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Who's got Windows 10?


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I just bit the bullet and upgraded my desktop PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. So far, so good. KSP runs, and my other games seem to be OK too. I kind of like the interface. Tiles are growing on me. Microtransactions in flipping Solitaire isn't.

So, who's upgraded? Have you seen any performance hit in KSP? Anyone downgrade back to 7 or 8? Other weird thoughts?

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I've been using win10 since I got my new PC in mid December,  now I have 4 times the amount of RAM, I can also run KSP with MASSIVE amounts of mods and still get a decent FPS, it also doesn't crash every 10 minutes like my previous (win7) PC.

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It wouldn't be so bad if Microsoft would just leave my stuff alone. I had things pretty much set up how I wanted, then came this update a few weeks ago that uninstalled some of my software and reset all of my personal settings. I also found AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl  on one of my personal external hard drives after the same update. I can kind-of almost maybe understand a keylogger on the same drive as the windows install, but to place one on my personal external hard drive? Totally unacceptable. I've erased the keylogger and redone my personal settings, and reinstalled my software. I'll be watching windows very, very carefully from this point forward, and I will most definitely be switching to linux if they try this crap again. I'm probably somewhat insane for sticking with it this long.

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I absolutely love Windows 8.1, but dislike Windows 10. It is not so much the actual OS that causes resentment, but the whole shift to software as a service. Without setting up a personal WSUS server, updates are pushed to your device at will. Microsoft can and will change anything it desires and has shown to actually do this. This strategy massively compounds the telemetry issues, where data gets sent back to Microsoft HQ without the user having much say. Unlike Windows 7 and 8, you cannot easily deny the updates containing these very invading features and they cannot be turned off completely.

Windows 8.1 really is one of the best OS' I ever used. Windows 7 is fine, though Windows 8 does a lot of technical things quite a bit better. It is said people get hung up on the GUI, when the software has so much more to offer. As far as Windows 10 goes: the day Microsoft gives me back control over my OS is the day I will probably start liking it a lot more. My computer, my choice.

Edited by Camacha
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On my Surface Pro 3 i switched to Win10 quite fast, from Win8 its a step up in every way once you know how to disable all the stupid excrements that comes with it.

On my PC ill stay on Windows 7 for the remainig free update year, at the end ill propably upgrade to get DX12 which will be important in the future. If i dont need DX12 then ill propably use a restored Windows 7 even longer....

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Windows 10 here.  The experience has been... varied.

The first thing that happened was a struggle to install it.  I attempted to use a CD first instead of a USB, so that's likely my fault.

Once I had it installed, my HDD of several years tragically died.  Was it the fault of Win 10?  Well, it was probably just the installation process causing extra stress.

Ordered a new HDD, and installed Win 10 when it arrived.  Worked great for a bout a week, then had another dead HDD.  It was becoming increasingly difficult not to blame Win 10.

Third time was a charm: no dead HDD yet.  However, my PC is now in the habit of turning itself on (from sleep mode) in the middle of the night, which suddenly fills my room with blue light and sometimes makes me wonder if I'm about to get abducted by aliens.  From what I've learned, it's caused by Windows waking the PC up to install updates, but never putting it back to sleep.  Regardless, the only solution is to shut it down completely when I put it to bed.

So all in all: I don't remember having issues like this with Windows 7!  Take that as you will :P

Edited by Slam_Jones
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I use Windoze 10 for desktops since it came out end 2014 and i must say MS have improved their OS a lot since then, it literally runs like a Shinkansen train at enourmous performance. I see a perfect product, continously improved by MS. I just added it to another 4 year old Dualcore Acer laptop and it outruns the former W7 by far, CPU dropped from 16% to 2% load on standby...
This current system i am writing off here has a CPU standby load of 0.2 - 0.5%...

Edited by Mikki
end 2014, not mid
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  On 1/14/2016 at 6:02 PM, Slam_Jones said:

However, my PC is now in the habit of turning itself on (from sleep mode) in the middle of the night, which suddenly fills my room with blue light and sometimes makes me wonder if I'm about to get abducted by aliens. 


Admit it, you want to be abducted by aliens.

Anyway, I had a similar issue on W7 and this article helped me. I don't know which particular issue was it, since I did them all, but my PC is sleeping better than me now.

