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[1.0.5] * Rocket Factory * - LeBeau Space Industries


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  On 3/17/2016 at 12:56 PM, Gaultesian said:

I have not commented for the last month or so about your mod Raendy, as I away on other work (and I was playing Xcom 2...which I have out of my system now, and I am ready to come back to KSP).  However, I have been reading all, watching all and listening to everything you and the commentators have been saying.

Your work looks better than I dreamed it would be!  I have been an avid fan of your designs since you started showing images of your pods way back at the beginning, and to see you have created so much....I am setting up a new copy of KSP on my hard drive specifically for this mod alone.

Cheers, and kudos to you for making me salivate for all this time...the end is near!  Blasting off to DUNA will be a joy :D.




Hello gaultesian,

many many thanks for the compliments and for the support . for this small 50mb mod is no separate installation necessary. :) 

as mentioned above, my following mods will build on this.  I'm a 'Duna-Lifter-setup' create. will it be designed more realistically and be composed in several stages.
- later more pictures of concept-prototype DLS - DTV (DunaLifterSetup / DunaTransferVehicle) will be follow.


cheers :)


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Yawp, the OP now says March 28th.  Bummer, I too am looking forward to this.  :) 

Lol, looks like Mr. LeBeau is a member of the 'National Procrastination Society' like me.  See my signature for more info...

Edited by Neutrinovore
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  On 3/22/2016 at 12:15 AM, Neutrinovore said:

Yawp, the OP now says March 28th.  Bummer, I too am looking forward to this.  :)


Yes... Also anxiously awaiting this release... At least this one is only less than 4 months, unlike others that have been in-development and hyped for over a year, with NO alpha or pre-releases at all... :(

  On 3/22/2016 at 12:15 AM, Neutrinovore said:

Lol, looks like Mr. LeBeau is a member of the 'National Procrastination Society' like me.  See my signature for more info...


Unfortunately, it seems my motto has become "Why do today, what you can put off till tomorrow..."  LOL

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hi all who think they have what get promised

1 page before I have already explained that there are delays, and I also happen to pay bills.
- So I sacrifice my free time for that? wow, I have to think about whether I even want to do that to me in the future.
there really people (immature people) that one do not want to make it easy .. from what reasons whatsoever.

Edited by RaendyLeBeau
Do not feed the trolls
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  On 3/23/2016 at 9:58 AM, RaendyLeBeau said:

hi all who think they have what get promised

1 page before I have already explained that there are delays, and I also happen to pay bills.
- So I sacrifice my free time for that? wow, I have to think about whether I even want to do that to me in the future.
there really people (immature people) that one do not want to make it easy .. from what reasons whatsoever.


I'm with you, brother!  I hope you didn't take MY comment about the 'Procrastination Society' thing as a criticism, I was just trying to make a joke because my signature has that quote... Well, anyway, my apologies if I offended, it was certainly not my intention.

You keep doing what you need to do, at YOUR OWN pace, my friend.  :)  Things will get done when they're done.  Or not.  But I agree with you, you've PROMISED NOTHING to anyone, so don't feel pressured if we, the great unwashed, get impatient sometimes.  In fact, you COULD look at it as a compliment, if you like.  :)  We've seen something here in your mod that we like, and are eager and excited to have a chance to play with it.  So kudos to you for creating something that is in such demand.

Keep the faith, Brother!  I'll still sign off with the following:

STILL looking forward to future developments from this mod.  :cool:


  On 3/22/2016 at 3:09 PM, Stone Blue said:

Unfortunately, it seems my motto has become "Why do today, what you can put off till tomorrow..."  LOL


Lol, didn't you know?  That IS the motto of the NPS, welcome!  Actually, the true wording is "NEVER do now what can be put off until LATER" (emphasis added by me).  Har!  :D

OOOHHH, I just had a brainstorm!!! If someone could translate that into Latin, "Never do now what can be put off until later", and I mean real true honest-to-God LATIN, along the lines of "Si vis pacem, parabellum", which means "If you would have peace, prepare for war", or "Semper Fidelis" - "Forever Faithful", I would actually pay you real money for that!  I mean, I'm broke right now, but as soon as I get a job, I'm totally and completely serious, I want to have it printed on a t-shirt!

