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[1.10.x] Stockalike Mining Extension [1.1.5 Release 7/8/2020]


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Since a number of people are already hard at work to resurrect KS before its corpse has even had a chance to cool, I suspect it will be less 'RIP Kerbalstuff' and more 'KerbalStuff is dead, Long live Kerbalstuff'

In the interim, a github repo has been created and the download link has been updated to use that instead. As a bonus, have a Version 0.9 mini-update; Changelog:

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Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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Hey there!  Just wanted to say that this is gorgeous work!  I'd been sort of collecting thoughts in the back of my head for a similar mod (specifically the inline drills) but this is everything I'd been thinking about and more.  Great work!

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Really nice models! I recently got it since MKS has deprecated its ISRU->LF/O pathways in favour of the stock system.

Not sure if I'm missing something or my install is bugged or if I have a conflicting mod.

I see the same stats for all ore extractors, stock or otherwise.The only difference seems to be in that larger extractors consume more electricity.

Am I reading something wrong or are all parts supposed to extract at the same rate regardless of size?


Core Heat

Optimum Temp 500K

Shutdown Temp 1000K

Insulation 1%

Req'd cooling 100kW

Max cooling 100kW




Resource Harvester

Surface Harvester (planetary use)

Max inputs

Electric Charge 15.00/sec (30.00/sec for the 'Terravore')

Max Outputs

Ore: 1.00/sec



Edited by aniron
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I'll have to edit their part descriptions to include approximate drill efficiency. Drill heat for the larger drills will likely be tweaked in the future, but for now they use stock values. For Ore mining rate, the stats listed in the VAB/SHP when you hover the cursor over a part are misleading; for some reason, all drills will read 1.0 ore/s - you can see it with the Stock radial drill and the micro radial drill, despite the standard radial drill being 5 times more efficient than the microdrill. The key is the 'Efficiency = N' line in a drill's cfg. Regardless of what the VAB/SPh tells you, the larger drills, the 1.25m stack drill and especially the 2.5m one will harvest at a substantially higher rate than the stock radial drill.

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Dumb question: Any chance you'd be willing to rebrand your ISRUs to "Refine-OR-E"? (I don't need to explain the pun to anyone, right...????)

"Convert-o-tron" is kinda staid and generic (i.e. VERY stock-ish). You supply very useful parts for all the assorted needs of us kerb-o-nerds, so I think you could afford to be a bit more unique in part naming. (Especially since you're not using a stock manufacturer's name for your parts. Might as well use different part names...)

Oh, if you want some dumb meanings for the part name (read: punch lines in the part description):

  • Refine ORe Easily (...hmm... Maybe "Electrically"?)
  • Refine Ore Really Easily

And others could probably come up with more...

BTW: I'm not much of a user of the profile, but any plans for MK3-style mining parts?

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Refin-OR-E. Heh, I like it, and I do have something of a history when it comes to punny names for parts, so I have no problem rebranding the ISRUs.

Since I did make mk2 mining parts, it would be sort of churlish of me not to make equivalent mk3 parts, no?  Mk3 mining parts are something that will almost certainly happen at some point. depending on how much work I get done, they may make an appearance in for the 1.1 update, but no promises.

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I'm really looking forward to that 3.75m beast. Just overall, this pack makes me so happy.:D I can never have enough drilling for my EPL/galaxy colonizing playthroughs.


And I'm gonna throw a pointless vote out there for a 10m Tunnel Boring Machine, just cuz. :sticktongue:

(I kid, I kid.)

(Would absolutely use those, though)

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@davidy12: I haven't really considered what sort of thing(s?) I may or may not work on next, so, maybe?

@FatherLawrence: Beast is about the right word. As big as the 1.25m landing leg is, I may need to make an even bigger one for the 3.75m stuff.

  On 3/6/2016 at 5:10 AM, FatherLawrence said:

10m Tunnel Boring Machine


If you thought the 3.75m drill was big...

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Truly, it would be a very Kerbal way of mining (MOAR BoostersDrills), but I think I'm going to have to pass on a TBM.


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  On 3/6/2016 at 7:45 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@davidy12: I haven't really considered what sort of thing(s?) I may or may not work on next, so, maybe?


You've covered Mk2, Mk3, what we need is another Stockalike extension of the NASA pack. It's the next logical step in my opinion. Orion/Altair would be epic. However, I'd do it after this.

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  On 3/6/2016 at 7:45 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:


If you thought the 3.75m drill was big...

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Truly, it would be a very Kerbal way of mining (MOAR BoostersDrills), but I think I'm going to have to pass on a TBM.



Hahaha, it makes me so happy you even mocked it up!!

An upside to the TBM is it probably wouldn't even need landing legs!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/3/2016 at 7:15 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

I think so, but don't quote me on that, you'd have to ask the CKAN people for a definite answer, but for an alternate DL mirror I'll get SME up on Spacedock in a little bit


I'm gonna give this mod a try since I always try to support 'stock like' expansions and this looks great. I have no problem installing mods but I have around 60-70 (sometimes over 100) so I have to use ckan for a majority to keep track of updates. I'll install manually but I noticed you're on spacedock so I hope it can get ckan integration soon.

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@StahnAileron, and anyone else running both SME and M2X 1.7.01-pre; The mining parts added in the M2X 1.7 prerelease, and subsequently removed from what will eventually become the official 1.7 release whenever KSP 1.1 finally gets here, can be removed by deleting the Mk2Expansion/parts/Resource folder

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