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10 hours ago, parameciumkid said:

In response to the above quotes, yes indeed, you guessed right. Shortly after I left the comment I received a terse reply, which I have censored pursuant to the forum guidelines:

Still. I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

:D Once again it proofs what I've said in the past: "Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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I had no clue that Flat Earthers existed until I decided to go read the comments for the vid the OP posted. I really want to believe they are just a group of people who enjoy trolling.

I can at least comprehend how people who do not trust governments and other organizations believing the Moon landing was a hoax.  I really can not comprehend believing the world is flat unless you have no access to any form of education and need to totally rely on your own observations without the benefit of knowing what man has already learned. 

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I have been wondering; what is their (the flat earthers) position on aliens and UFOs? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they are strong believers. If that's indeed the case how do those aliens and UFOs get here if space flight is impossible and the 100km firmament can not be breached?

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1 hour ago, 1of6Billion said:

I saw this interesting article on the BBC website today, that statistically calculated the time before a consipracy would be unravelled. Let me retrieve that..

got it:



Interesting, but he forgot one important factor, how many who know about the conspiracy have good proof and is willing to came out with proof. 
How more controversial an conspiracy is how larger is the chance for someone jumps off.
NSA has an build in protected as its an organisation designed to keep secrets and leaking them is illegal. 
An illegal conspiracy has the opposite effect among they who has proof but are not directly involved. Simply stamping something as secret would not work well in this setting either

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On 25/01/2016 at 4:56 AM, Dman979 said:


Yeah, he punched a conspiracy thoerist who had been calling him a liar and a coward. Then tried to film him in an "ambush." The judge said that Aldrin had been provoked and let him go. Look it up, it just shows that Buzz is a BadS.

It shows Aldrin got lucky because he is an American hero. Let us be realistic, anyone else would have been convicted very quickly.

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1 hour ago, magnemoe said:

Interesting, but he forgot one important factor, how many who know about the conspiracy have good proof and is willing to came out with proof. 

The paper's author (Dr. David Grimes) didn't need it.  The calculations attempt to determine how long it will take a conspiracy to break, even by complete accident.  Consider his examples carefully.

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14 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

:D Once again it proofs what I've said in the past: "Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Nah. Flinging a crude insult and blocking me isn't beating me; it's running away and hiding from the truth, which is losing. The sad part is the waste of living flesh that will come out of this person choosing to never listen to others or attempt to grow.

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8 hours ago, Tex_NL said:

I have been wondering; what is their (the flat earthers) position on aliens and UFOs? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they are strong believers. If that's indeed the case how do those aliens and UFOs get here if space flight is impossible and the 100km firmament can not be breached?

I got curious because I was simply astonished people living in today's world believe the earth is flat so spent some time trying to figure out why.   Basically what I surmise many who believe the Earth is flat also believe in a solid barrier surrounding it.

So my assumption is they do not believe anything except for God, Heaven and angels exist beyond our atmosphere.

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29 minutes ago, parameciumkid said:

Nah. Flinging a crude insult and blocking me isn't beating me; it's running away and hiding from the truth, which is losing. The sad part is the waste of living flesh that will come out of this person choosing to never listen to others or attempt to grow.

Problem is that you can hardly convince them. 
Rational people you can convince, or at least agree to disagree as you have different priority. 
Other people has an opinion and can not be changed, some friends is convinced they can earn money on lottery. That is that its economical smart to do it, not just an excitement. 
No they are not idiots, one has his own company, they don't just accept common math and economic in that setting.
No they would not fall for an similar scam if i tried it on them. You give me 50 dollars, I throw two coins and if both are crowns you get 100 else I keep the money :)

Other is pride, many can not accept that they are wrong, even in very obvious settings where they went on an wrong train by mistake and the stations are announced over speaker and on screens. 
Finally you have the idiots who tend to combine multiple of this traits and tend to have surreal options in the first place. 

