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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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8 minutes ago, akron said:

Thanks for checking. @enlait until DMagic Science animate updates, you'll run into this issue, I guess. Keep an eye out for the 3 dependencies to update. It is is kind of a bummer, but there is not alternative short of learning how to code a new science and animation module.

There were no issues with DMagicScienceAnimate, we released our new BDB update using the existing version. The crashing after the update mostly stems from a change Squad made to the difficulty menu, so anything that had options there (ex: BDB's boiloff module) was causing crashes. DMSA doesn't touch that.

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18 hours ago, enlait said:

It doesn't work for me in 1.3.1 (game crashes when loading parts) but with amount of mod's I'm running I can't say for sure...

Deleting "Coatl Aerospace" and keeping everything else makes the game work again.

Try deleting "DMagicScienceAnimate" instead. I don't use any of the modules @CobaltWolf was talking about in my mod, so I don't know if it will work for you. Can you post a mod list and a log after that so we can check for a conflict?

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19 minutes ago, akron said:

Try deleting "DMagicScienceAnimate" instead. I don't use any of the modules @CobaltWolf was talking about in my mod, so I don't know if it will work for you. Can you post a mod list and a log after that so we can check for a conflict?

Akron, I'm saying the 1.3.0 version of DMagicScienceAnimate works in KSP 1.3.1.

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1 minute ago, CobaltWolf said:

Akron, I'm saying the 1.3.0 version of DMagicScienceAnimate works in KSP 1.3.1.

Well, it looks like it works for some people but not others, just trying to eliminate an issue with SA vs another mod.

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Probes Plus seems to be including version 16 of DMSA (it crashes at ca_landv_cam_s1, which is the first part with a DMSA module), version 19 is the latest and works fine in KSP 1.3.0 and 1.3.1.


That said, it still crashes for me in 1.3.1; the output log shows it failing at:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Parts/Antenna/antenna_cone_toggle/antenna_cone_toggle'

Which has a data transmitter and a FSmeshSwitch module, I think it's the first part with a FS module. Maybe the FS assembly is old, too?

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37 minutes ago, DMagic said:

Probes Plus seems to be including version 16 of DMSA (it crashes at ca_landv_cam_s1, which is the first part with a DMSA module), version 19 is the latest and works fine in KSP 1.3.0 and 1.3.1.


That said, it still crashes for me in 1.3.1; the output log shows it failing at:

PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Parts/Antenna/antenna_cone_toggle/antenna_cone_toggle'

Which has a data transmitter and a FSmeshSwitch module, I think it's the first part with a FS module. Maybe the FS assembly is old, too?

The full release of my mod has not been updated, but Github does have the newest version I have of DMSA, which is 0.19.

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15 minutes ago, akron said:

The full release of my mod has not been updated, but Github does have the newest version I have of DMSA, which is 0.19.

That may be, but the version that is actually linked to in the download section of the first post has out-of-date dependencies, so problems are to be expected.

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43 minutes ago, DMagic said:

That may be, but the version that is actually linked to in the download section of the first post has out-of-date dependencies, so problems are to be expected.

That is actually my latest official release. The new one is still in development. It's just been a while.

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3 hours ago, Mecripp said:

@akron Would it be to much to ask if we could get a transform maybe named Cam on the parts that are Camera's or some type of viewing lens ? So we can use the parts with a plugin like docking cam or JSI and list go's on or a download to the models before they are made in to MU ?

Sure, but it may not make it to the next release. I'll need more info though, like orientation parameters

6 minutes ago, enlait said:

I updated DMSA and FS to latest versions (0.19 and 7.6.0), and the game worked!

It is indeed a problem with outdated dependencies. Thank you guys!