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@RaendyLeBeau I also hope you didnt take my comment as negative toward you...
I TOTALLY realise it can take LOTS of precious time to make a mod, especially a parts mod on the scale of this one... (I've tried making a few relatively simple parts of my own, and I've put in over 100 hours of actual time already (granted, most of it was learning basic modelling)... I have nothing but respect for someone who can get even a very small mod done, much less all these HUGE parts packs, and HUGELY complicated (but perfectly working) plugins that are out there...

However, I will say there is also a balance to be made... When someone is developing a parts mod, theres a point where it seems to be a bit much, to have months, or even years, already spent, with MUCH discussion on a long development thread, and to be 95% done with the mod, and to keep holding out on even a test release, for weeks or even months more...

Again, I realise it takes TIME to develop a mod, and to develop it RIGHT... However, if you are developing a large parts pack, hyping it and expecting people to wait so long for it, you're going to end up with many people discouraged and put off, and have their enthusiasm wane... Thats just human nature... Now is that YOUR problem?... NO... Developers owe NOTHING to other game players... Again, I realise it takes time to make a big mod, and to get everything right... However, maybe it would be a good idea to plan what parts to do, in groups, get them (relatively) done, and then pre-release them in steps as alpha releases...

I would see the benefits of this as, one, it gives people a chance to try out the mod, without having to wait so long with nothing but hope... Another, it gives the developer a chance to get feedback and bug reports early, and in smaller "bunches", rather than getting them all at once, on a large pack, on a full release...
Also, I would think releasing a little at a time, and getting that feedback, could be a good motivator to finish the mod, and to maybe get insight on new directions to make it even better...

I'm sure there are negatives to this also, however... Hence, a balance...

Anyway, there's MANY variables to consider for a developer, so like I said, theres a balance to be found... And unfortunately, not everyone can always be happy with the result...

I DO look forward to your mod release, as I do ALL potentially good, interesting, awesome mods...

In any case, please dont let ANY words from me discourage you...I dont always say the best thing, or even manage to say it in the best way, even if it is a good thing I'm trying to say... lol

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 3/23/2016 at 9:58 AM, RaendyLeBeau said:

hi all who think they have what get promised

1 page before I have already explained that there are delays, and I also happen to pay bills.
- So I sacrifice my free time for that? wow, I have to think about whether I even want to do that to me in the future.
there really people (immature people) that one do not want to make it easy .. from what reasons whatsoever.


I won't apologize for my enthusiasm or humor, but I will say this:

If you feel like you're "sacrificing" your free time, you're already done modding. You should be doing it because you want to, and because you enjoy it, and you definitely shouldn't get insulted by people being enthusiastic about your work.

What you certainly shouldn't have happening in here is people who have expressed no interest at all popping in just to stir the pot.



Edited by Randazzo
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Yeah, wasn't your post at all. My "fatherly" reply was also deleted because it quoted the perp. 

People need to realize that mods are free, and people have real lives... being demanding of a modder is remarkably childish, instead, be grateful they spend the time, and have the skill to do what they do! 

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  On 3/23/2016 at 9:58 AM, RaendyLeBeau said:

hi all who think they have what get promised

1 page before I have already explained that there are delays, and I also happen to pay bills.
- So I sacrifice my free time for that? wow, I have to think about whether I even want to do that to me in the future.
there really people (immature people) that one do not want to make it easy .. from what reasons whatsoever.


Didn't mean to sound rude at all, I'm just cheerfully looking forward to release. My apologies if there was a misunderstanding.

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dear all, first release !

just added download link - the link can be found on the first page or an the NEW- Release thread ! (see link below)

remains well behaved & cool.

and as always in this sense, cheers all !!



what happens next - Please read :

I now see the development of this mod as terminated. !
therefore was created a release thread ->  any other versions or adaptations are now being published in the new Release Thread .



in this sense also newer download links of this MOD are be maintained ONLY in the new Release Thread 

thank you all 4 support during development !




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  • 7 months later...
  On 11/9/2016 at 5:05 AM, Kevlarburrito said:

I'm not sure what I did wrong, but the utility parachute parts don't work. They don't give me any options for them to function as parachutes, they're attachable to ships, but they don't do anything. I'm specifically referring to the part called  LBSI Chute-NKV-DCV


this is a 1.0.5 version. Try his 1.1.3 version.


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