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On January 25, 2016 at 10:40 PM, batman78781 said:

I'm pretty sure you can see the ISS with naked eye and make out the details like rads and s. panels with a pair of binoculars or something.

I've seen the ISS fly above.  I can confirm that the ISS is real.

On January 25, 2016 at 6:13 AM, Rdivine said:

I propose that NASA set up a program to send flat-earthers and conspiracy theorists to space, and leave them there because we don't need them back down.

I commented that in the video.

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I had a run-in with some flat-earthers a while back, in person (previously I thought they just existed online).  It was quite a painful experience, but the one ray of light was I did manage to convince one of them that maybe it wasn't as flat as they'd previously thought (though I fear their friends will have since re-indoctrinated them).  

I've seen quite a few people try to use "well then how did your sat-nav work" argument, but I think the problem with that is it requires a greater understanding of how GPS works than they probably have.

The disproof of flat-earth-theory that I used requires; 1 torch (or a flashlight if not in UK), 1 breadboard (if all else fails you can hit them with this afterwards) skype (or some video calling app) and a friend (preferably a friend of the flat-earther) who lives somewhere with a large time-difference from where you are.  (it was UK to AUZ in this case)
Step one; video call said friend when it's the middle of their night (but while it's still daylight for you) and when they answer observe a) just how dark it is and b) just how bleary-eye'd and cross they are for being woken up in the middle of the night (small victories).
Step two; hold breadboard level in the air, give flat-earther the torch and tell them to turn it on use it to simulate the sun rising over the flat-earth.  Tell them that they have to lift the torch up over the edge of the breadboard in such a way that looks like the rising sun, BUT they have to keep one half of the board in complete darkness while completely illuminating the half.  
Watch them struggle with this for a while and then get them to explain how, if the earth was flat, could 1 person be in daylight, while at the very same time another person is in darkness. 
They had a couple replies to this involving how because of the size of earth, it takes half a day for the light to travel across it whereas the breadboard is much smaller so you don't see it happening. ans: get them to look up width of earth (as the poor things didn't want to accept 'circumference of earth; as a thing) and speed of light and have them divide one by t'other.  
There was also some fairly incoherent mumblings about how if you video call someone a long way away you're talking to them in the past or future because of how time....moves.......?!??!


step 3; clean blood off breadboard and vacate the area.

But that was the old me. I've since vowed to never get involved with their arguments. Maintaining good blood pressure is more important to me than rectifying their ignorance. 

edit - how the heck did I end up in this thread anyway?

Edited by katateochi
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48 minutes ago, katateochi said:

I had a run-in with some flat-earthers a while back, in person (previously I thought they just existed online).  It was quite a painful experience, but the one ray of light was I did manage to convince one of them that maybe it wasn't as flat as they'd previously thought (though I fear their friends will have since re-indoctrinated them).  

I've seen quite a few people try to use "well then how did your sat-nav work" argument, but I think the problem with that is it requires a greater understanding of how GPS works than they probably have.

The disproof of flat-earth-theory that I used requires; 1 torch (or a flashlight if not in UK), 1 breadboard (if all else fails you can hit them with this afterwards) skype (or some video calling app) and a friend (preferably a friend of the flat-earther) who lives somewhere with a large time-difference from where you are.  (it was UK to AUZ in this case)
Step one; video call said friend when it's the middle of their night (but while it's still daylight for you) and when they answer observe a) just how dark it is and b) just how bleary-eye'd and cross they are for being woken up in the middle of the night (small victories).
Step two; hold breadboard level in the air, give flat-earther the torch and tell them to turn it on use it to simulate the sun rising over the flat-earth.  Tell them that they have to lift the torch up over the edge of the breadboard in such a way that looks like the rising sun, BUT they have to keep one half of the board in complete darkness while completely illuminating the half.  
Watch them struggle with this for a while and then get them to explain how, if the earth was flat, could 1 person be in daylight, while at the very same time another person is in darkness. 
They had a couple replies to this involving how because of the size of earth, it takes half a day for the light to travel across it whereas with the breadboard is much smaller so you don't see it happening. ans: get them to look up width of earth (as the poor things didn't want to accept 'circumference of earth; as a thing) and speed of light and have them divide one by t'other.  
There was also some fairly incoherent mumblings about how if you video call someone a long way away you're talking to them in the past or future because of how time....moves.......?!??!


step 3; clean blood off breadboard and vacate the area.

