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[1.6.0] Extrasolar v1.8.0 [12/21/18]

Andi K.

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On 05.10.2017 at 3:54 PM, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

@DuskFall Here is another way you can solve it, from the Kerbal Star Systems thread:

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As some of you may have noticed, while using Kerbol Starsystem, upon loading your game you will find most of your probes/projects currently in orbital flight are NOT where they are supposed to be. This can be game breaking for a lot of OCD players. Well now there is a fix for the problem that allows you to maintain your save file without problems. Now this process can seem a bit annoying, but after doing it a couple times it goes much faster. (Practice makes perfect) So now for a step by step guide to recover your orbits and flight paths.

Qualifying Factors:

  • you MUST start your game with KSS INSTALLED. (and properly)
  • you MUST ALREADY have a manually created save file to load WITH all your CORRECT orbit data.

Alright introductions aside, moving onto STEP 1 of this guide.

STEP 1:  After initial game boot, and profile load, ENTER the Tracking Station


Also note these are the correct target orbits im looking to achieve.


STEP 2:  While in the Tracking Station, take a look at your commnet visualizations and current orbit heights. You will notice both are in disarray.


Now exit the Tracking Station.

STEP 3:  Re-enter the Tracking Station. Now you will notice one of the problems solved. COMMNET is back to normal. However orbits are still very incorrect.


 Now exit the tracking station once more and we move on to FIXING the orbits.

STEP 4:  Hit "ESC" key and select "Load Save".


STEP 5:  Now select your manually made save file and load it. NOT THE PERSISTENT.SFS FILE.


STEP 6:  After the file re-loads you are DONE!! now were going to verify it worked!! Enter the Tracking station one last time for verification.


EVERYTHING is perfect once again. theres the A-27 proper AP


There is the correct PE. Now lets check a second satellite. Double checking doesnt hurt.


Sure enough, AP is correct! One last photo.


And there ya go. PE is correct. FIX proven 100% WORKS!!!

Hope this helps all who need this knowledge.


So, I've found problem. Krankus mod was root cause. Kronkus has the same orbit as Sonnah from New Horizons. I'd removed Kronkus and after that orbits stayed where they were. I don't know exactly why it's happened, but anyway. May be you have an ideas? Of course if you have time to check it with this mods

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46 minutes ago, DuskFall said:

So, I've found problem. Krankus mod was root cause. Kronkus has the same orbit as Sonnah from New Horizons. I'd removed Kronkus and after that orbits stayed where they were. I don't know exactly why it's happened, but anyway. May be you have an ideas? Of course if you have time to check it with this mods

If Sonnah and Kronkus are in the same position, KSP would have some trouble determining what SOI your spacecraft is in, I think.

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32 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

If Sonnah and Kronkus are in the same position, KSP would have some trouble determining what SOI your spacecraft is in, I think.

Probably, but Kronkus is on the other side of the orbit. And also it doesn't explain why spacecrafts moved to the orbit of far planet.

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30 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

Yeah I'm not 100% sure why that's happening to you. Glad you were able to find a solution.

Anyway mod is great :)

38 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

Yeah I'm not 100% sure why that's happening to you. Glad you were able to find a solution.

By the way, have you ever tried this with Galileo? I tried, but can't make to work

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36 minutes ago, DuskFall said:

Anyway mod is great :)

By the way, have you ever tried this with Galileo? I tried, but can't make to work

I believe there is a separate config you can download for Galileo's planet pack that makes it work with other planet packs. I think it's called GPPSecondary or something like that. You can download it off of the GitHub page for Galileo's Planet Pack

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1 hour ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

I believe there is a separate config you can download for Galileo's planet pack that makes it work with other planet packs. I think it's called GPPSecondary or something like that. You can download it off of the GitHub page for Galileo's Planet Pack

Yeah, it works but with a little big problem for me. Without Extrasolar I have only Galileo planetary system. With extrasolar I have Kerbol plantary system and extrasolar and galileo systems far far from Kerbol. It seems to be a good one, but I never like to play constructor, I like career, and if I play career I'll never reach galileo system. That's why I think to play without extrasolar for now and use only galileo. But I try few career. 

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6 minutes ago, DuskFall said:

Yeah, it works but with a little big problem for me. Without Extrasolar I have only Galileo planetary system. With extrasolar I have Kerbol plantary system and extrasolar and galileo systems far far from Kerbol. It seems to be a good one, but I never like to play constructor, I like career, and if I play career I'll never reach galileo system. That's why I think to play without extrasolar for now and use only galileo. But I try few career. 

I'll test out how Galileo's planet pack works with Extrasolar and see if there are any holes I need to fill.

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6 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

I'll test out how Galileo's planet pack works with Extrasolar and see if there are any holes I need to fill.

You know, I've understand right now, that I like it. It's really close to real life. First of all I have to research home planetary system, after that reasearch extrasolar, and then reasearch galileo and otherworld systems. Oh yeah. It sounds really good. Elon Musk sucks :)

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16 minutes ago, DuskFall said:

For your understanding. How I see it



Ah interesting. So it puts Ciro in orbit around the Sun if you have GPPSecondary installed? Cool!