Glad to hear it is working! I can't wait to get these parts done to update the mod. I'll probably update dependencies for each release from now on

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I seem to have experienced a career oddity, and at least if I'm not missing anything, two of the antenna upgrade levels are reversed in the CTT. I've been using the antennas for most of what I was building, so I knew all the range ratings - CA -A100 was 10G, A200 was 100G, A300 was 400G, and the CA-AD1-R was 10m. I just got the 300 research Electronics node of the CTT, which includes a Coatl Aerospace Antenna Upgrade. CA-100 is now 3G, A200 is 55G, A300 is 100G, and the AD1-R is 3m.

Not so great upgrade. I'm assuming that the level I was at was meant to be the state after I received the upgrade in Electronics, but someone has accidentally reversed them so it's a downgrade. Is there some way to force it back to the previous state?

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9 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

I seem to have experienced a career oddity, and at least if I'm not missing anything, two of the antenna upgrade levels are reversed in the CTT. I've been using the antennas for most of what I was building, so I knew all the range ratings - CA -A100 was 10G, A200 was 100G, A300 was 400G, and the CA-AD1-R was 10m. I just got the 300 research Electronics node of the CTT, which includes a Coatl Aerospace Antenna Upgrade. CA-100 is now 3G, A200 is 55G, A300 is 100G, and the AD1-R is 3m.

Not so great upgrade. I'm assuming that the level I was at was meant to be the state after I received the upgrade in Electronics, but someone has accidentally reversed them so it's a downgrade. Is there some way to force it back to the previous state?

So, those upgrade nodes I made, were not with CTT in mind. In your case, I'd just disable the upgrades altogether. Unless you want to carefully look and see what you can leave enabled.

You can just remove "GameData/Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Upgrades/Upgrades.cfg" to disable all upgrades, or look in that cfg and remove those that don't work with CTT, like the antenna one.

On 10/22/2017 at 3:28 AM, notJebKerman said:

I've been busy lately so I had to put KSP to the side for a few days, but I'm back and the RTG decay patch is here. However, this doesn't actually require NFE's patch, so this should probably be included separate of the core mod.

If it's okay with you, I'll add it to Github on my next upload

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18 minutes ago, notJebKerman said:

How is Meridiani/Cassini going?

It's uh... going. I've got some base textures on the main tank structure, but I haven't done much more past that. I finally have my weekends back so I'll hopefully be able to put more hours in and get back to a weekly stream.

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6 hours ago, akron said:

So, those upgrade nodes I made, were not with CTT in mind. In your case, I'd just disable the upgrades altogether. Unless you want to carefully look and see what you can leave enabled.

You can just remove "GameData/Coatl Aerospace/ProbesPlus/Upgrades/Upgrades.cfg" to disable all upgrades, or look in that cfg and remove those that don't work with CTT, like the antenna one.

Thanks, exactly what I needed. 

BTW, after I finished building a new vehicle with my new improved short range antennas:), I launched him and flew him to Iota and then... had no probe control. What the hell? I have like 20 relay satellites in various orbits of Gael, Iota, and Ceti and my commnet network is a giant mass of green. So I go to the tracking station and.... no network of any kind. No one talking to anyone else, entire network collapsed, all my satellites and probes uncontrollable.


Finally I got a grip and decided that didn't make too much sense, restarted the game, and everything was fine again. Just passing that bit on in case someone comes in going ALL MYS ANTTENNAS IS BROKEN!!! OMG.

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18 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Finally I got a grip and decided that didn't make too much sense, restarted the game, and everything was fine again. Just passing that bit on in case someone comes in going ALL MYS ANTTENNAS IS BROKEN!!! OMG.

Thank you for the troubleshooting and then sharing. KSP's upgrade system is a little wonky. I'm not so sure I'll keep using it

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12 hours ago, akron said:

Thank you for the troubleshooting and then sharing. KSP's upgrade system is a little wonky. I'm not so sure I'll keep using it

And I can confirm that removing just the ca-upgrade-antenna1 upgrade returned my antennas to the previous state, which is I believe actually the state I'm supposed to be at now. If you have a known issues/FAQ this would be a good one titled "IF YOU ARE USING CTT". And I understand, I imagine supporting multiple competing tech trees for career mode would be a major pain. Especially as some of them seem to be mine is better 'cause it has MOAR NODES.

