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The earliest versions of Kerbal Space Program


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I remember when there was just the now called thundersomething solid rocket booster, the now called swival and reliant liquid fuel engines, one fuel tank,a parachute and one command module. and I also remember when we had to have sas modules or there would be no sas, and when the tripod was the only one. I didn't update and I had to eventually delete it do to file corruption. at about 0.9 beta then ever I gained interest in ksp again through youtube and I finally got it again at 1.2. since then I have clocked over 250 hours playing it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/12/2016 at 12:09 AM, KasperVld said:

Hi everyone!

It's been a long time since development of Kerbal Space Program began. 5 years ago Felipe started work on a 2.5D game that would eventually grow to the game that we all know and love. It's been quite a ride from the first, careful steps to a full fledged rocketry game that has inspired many people around the world. Those of you who have been around for a long time will know that Kerbal Space Program started out as freeware. Versions 0.7.x up to 0.13.x were free for those brave enough to try them.

Back in 2012 when I was a new member of this community I collected these versions of KSP and uploaded them for others to enjoy. People brought in more versions of the game that had then already seemed lost to eternity. Almost all free versions of the game were eventually brought together and offered for download. After the forum breakage in 2013 @xorg was awesome enough to restore the post and provide new links for all these 'community sourced' old and free versions of KSP, and I'd like to give a him a special mention here for that.

Now it's 2016 (time flies when piloting rockets) and unfortunately the community sourced downloads for these old versions were recently made unavailable1. I wanted to make these versions of Kerbal Space Program available to download again, but using the old files which had not come from Squad directly would not be wise. With the great help of @HarvesteR, @aLeXmOrA and @Chuchito we're now able to once again offer these versions for download, from an official source no less!

It's always been great revisiting the past to play around with a version of KSP from before it had such fancy tools as tank stacking, symmetry mode in the VAB or even a persistent save file. I'd encourage you to give it a try!

As for the legal notice: these builds of Kerbal Space Program are offered "as is" without any warranty and with the express warning that we cannot accept any liability for damages resulting from their use (though, they should work just fine). Install and use at your own risk.

If you're interested in what exactly you'll find the KSP Wiki has an overview of the version history. Download links are below.



thank you. these are the only download link that work out of all of the ones on the internet in 2017

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I might have one version of KSP that is actually EARLIER than the very earliest one ever made


and it was not made by, my brother HarvesteR - it was made by me :o


it ran on <cringe> flash </cringe> - so you might need to go on chrome settings and allow flash to run if it doesn't work... 


also - it doesn't really do much, it just lets you drag parts onto the build area and recalculates the CoG and a few other things


but I guarantee, with a last-modified date dating back to 04/09/2008 (two years before even the earliest unity versions) - this is THE EARLIEST EVER version of KSP


wait WHUT?! -- does that mean?.... 


yes, it is proof that I would legally own 50% of the copyrights of the original KSP concept at the time the project was started


this has some interesting legal implications, which creates perhaps a bit of an awkward situation... see, one cannot sell that which he does not fully own - and I was never consulted when my brother agreed to sign over full rights to the concept to Squad - including what was my equal share at the time (sure, he's done more NOW, but not back then he still hadn't) 

you see that this can cause several uh.... issues


why did I not ever make a fuss about this?


well, for the sake of the game actually being done, I had an informal agreement with my brother allowing him to go about it without the hassle of any paperwork, which at that initial stage, could have been a bit of a major hindrance, for we live in different countries - the hurtle of an international copyrights negotiation would have derailed the extremely-low-profile startup of KSP development

thus it was my choice to just let him "get away with it" - given that KSP itself was seen as a greater good than any personal gains one might have had from a formal arrangement

nevertheless - that agreement existed only between my brother and I - and I have never been contacted by squad at any time - mostly because as long as he was there, it was generally alright (minus that he never bothered adding my name to the credits under the "concept" header - because brothers, eh?)


now - this is a curious situation, for once he left - he had no legal right to hand over MY share of the original concept.... that was not very nice how it happened

also, I don't think he ever really mentioned this to his then employers, who were most likely assuming the concept was ALL his own.... now that, was perhaps not very foresighted


I guess if I wanted to make a big deal out of it, that'd be some headache for a bunch of folks....


I do not fancy headache, and I still see KSP as the greater good here...


so I hereby extend the "gentleman's agreement" that I had with my brother over to Squad themselves, so that they can freely go about their business with take-two and whatever - with only a handful of wishes to go with it:

- first and foremost, that any new developments be done with the same spirit of the original game, in a way that never hinders or detracts the capabilities of the modding community

- that the game would never offer sale of ingame currencies or any such infinite-demand-trade-cycle schemes (DLC is fine when it has a well defined, finite value, i.e: expansion packs) 

- and if possible, that PLEASE, someone finally add my name under my brothers in the credits under the "original concept" header - for I have been pestering him for years to do that, and he never got around doing it


with those few wishes (not even necessarily binding conditions, because gentlemen don't need those) I offer a trouble-free solution to what could otherwise be a somewhat unpleasant situation, and this offer is presented here, in front of a hundred-and-seventy-thousand-and-something witnesses (current number of KSP forum users), to hold it in full effect


so let my half of the original KSP concept be a gift of gratitude for the community that made it actually happen, and the people who believed in it back when it was just "a wild idea about little aliens not being very good at space"



just take good care of it, eh?








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  • 2 weeks later...

@Moach It will not let me run that version, which is a shame, as I would REALLY like to run it! It says "choose an application" but isn't the game itself supposed to be an application?

EDIT: Gah, I didn't read the whole thing. Sorry!

EDIT2: Woah, this so... I can't think of the word right now. ...Oddly Retro!

