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What makes a mod become stock?

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Tourist, I really did ask why one mid becomes stock and another doesnt. What happened is it got derailed by a single example of something that works wonderfully well vs something that does not. Please do not assume you have any idea of my intent on my OP as you do not.

2 hours ago, 322997am said:

A mod becomes stock of the revs know about it and don't think it's op. Sorry mech jeb people but mech jeb is not getting implemented

Mechjeb should be stock. Soo useful

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Ksp is not that game. It's about trial and error and not about "make rockets so accurate it's boring for the average player but nasa tests theirs on it". If Ksp got this realistic flying rockets will be just press launch and watch it fly.

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2 hours ago, 322997am said:

Ksp is not that game. It's about trial and error and not about "make rockets so accurate it's boring for the average player but nasa tests theirs on it". If Ksp got this realistic flying rockets will be just press launch and watch it fly.

You know that you could, just like now, just not use it if you didn't want to. There's plenty of things in stock that I haven't used, and I don't feel like I've missed anything. 

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Personaly I recommende "remote tech" ( comminication mod ) on facebook, and wrote that I thought it would be interesting if ksp had a "remote tech lite" version that was less complicated so that ksp could simulate sattelite networks and communication in space..
Well a  1-2 month later I could read that they planned to implement communication in ksp in a similar way to remote tech.

So maybe the devs. read my facebook message and thought it was a good idea, or maybe it is was just "luck".

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Well, answering to the OP, a mod becomes stock when the current dev team decides to insert their features in the stock game :D .


About criteria the devs use to decide which stuff goes stock... well your bet is as good as anyone else, including the devs , since they already changed their opinion on several features more than once, and even on points they were and are very adamant they would not do, they sometimes ended relenting partly ( even on their most staunch denial, automation, the devs ended mimicking some of the mechjeb features for the pilot skills ( and did a mostly poor job at that, but that is another issue ;) ) ) ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/21/2015 at 6:09 PM, 322997am said:

Sorry mech jeb people but mech jeb is not getting implemented

I could see it happening, but only for the easiest difficulties.  And in a much more... stripped down version.  So players don't get overwhelmed by all of the gizmos and features.  For example you could have Werner Bon Kerman saying "this is an autopilot we use to train new pilots, give it a go!"  And through that new players can learn how everything works.

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On December 21, 2015 at 5:09 PM, 322997am said:

. Sorry mech jeb people but mech jeb is not getting implemented

Which i think is a universe or multiverse sized mistake. Further i think personally that it is a deliberately bad idea to not make it stock. Mechjeb provides a wealth of data for starters, data i might add we absolutely NEED. Further still who honestly likes to babysit long burns or repeat the same actions like an automaton? 


Edit: I want to make a comparison here. Not having what mechjeb offers in full, is like asking a pilot of say a 777 to fly from say KDFW to Beijing using only indicated airspeed, fuel indicators and his throttle and landing gear levers. THEN tell him he cannot leave his seat because HE must manually handle his bird from engine star to engine stop. Can it be done? Yup. Is it safe OR practical? Nope. 

Which is why I say we need mechjeb as stock. 

Edited by AlamoVampire
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On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2015 at 3:08 PM, Tourist said:

And I guess there is nothing wrong with that, this is a forum where (cough) KAC and docking alignment indicator should be stock (cough) people get to say how they feel the game should develop. I don't like stealth complaints though. Asking, how does Squad decide what becomes stock, rather than what was really asked, which was, why did Squad not choose Procedural fairings.  

Heh. I actually came here specifically wondering about KAC (assuming that's Kerbal Alarm Clock?), without which interleaving missions is infeasible yet clearly encouraged.

Which brings up a point - many mods aren't things I think should "become stock." KAC does way too much for something that should be built into the game - really, just letting any vessel halt warp, and making maneuver nodes halt warp automatically, would cover the most important ground. Content mods are different, I suppose, but UI mods are pretty inevitably going to add more functionality than would do the base game any good.

So, to answer the original question, I assume it's the same way they always decide on what to implement next; mods just give them a way of measuring user interest and field-testing early implementations.

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"Whew! You sure do have to jump through a lot of hoops to get incorporated into Kerbal Space Program! But I wonder who that sad little scrap of code is?"


"I'm just a mod, yes I'm only a mod

and I'd like to be accepted by Squad..."

/old school reference


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On 12/22/2015 at 7:19 PM, AlamoVampire said:

Tourist, I really did ask why one mid becomes stock and another doesnt. What happened is it got derailed by a single example of something that works wonderfully well vs something that does not. Please do not assume you have any idea of my intent on my OP as you do not.

Mechjeb should be stock. Soo useful

Soooo useful. Also, RPM.

On 12/31/2015 at 10:05 PM, AlamoVampire said:

Which i think is a universe or multiverse sized mistake. Further i think personally that it is a deliberately bad idea to not make it stock. Mechjeb provides a wealth of data for starters, data i might add we absolutely NEED. Further still who honestly likes to babysit long burns or repeat the same actions like an automaton? 


Edit: I want to make a comparison here. Not having what mechjeb offers in full, is like asking a pilot of say a 777 to fly from say KDFW to Beijing using only indicated airspeed, fuel indicators and his throttle and landing gear levers. THEN tell him he cannot leave his seat because HE must manually handle his bird from engine star to engine stop. Can it be done? Yup. Is it safe OR practical? Nope. 

Which is why I say we need mechjeb as stock. 

Amen. What I like most about MJ is that it makes landing on bodies without atmospheres so much easier (seriously, horizontal and vertical velocity readouts are awesome). Also, rendezvous and docking. So much tediousness in stock, reduced to simplicity, even without using autopilot.

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This has been discussed to death, but I'll say I don't think you're wrong of adding more flight information (this would be amazing), but any kind of automated throttling runs the risk of taking away the one constant bit of input a player has on the game. The compromise I could see would be giving a few very simple tasks like maintain velocity or angle to horizon to level 4 and 5 pilots, so at least a player would have to work to get them.

Edited by Pthigrivi
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@Pthigrivi But you are over looking something. Just because the part is there does not mean you must use it. Take for example stock fairings.

i find them unintuitive, hard to use, impossible to duplicate should i need to adjust the payload and uglier than sin when jettisoned. SO I do not use them. I use a mod that does the job far more reliably and is more REALISTIC when jettisoned. Procedural Fairings are what we should have. Elegance over inelegance.  

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