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Guud Mods? (Don't want to change too much...)

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Hi all.

I've played enough that I've pretty much exhausted my interest in the Mun and Minimus - and am starting to look further afield.  At this point, I'm thinking I want a bit more info than Vanilla provides.  Guessing I want the Engineer mod, and also heard of one that adds atmospheric effects (clouds) which would add visual interest without changing things too much...

While I know there are a LOT of mods for this game - I'm enjoying it in its basic state... so I'm looking for a few mods that will add interest without greatly changing the game.  What mods do you suggest that would enhance the game without changing the physics model?

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Hmmmm. Well, Kerbal Alarm Clock is always a helpful tool. It tells you about upcoming transfer windows and stuff. The Outer Planets mod does add more planets, but they're so stockalike I sometimes forget that they aren't an official part of the game. Kerbal Planetary Base System, on a similar vein, adds dedicated base parts that feel like they belong in the game. Really, just peruse the mods section and try some stuff out.

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Yes, second the recommendation for KAC. I find MechJeb has more useful delta-v readouts vs. KER, but its probably a personal choice. I've used the TAC LifeSupport mod and RemoteTech (TAC-LS was more fun, RT was sorta boring). Trajectories is useful if you are wanting to make precise landings on atmospheric bodies. There are oodles of parts mods that are useful to build with. My personal favourites: Near Future Technologies, SpaceY Expanded, Stockalike Station Parts Expansion. A good friend plays with the Dang It! mod and loves it.

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The only mods I use all the time are Kerbal Inventory System / Kerbal Attachment System (KIS/KAS). They actually give kerbalnauts interesting stuff to do on EVA, the modifiable struts and fuel hoses make certain tasks much more practical, and the ability to repair, modify, and even construct ships while in orbit is revolutionary.


I also generally install Clamshell Fairings, because the stock confetti fairings seem silly, but that's just a visual preference.


Waypoint Manager is extremely useful if you're doing a lot of go-here-and-do-science contracts; not so useful otherwise.


Beyond that, I'd say check out the entire Umbra Space Industries catalog; everything RoverDude makes is solid gold.


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Antenna Range: Makes stock antennae operate per their listed stats range.

Chatterer: Adds voiced communication background chatter.

Engine Lighting: because rocket and jet engine fire should actually illuminate the surroundings.   

Environmental Visual Enhancements: Adds clouds on planets with atmospheres.

Final Frontier: Kerbals recieve mission achievment ribbons like the ones in my sig.

Hyperedit: Useful tool for "simulated testing" of design ideas.

KAS and KIS, Kerbal Attachment System & Kerbal Inventory System: Gives engineers parts and tools for use during EVA. 

(I prefer to use KAS' wenches and hose connectors instead of docking ports or the claw for ground based refueling. KAS is more forgiving in that regard.) 

Kerbal Alarm Clock: See Red Dwarf's post above.

Kerbal Krash System: Adds damaged states, crumpled, twisted parts, that crashed just enough not to explode. 

Planet Shine: Planets reflect light.

Scatterer: Adds atmospheric scattering to sky and reflections on water. Best used with EVE.

Check out the forums here or go to [removed link to defunct website] for more.

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I'm a big fan of planetshine for a nicer visual experience, KER is good for data. Like you I am at the stage where I want to go interplanetary, the mods that seem the most useful for that are transfer window planner, precise node, and KAC. Or Mechjeb I assume, never used it.

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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If you want "non-cheaty" but efficient engines, I suggest MRS (ModRocketSys) mod as it holds a part that combines 4 Nervas into one part.  Good for reducing part count.
You could also get tweakscale and Procedural parts for the same reasons.  I was able to build a 200k LF container from 2 parts, very very useful.
With tweakscale , the Ion engines and their 4200 ISP are good candidates to be used more as the 2.5m variant pushes around 30 thrust, and it does not stop at 2,5m in size either.
Tweakscale alone also does not change your available stock parts, but allow them to be bigger (Or Smaller) to suit your needs.

I would also seriously suggest the Outer Planets Mod (OPM), it's simply amazing (even better if you can get clouds to work), and adds no less than ~13 places to land on and explore.

So MRS, OPM and TweakScale are my suggestions, maybe Procedural Parts/Tanks but the latter will change the stock look, and it might be changing too much for your liking.

Good Luck.

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