Let's get the devs to see this. Maybe then we can get Moach's name in the credits! If not, then if there was a mod that did that I'd totally go out of my way to get it.

Edited by Ultimate Steve
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  On 6/17/2017 at 4:54 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

@Moach It will not let me run that version, which is a shame, as I would REALLY like to run it! It says "choose an application" but isn't the game itself supposed to be an application?

EDIT: Gah, I didn't read the whole thing. Sorry!

EDIT2: Woah, this so... I can't think of the word right now. ...Oddly Retro!

Let's get the devs to see this. Maybe then we can get Moach's name in the credits! If not, then if there was a mod that did that I'd totally go out of my way to get it.


Did you get it running?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 6/2/2017 at 11:32 PM, Moach said:

yes, it is proof that I would legally own 50% of the copyrights of the original KSP concept at the time the project was started


this has some interesting legal implications, which creates perhaps a bit of an awkward situation... see, one cannot sell that which he does not fully own - and I was never consulted when my brother agreed to sign over full rights to the concept to Squad - including what was my equal share at the time (sure, he's done more NOW, but not back then he still hadn't) 


now - this is a curious situation, for once he left - he had no legal right to hand over MY share of the original concept.... that was not very nice how it happened

also, I don't think he ever really mentioned this to his then employers, who were most likely assuming the concept was ALL his own.... now that, was perhaps not very foresighted


I guess if I wanted to make a big deal out of it, that'd be some headache for a bunch of folks....


- and if possible, that PLEASE, someone finally add my name under my brothers in the credits under the "original concept" header - for I have been pestering him for years to do that, and he never got around doing it


I must say... I was initially expecting the post to be a joke, and I'm still not 100% sure its serious, since its a rather big claim that you are making.

However, you do not seem to know the details of Intellectual Property, and your case is rather weak if you wanted to cause trouble.

- You cannot copyright concepts. You can copyright and trademark specific names (like Kerbal), but generally speaking, there is no legal protection for concepts. You can patent specific technical solutions to problems. You can copyright specific combinations of letters and words (ie text/code), but you've got no legal recourse for a concept being stolen (with some wiggle room for "business models" which they do let you patent in the US, but not Europe).

So did you help your brother come up with the term "kerbal" or the name "kerbal space program"? (or any of the names such as Jeb/Bob/Bill/Kerman). I do see the text "Kerbal Space Program" in that image, this was not registered as a trademark at that time though, an I don't think any court would find a 3 word combination as copyright worthy.

I'm guessing none of your code was used when it was decided to do it in a 3d engine, and not 2D flash.

Also its my understanding that HarvestR was working for Squad, and that he developed KSP as part of his work for squad. This would make anything he developed the property of squad. If you and him developed this a bit before he went to squad, that could be a bit of a problem if harvester gave them some of your code without permission... but it really comes down to the question of whether any of your code survives in any form in the current game.

If not, you've got no legal recourse... but if all you are asking for is a mention in the credits, and HarvestR backs up your story, then by all means your name should be added to the credits.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/9/2017 at 4:04 PM, KerikBalm said:

I must say... I was initially expecting the post to be a joke, and I'm still not 100% sure its serious, since its a rather big claim that you are making.

However, you do not seem to know the details of Intellectual Property, and your case is rather weak if you wanted to cause trouble.

- You cannot copyright concepts. You can copyright and trademark specific names (like Kerbal), but generally speaking, there is no legal protection for concepts. You can patent specific technical solutions to problems. You can copyright specific combinations of letters and words (ie text/code), but you've got no legal recourse for a concept being stolen (with some wiggle room for "business models" which they do let you patent in the US, but not Europe).

So did you help your brother come up with the term "kerbal" or the name "kerbal space program"? (or any of the names such as Jeb/Bob/Bill/Kerman). I do see the text "Kerbal Space Program" in that image, this was not registered as a trademark at that time though, an I don't think any court would find a 3 word combination as copyright worthy.

I'm guessing none of your code was used when it was decided to do it in a 3d engine, and not 2D flash.

Also its my understanding that HarvestR was working for Squad, and that he developed KSP as part of his work for squad. This would make anything he developed the property of squad. If you and him developed this a bit before he went to squad, that could be a bit of a problem if harvester gave them some of your code without permission... but it really comes down to the question of whether any of your code survives in any form in the current game.

If not, you've got no legal recourse... but if all you are asking for is a mention in the credits, and HarvestR backs up your story, then by all means your name should be added to the credits.



I have had a full course in Intellectual Property and copyright law during university, so I'm aware of what is and isn't protected under copyright law... in short, it's "simply complicated" (simple in theory, complicated in practice)

any such a case would require digging up plenty of evidence, and a whole complex, expensive and thoroughly unpleasant process would have to take place in order to cause nothing besides trouble and torment for anyone involved...   I for one, would much rather not turn it into one of those "facebook scenarios" that ppl end up making movies about...

I don't see how anyone (myself included) would stand to truly gain anything from it which would be of greater value than having KSP itself be a reality

and that's why I never really mentioned it early on, when things were so precarious


see, both myself and my brother have always operated under the "money to make games, not games to make money" concept...


just recognition for my part in the initial concept, both before start and during early development, in the form of my name in the credits, would really be all I'd ask for.  everybody likes being acknowledged, right?


unfortunately, it is hard to effectively remind a guy to do something as trivial as adding a name in the credits when he's got issues of the "omfg! why is it doing THAT now?!" type and frequent sightings of the Kraken to sort out....

the usual reply I got was always in the lines of "yeah yeah, dude, ok... but why ever did that just explode?"


I'll see if I can get my brother to comment on this, anyways - he's not been around here for ages, it seems...




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