kerb up and work with it.

Third the First: The general ordering of sections. I agree, "Gameplay and Technical Support" should be above "General KSP"

Third the Second: The threads in Gameplay Questions and Tutorials need a last posted date on them when looking at it from the forum level.

Third the Third: the broken internal links. it has been discussed at length, so I won't add to it. but it would be a nice long term project... or something to hand to that poor intern <evil laugh>.


Edited by steuben
bad chemistry
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Again, I4m not an expert in web forums, but I know quite few things in data bases. Topic post ID ar identifier. They aren't created by the user, they are created by the software (end sometime even from the data base itself.) There is no real way to get them back.


Anyway, if there was (which some kind on export/import features), the migration should have to be redone. But as the softwares are different, I don't see any pertinence of forum software devs to


I managed a forum under phpBB once, we handled the "mobile" user with a dedicate simpler skin. That was nearly transparent for all users.


Further more, if, on smartphone, it was hard to use the forum, it was totally usable on tablets/pad.

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I've worked out a tool that converts the old threadid and takes you to the thread on this forum. I hope that will make things a lot easier for people who want to convert links. I'll see if we can also adapt this tool to work with old links. Details are in the first post.

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Ya know,

I kinda like the new looks. yeah it's got some quirks, it's a bit bulky. all of which can be fixed with themes.


The RB sub-forum stayed, but it only shows posts you made. which is OK, but annoying to say the least.

maybe i'll stick around for a bit. maybe not. dunno.


But, for now it looks like this may be good bye for me. i know RB thread, we won, yay! blah blah, but what's the point of having it as an archive if we cant continue it? i know about the collab crap, and the showcase stuff. but really? "remove the company aspect of it" that's entirely destroying what a collab effectively is. Feel free to ignore this as i am rambling about it. but this is just my opinion.


Cya later, Kerbonauts.

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I don't really understand the reason why all the links are broken..

The Migration FAQ of the Developer from IPS 4 states that the links will work: 



Will my existing links be broken?

When you convert from one of many platforms, we include free scripts which automatically translate your current URLs into the IPS Community Suite's Friendly URLs. Appropriate headers are sent, so search engines don't penalize you for the change, either. If your existing platform will redirect in this way, it will be indicated with the  icon on our Migrate to IPS page.


So have the ID's of for the posts have been reset by accident or was there an incompatibility because the "old" system software was not fully supported for migration?

If the first is true: Wouldn't it be reasonable to run the migration process again to avoid these errors? (i know would mean a lot of additional overtime, but would calm the community) It's said that the 'old' forum is still accessible internally so one could migrate from that one.

If the second is true: Why did you came to the decision to migrate to a software where the migration process is not fully supported? I 'm sure there would have been other systems with support for that. (As this is one of the must-have for the decision of a migration to another system)


PS: Is it possible to add the ability to create tables in the posts again? Or is this not supported?

PPS: At least some kind of separetor (e.g. thin blue line) between multiple posts would be really helpful. Without it is quite hard to see where one post ends and another starts.

Edited by Nils277
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4 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

PS: Is it possible to add the ability to create tables in the posts again? Or is this not supported?

PPS: At least some kind of separetor (e.g. thin blue line) between multiple posts would be really helpful. Without it is quite hard to see where one post ends and another starts.

Fully support this.

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Is it not possible for that tool of yours to automatically redirect incoming links? IMO it's not much use if you have to know about it and then go and fix every link you've made to the forums

Edited by Andrew_C
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5 minutes ago, Andrew_C said:

Is it not possible for that tool of yours to automatically redirect incoming links? IMO it's not much use if you have to know about it and then go and fix every link you've made to the forums

I've contacted our webhost about that, shouldn't be too hard from this point forward but we'll have to wait for them. Do note that this tool doesn't work for posts, just threads (though I think that's a vast improvement already!)

