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Things I don't want to hear in 2016:


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"30 microDLCs will be planned for Mass Effect Andromeda, and there will be no all in one pack, merely deluxe packs or ultimate packs having only half of them, and the complete game will cost 140 euros"

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7 hours ago, Mods_o_joy said:

Are you  [REDACTED] Kidding me!?


I had to (calmly) explain to someone in the Science section last year exactly why chutes wouldn't work on the moon.  I really shouldn't comment beyond that, but you can prolly find the thread if you look...

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8 hours ago, The Destroyer said:


I love that there's a website dedicated solely to replying condescendingly when people ask stupid questions. That said, it needs some updating. I can't remember the last time I searched from the actual Google home page... Oh yeah, the thread. Erm... 

"KSP Forum Servers Struck by Meteorite"

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"Linux has no games"
"Good luck getting your AMD drivers to work"
"I get it your asking for help on what [error code here] means but can't you just not play that game?

Or, this horrible, horrible thing I had the incredible displeasure of witnessing:

"Macs are the best computer"


"They have all the latest apps."


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Due to unforseen issues with the upgrade to Unity 5, we have been forced to drop the idea of 64bit support on all operating systems"

"Nertea has not been hired regardless of @Andems' many, many requests."

"1.1 has many bugs to work out, so we at SQAUD have to advise against the updates of any mods until 1.2 is out."

"KerbalStuff has gone down permanently, everyone will have to use curse until somebody can set up a new decent website."


Just a few... there are, many, many, more.

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"SQUAD is a small company"

"Using Mechjeb is cheating."

"We introduced this feature (that completely breaks other stuff and keeps you from doing things you used to do before) to keep players from making mistakes."

"Why don't [insert name of part here] doesn't behave more like in real life?"

"We did an overhaul (that changes asthetic and mechanics) of [insert name of part] in this new update."

"[Insert feature here] is not possible because there's only a small number of people working in the game."


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