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Ok except... are upgrades cached somewhere somehow? Because I was just in the VAB and suddenly all the PP antennas are back to the 1/3 values they were at after the "upgrade". Just checked again, that upgrade doesn't exist in upgrades.cfg. 

Also I'm asking here since about 95% of the antennas I'm using are yours (I like them), but I have no idea whether it has anything to do with you. I continue to run into the problem of suddenly all antennas everywhere stop working. So far I have nothing on reproducible sequence except for that it mostly seems to happen on game start, but I was just playing now and maneuvering interplanetary probes very far from Gael, return to VAB, launch new satellite, limited probe control. Look in tracking station and again entire network is dead, no antenna is working anywhere. Each time I restart the game and that seems to clear it, but with eleventy hundred mods that process takes several minutes even launching off SSDs so I'd definitely like to fix it if I can.

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14 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Ok except... are upgrades cached somewhere somehow? Because I was just in the VAB and suddenly all the PP antennas are back to the 1/3 values they were at after the "upgrade". Just checked again, that upgrade doesn't exist in upgrades.cfg. 

Also I'm asking here since about 95% of the antennas I'm using are yours (I like them), but I have no idea whether it has anything to do with you. I continue to run into the problem of suddenly all antennas everywhere stop working. So far I have nothing on reproducible sequence except for that it mostly seems to happen on game start, but I was just playing now and maneuvering interplanetary probes very far from Gael, return to VAB, launch new satellite, limited probe control. Look in tracking station and again entire network is dead, no antenna is working anywhere. Each time I restart the game and that seems to clear it, but with eleventy hundred mods that process takes several minutes even launching off SSDs so I'd definitely like to fix it if I can.

Module manager creates a temp database inside the GameData folder. If you want, try deleting it (backup if you want ) and the running the game again. I'm curious if it's my mod or if some other conflict already has messed up the antenna configs.

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12 hours ago, akron said:

Module manager creates a temp database inside the GameData folder. If you want, try deleting it (backup if you want ) and the running the game again. I'm curious if it's my mod or if some other conflict already has messed up the antenna configs.

Ok, will try nuking the MM db so it does clean patches, and see if that helps. I will also be looking hard to catch the sequence of the antennas going bye bye, hard part it usually when I see it I'm very not sure when it actually happened.

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11 hours ago, vossiewulf said:

Ok, will try nuking the MM db so it does clean patches, and see if that helps. I will also be looking hard to catch the sequence of the antennas going bye bye, hard part it usually when I see it I'm very not sure when it actually happened.

You can post your logs to see what is going on. I am wondering if the issue is there because you already had the upgrade, and are instead changing the stats mid-save. I'm hoping the save is not corrupted, but it is rather strange. CTT should not really affect the part upgrade progress since it only adds nodes without moving any on its own so ModuleManager is the only I can think of. I could make the upgrade piece an optional thing from now on. I'm not sure.

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11 hours ago, akron said:

You can post your logs to see what is going on. I am wondering if the issue is there because you already had the upgrade, and are instead changing the stats mid-save. I'm hoping the save is not corrupted, but it is rather strange. CTT should not really affect the part upgrade progress since it only adds nodes without moving any on its own so ModuleManager is the only I can think of. I could make the upgrade piece an optional thing from now on. I'm not sure.

At a minimum have someone else test what happens when they get the Electronics node of the CTT, that's where my problems started. But since I run a lot of mods, it's always possible it's an interaction between mods unless someone else can reproduce. 

And further, I'm seeing some other weirdness now - latest trick is solar panels stop working. Not stop tracking, they stop functioning like the antennas- sun exposure positive, energy flow 0. If I switch to the Tracking Station and back, panels start working again.

So don't worry about it unless I can reproduce with logs, or someone else can test the CTT sequence and confirm what I saw.

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