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Post-Hiatus Mun Landing

Kerbin vonKerbal

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So I haven't really done anything worth mentioning in a long time, due to lack of time. But my first thought out, planned mission was to land on the Mun as per my recently acquired contract. In sequential order, here's the pictures. :D



Launching of the lander payload, controlled by a probe for now.



Launching of the tug/return payload with Jeb in it.



I rendezvoused in a sort of circular 85x85 orbit. Docking the tug/return module to the lander module.



Hooked up and ready to burn towards the Mun.



After separation of the modules, the lander is on its descent burn with Jeb inside. The return module is still in a 35x65 orbit, mostly because I was unsure of how much fuel I would have left and wanted to make it home. 




On board camera taking a picture of Jeb planting Kerberica's flag on the surface, and Jeb's EVA camera taking a picture of the whole scene.




After Jeb had his fun, rendezvous of the two modules in Mun's orbit and docking in progress.





Back in Kerbin's orbit, re-entry on the sunrise side of Kerbin, and finally a safe splashdown. 


I know it's a bit long and there might be too many pictures, but it was my first mission after not having enough time to commit to anything serious and I was pretty proud of it. Hope you all enjoyed, and feel free to leave any pointers and advice on different ways to do a landing mission. Fly safe. :)

Edited by Kerbin vonKerbal
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27 minutes ago, Bluegillbronco2 said:

That water looks really good.... Why mod is that? 


And congrats on the successful return mission!

The only two visual mods I have installed are EVE and Scatterer. I'd say it's probably Scatterer, I've never seen EVE alter the look of the water. Hopefully this helps, and thanks. :)

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4 hours ago, Bluegillbronco2 said:

That water looks really good.... Why mod is that? 


And congrats on the successful return mission!

Why mod is that? Maybe my English is garbage (it is) but shouldn't it be what mod is that?

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