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  On 1/14/2016 at 6:02 PM, Slam_Jones said:

However, my PC is now in the habit of turning itself on (from sleep mode) in the middle of the night, which suddenly fills my room with blue light and sometimes makes me wonder if I'm about to get abducted by aliens.  From what I've learned, it's caused by Windows waking the PC up to install updates, but never putting it back to sleep.  Regardless, the only solution is to shut it down completely when I put it to bed.


Windows 8 does exactly the same thing. Key is finding out what wakes your PC up and turning it off. In this case, it is probably as easy as telling the PC not to allow updates waking the PC up.

Use this command to find out what woke your PC up. If it happens to be the update setting, use the settings here to fix your problem. If not, search for an appropriate fix.

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Ever since I updated from windows 8.1 to windows 10 my computer has been acting VERY strange. For example, Sometimes it won't let me delete folders, saying I "Don't have the necessary permissions to do so", despite me being on the administrator account. Even stranger, when I try to copy certain .dll files like the ones used in OBS, It gives me an "Unknown Error" and won't let me. Oh, and my desktop icon placement resets itself every time I restart the computer. I should have never updated.

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I've been thinking about it, though I must admit I am still a bit wary of it. From a developer standpoint, I totally get the new monitoring and update systems. Being able to force people to stay up to date and give you feedback is the developer's dream, but as the consumer in this equation, I still hate it. It's my computer, and I am loath to give it an upgrade that will result in actions being taken without my permission.

In any event, I've looked at the actual upgrade process, and unfortunately, my PC is well into the quirky phase of it's lifespan, and after some work over the last couple days, I think windows update is a no go. I was able to squeeze a bit more life out of it, but it's back to it's old problems and is once again disabled, probably for good this time. Fortunately, microsoft did create a standalone upgrade installer, so assuming my windows 7 install doesn't have any other surprises waiting for me, I should be able to make the change without windows update.

I am however certainly not going to trust the installer to not both fail and absolutely ruin my installation. That seems like tempting fate. However, it turns out that my steam installation is just small enough to be migrated onto my second hard drive, which will shrink my primary HDD bellow half space used, so I am planning to do that, and then create an image of my primary drive to act as a backup (will be stored on the same drive, which is why I need to get under 50% usage). Wondering if anyone sees a problem with that plan? (other than losing a TB of storage space)

I am also wondering if the windows 7 image would still be usable even if the upgrade goes through, or will Windows invalidate the old install on me (the product key)? Even if the upgrade works, I will probably never be willing to throw out the backup image "just in case", so I would like to create a dual boot, so that I can use either OS at my leisure (thus putting the backup to work). It's a simple matter of moving any programs/data I need to keep consistent between installs onto my secondary drive and then creating symlinks to them on both versions of windows (assuming my plan will work).

Since I know it probably matters to whether that will work, my OS is an OEM version of Windows 7, so I am hoping that as long as I don't change out CPU's (which triggers the need to verify my windows installation) it will still work. I am hopping that the really weird way OEM versions of windows 7 are licensed will be a boon in this situation.


EDIT: Something I just thought of. Does anyone know if I should expect to fail verification because I am using an OEM license on non original hardware? I think I can work around it if it does, since I have all the parts to reassemble my computer in it's original state, but it involves all the work of rebuilding my PC, finding drivers for that CPU, and then hoping that microsoft support will re-verify my Windows 10 install on the other end after I put my computer back together in it's much improved state (which they might not do if I change the hardware out immediately after upgrading).

Edited by Randox
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  On 1/13/2016 at 11:17 PM, Gaarst said:

I have W10, and I still haven't decided which one I hated more between W8 and 10. Stay on 7, really.


That's my thoughts.


I have a nice tower with Win 7 professional, 32 GB, GeForce 720, and the i7-4790. It's now 1 year old. I bough a laptop about 6 months ago with win 8.1. I knew I would hate 8.1 from what I saw already, but Win 10 was coming out. I upgraded immediately, and it works fine, but I like Win 7 so much more. The architecture of my laptop doesn't support Win 7, else I would have installed it.


KSP works fine on it. No better or worse than Win 7. My laptop has the i7-4720HQ, 16 GB, and the GeForce 750m. I just don't like Win 10. I used my Win XP until it was no longer working with newer software. XP was the best.

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One little tip to anyone who updates from a previous version: you can clear up 20+GB that are left over from your previous install by running Disk Cleanup afterwards. Among them are several gigabytes of leftover install files that outright tell you to delete them, and some that you can delete if you don't think you'll be downgrading to win 7.  Thought some might find this handy.

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