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Well so far I've had 72 emails about this thread in the last 3 hours... Apparently "Notify me of replies" does not include the inferred "to my specific post" that I thought it would -_-

I feel I have to ask... was the migration tested before it was done on the production server? Did someone trial the migration on the development box? And if so, did nobody notice that most of the existing forum content was going to be unreadable? Just from my own observations, we have lost...
- formatting in existing posts
- image links
- imgur links
- youtube links
- links between posts
- subscriptions

In short, the data loss has completely knackered everything that had been shared about KSP over the last 2 years... a huge swaythe of player-generated advice and information is now basically unreadable due to lack of BBCode support or failure to load external content. Mod makers got a proper kick in the kerbals now that all their interconnected links don't work, and new users arriving at this forum are going to get a very poor impression of the community when they realise that every link everywhere is broken. We all look like a proper bunch of keyboard monkeys now :( 

Kasper needs some days off in lieu and we appreciate he did his best at the time with the task he was given, but we need to ask whether Squad as a collective made the right decision in this forum migration - and if not, can it be reverted? It seems unlikely that anything posted in the last 24 hours would be missed compared to the literally years worth of community content that is currently ruined.

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Setting up an Apache/Nginx regex based redirect rule for a URL is simple. The /threads/ URI should be redirecting to the showthread.php?t= URI.

Along those lines - I thought part of the point of this move was to move into this decade... which has the index.php? portion not been removed from the URI in exactly the same way as above. This is normal simple stuff.



I've contacted our webhost about that, shouldn't be too hard from this point forward but we'll have to wait for them.

If you are relying on your webhost to manage your Apache/Nginx configuration they should have advised you of these possibilities before the migration so that they were a complete non-issue. I wouldn't be even remotely happy with them.

Edited by GrugInAus
Kasper replied with relevant comments
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21 minutes ago, Kozak said:

Ya know,

I kinda like the new looks. yeah it's got some quirks, it's a bit bulky. all of which can be fixed with themes.


The RB sub-forum stayed, but it only shows posts you made. which is OK, but annoying to say the least.

maybe i'll stick around for a bit. maybe not. dunno.


But, for now it looks like this may be good bye for me. i know RB thread, we won, yay! blah blah, but what's the point of having it as an archive if we cant continue it? i know about the collab crap, and the showcase stuff. but really? "remove the company aspect of it" that's entirely destroying what a collab effectively is. Feel free to ignore this as i am rambling about it. but this is just my opinion.


Cya later, Kerbonauts.



Heck, the main reason i bought KSP in the first place was to create a Rocket Builders company...
I still don't like this, probably never will. but good luck squad in your further endeavors.

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6 minutes ago, eddiew said:

Kasper needs some days off in lieu and we appreciate he did his best at the time with the task he was given, but we need to ask whether Squad as a collective made the right decision in this forum migration - and if not, can it be reverted? It seems unlikely that anything posted in the last 24 hours would be missed compared to the literally years worth of community content that is currently ruined.

Won't happen community is doing mistakes not devs, like in previous incidents.

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20 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

I don't really understand the reason why all the links are broken..

The Migration FAQ of the Developer from IPS 4 states that the links will work: 

So have the ID's of for the posts have been reset by accident or was there an incompatibility because the "old" system software was not fully supported for migration?

If the first is true: Wouldn't it be reasonable to run the migration process again to avoid these errors? (i know would mean a lot of additional overtime, but would calm the community) It's said that the 'old' forum is still accessible internally so one could migrate from that one.

If the second is true: Why did you came to the decision to migrate to a software where the migration process is not fully supported? I 'm sure there would have been other systems with support for that. (As this is one of the must-have for the decision of a migration to another system)


PS: Is it possible to add the ability to create tables in the posts again? Or is this not supported?

PPS: At least some kind of separetor (e.g. thin blue line) between multiple posts would be really helpful. Without it is quite hard to see where one post ends and another starts.

Not all versions of all forum software support the automatic redirecting of links.  I'm guessing that this was migrated from vBulletin 5.x which does not support the link redirecting. Click the vBulletin 5.x link on the left and it does not mention redirection like vBulletin 4.x does (top right of pop over). https://www.invisionpower.com/services/migrate

Edited by zspoelstra
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4 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

So have the ID's of for the posts have been reset by accident or was there an incompatibility because the "old" system software was not fully supported for migration?

Afaik the IDs are created by a script in the database management system. You can't copy them over if target and source database save content in a different way. As far as I can see migration itself went relatively well.

What you could try is to write a program which identifies the old and new IDs and overwrite all old IDs in a URL in a post with the new ID. Considering that copying the content already took nearly two days, identifying and overwriting the new IDs would probably take a week or longer.

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