I think I still want to make Extrasolar compatible GPP for those who want to have their space program on Gael rather than Kerbin, if you get what I'm saying.

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19 hours ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

Ah interesting. So it puts Ciro in orbit around the Sun if you have GPPSecondary installed? Cool!

I think I still want to make Extrasolar compatible GPP for those who want to have their space program on Gael rather than Kerbin, if you get what I'm saying.

I have question not regarding your mod, but may be you know. I had mod that added 2 engins which are look like solar wind engins. It provided not much thrust but a lot of delta V. I don't remember which mod I used. May be you know which mod is it?

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1 hour ago, DuskFall said:

I have question not regarding your mod, but may be you know. I had mod that added 2 engins which are look like solar wind engins. It provided not much thrust but a lot of delta V. I don't remember which mod I used. May be you know which mod is it?

KSP Interstellar Extended has a solar sail mod, if that is what you are talking about.

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15 minutes ago, AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures said:

KSP Interstellar Extended has a solar sail mod, if that is what you are talking about.

Nope. Of course I have interstellar mod. There was another mod. It was real solar sail like engines 

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1 minute ago, DuskFall said:

Nope. Of course I have interstellar mod. There was another mod. It was real solar sail like engines 

Sorry I don't know what mod you are talking about. KSPIE is the only mod I can think of that has solar sails.

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1 hour ago, DuskFall said:

I have question not regarding your mod, but may be you know. I had mod that added 2 engins which are look like solar wind engins. It provided not much thrust but a lot of delta V. I don't remember which mod I used. May be you know which mod is it?

If you have the craft file and a KerbalX account, upload your file to KerbalX just long enough so you can read the part list and used mods list from there.

@AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures If your planet mod only adds Valentine and its worlds then no major effort on your part should be needed for GPP compatibility. Jet set Valentine to have perhaps 5 or 6 Tm for its SMA (or at least 4 Tm periapsis) for good clearance from Grannus, and invest in getting Extrasolar to load after GPP. Currently GPP purges any planet mod whose name starts alphabetically before itself.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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21 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

If you have the craft file and a KerbalX account, upload your file to KerbalX just long enough so you can read the part list and used mods list from there.

Unfortunately I haven't saved crafts with this engines. 

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:


@AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures If your planet mod only adds Valentine and its worlds then no major effort on your part should be needed for GPP compatibility. Jet set Valentine to have perhaps 5 or 6 Tm for its SMA (or at least 4 Tm periapsis) for good clearance from Grannus, and invest in getting Extrasolar to load after GPP. Currently GPP purges any planet mod whose name starts alphabetically before itself.

But it appears as though GPPSecondary puts Ciro in orbit around the Sun is that right? What if someone wanted Valentine in orbit around Ciro and have no stock solar system whatsoever? From what Galileo told me, GPPSecondary is required in order for an other planet pack to properly work with GPP, is that right?

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@AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures Yep. GPP_Secondary does that indeed. It makes GPP into an end-game destination instead of the home system, and the huge distance is to ensure hat it doesn't clash with any of the many small star system mods out there or any of the Kerbal Star Systems™. What Galileo said is also correct. GPP_Secondary does its job best in enabling GPP to coexist with planet and star mods that also replace Kerbin and the stock planets.

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On 8/16/2017 at 4:16 PM, joolsjewls said:

I have been chasing down a weird issue that seems to be with the Heba/Lomina configurations using Kerbal 1.3.0. When they are in the Exosolar folder, the science archives are broken and no previous experiments can be seen. This also breaks CactEye Community contracts as the contract fails to see the science be received. (that is where I started investigating.... Edit: turned out to be unrelated; but now I fixed that too)

Removing Heba/Lomina resolves the entire issue. When they are in, science archives are decidedly broken, even the graphics at the top do not load and Valentine is the only non-stock object that appears.

I do normally use CKAN, but, once I verified what fixed the issue, I copied my save into a pristine dir and installed both kopernicus and exosolar by hand. Same issue.

I wasn't sure if "use release 2" meant "do not use older than 2" or "do not update to 3 or beyond until further notice", so I tested with Kopernicus-1.3.0-2.zip AND 1.3.0-3.zip AND 1.3.0-4.zip; same issue on all three.

I took a look at the configurations but, I can't seem to find the documentation I need to make sense of Kopernicus configs to my liking. I noticed similar issues when I did a quick test with some of the Kopernicus example files as well. In fact, the only Kopernicus example I got to load without this error was the star "Nemesis".

Anyway, Dirty workaround: Delete Heba and Lomnia directories. I would be happy to take another crack at fixing the config myself but, nothing stands out to me other than they are the only two that are not declaring a template.

(edit: s/Lomia/Lomina/g)

ADD to the .cfg of both planets :



            name = Jool


and it will resolve the issue .

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