But that was the old me. I've since vowed to never get involved with their arguments. Maintaining good blood pressure is more important to me than rectifying their ignorance. 

edit - how the heck did I end up in this thread anyway?

I asked something very similar in the comment section of one of the other videos with "proof" that rockets are not going into space but crashing in the ocean.

In part of my comment I asked how it could be dark on one part of the Earth and light on another if the earth is flat.  One guy responded with something about the moon being in the ocean and what we see is a reflection and it has not proven yet on where the sun actually is.  Then my comment and the person's who replied got deleted.

I have been so intrigued by the Flat Earthers since I learned of their existence yesterday I spent some time trying to figure out how in the hell they came to the theory the Earth is flat and space does not exist.  Really was not surprised it was the result of how they interpret a handful of verses in the Bible.

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10 minutes ago, WOODY01 said:

I have been so intrigued by the Flat Earthers since I learned of their existence yesterday

I also have to admit to some intrigue about them.  I had hoped that if we just ignored them, they'd eventually die out, but someone seems to keep breeding more of them. 
Yes, their origin story does seem to have certain texts or the miss-reading of certain texts at it's core, but that's a subject that is cause to 

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28 minutes ago, katateochi said:

I also have to admit to some intrigue about them...

I've heard its more of a social drinking club with local chapters in various places.  After all, one member in NY could phone their friend in India and at that moment one would say its night time and the other say its day time.  Obviously the world isn't flat, eh?

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My favorite conspiracy theory group is one that firmly believe that the Moon does not exist(!!!) -- Although they do acknowledge that Earth is indeed round.

From what I remember, some of their beliefs are:

1. The Moon, in fact, does not exist. What exists is a highly technical man made hologram;

2. Past technology wasn't as good, that's why older pictures of the moon are blurry and not so well defined;

3. Any really old accounts of the Moon (like, from the middle ages) are actually misinterpretations of other light sources, like a distant lighthouse, or large bonfire or if high in the sky, a cloud reflecting bonfires or forest fires or something like that...

4. The moon landings were obviously faked and staged in order to thwart scientists and intellectuals from figuring out that the Moon doesn't exist

5. Tidal waves/high tides are solely caused by the oceans "sloshing" as the Earth spins (that's, however, partially true, but the moon does play a large part in it)


However, they failed miserably to come up with a reason to WHY someone would want to fake the Moon :sticktongue:

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as for the flat earth theorists i will post a link to a video a found at an astronomy thread recenlty talking about flat earthers. It's a debate between a skepticist and a flat-earther, it's an hour long and barely managed to watch it.


WARNING!!!! CAN CAUSE MAJOR BRAIN HEADACHES AND POSSIBLY BRAIN DAMAGE. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY (if you want to torture someoe this is the best method)



21 hours ago, Agent86 said:

I just hope they don't find out about the reptilians living inside the moon. They would have a field day.

don't you mean giant spiders and the moon is a huge egg that will spawn a giant fly

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TBH what we as a civilization need to do is give them all the Silent Treatment en masse, but I feel hypocritical saying this considering my own failures xP
Still, you know that whole thing about BoB and Neil DeGrasse Tyson that's going on? I hope Tyson is having fun, because otherwise he's feeding BoB's ploy for attention while accomplishing nothing.

In other news I'm sorely tempted to put up a ranty, unconvincing video where in the comments I post a poorly-worded spiel about how "Conspiracy Theorists Don't Exist, ALL Conspiracy Theorists Are Just Trolls and Do NOT Really Believe Earth is Flat."

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