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I just can't deal with all my crashes..

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I just deleted 15 crash reports from my game file, and I don't have any mods I'd be willing to uninstall..  I tried the OpenGL idea, and it didn't do anything..  I don't want Dynamic Texture Loader either, because it makes things look really ugly all blurry in the parts menu, and it even made me crash more when choosing a new unloaded part would cause lag.  There must be something else I can do, it's making the game unplayable, I'm losing so much interest.  Every other time I go between the VAB/SPH and the Pad/Runway, it crashes.  Sometimes it even crashes in the editor, and I lose all my work.  Is there anything I can do?  I'm so tired of playing like this.  Not even kidding, I'm about to give up on the game.

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Care to share your mod-list? Not that it would help as you already told that you won't remove any of it, I'm just curious.*

Also... not that I'm suggesting anything, but I even -enjoy- having textures briefly blurred and causing editor lag, compared to crashes (not to mention abandoning KSP).

*though if I'll see a mod with hundreds of megabytes of textures or dozens of parts, I'll go against of my principles, and tell you to uninstall it. Those are for high-end machines.

Edited by Evanitis
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  On 2/21/2016 at 10:09 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

I assume the second paragraph is sarcasm..  But I have KER, KJR, Adjustable Landing Gear, BDA, RCSBA, IR, Tweakscale, KAS, and KIS.


I was expecting a lot more daunting mod-list. That looks all right. I'd only consider making a separate KSP install for having fun with BDA, as it adds a lot of parts that you won't need for space exploration.

Though there was no sarcasm in my post. DTL noticeably increased KSP's performance on my potato. Even that would worth the barely noticeable editor lag and briefly appearing blurred textures there, not to mention if it could prevent some crashes.

Though computers are different, so I can imagine that it doesn't help you much while causing serious performance drops. In that case I'm out of ideas.

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What's your RAM capacity? If you don't have enough RAM to run those mods plus the base game of KSP, then it'll crash.

Not that it matters too much anyway, because until the 64 bit version returns from the grave the max RAM usage you'll get is 4gbs. Still though, if either you don't have enough RAM to begin with or if one of your sticks is failing, that could be the issue. Do you notice performance issues with other programs that shouldn't have much problem running normally?

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Im with you pal. I have 10 mods all visual or informational, and i crash about every 3 reverts. That along with the 10 fps I get after playing for a little is making this game soooo unplayable. I have a high-end cpu and I really really REALLY hope the next update gives a good performance boost with its multicore usage. As far as the crashes go im fairly certain it will be fixed when we get 64bit support and if you have say 8gb of memory. But yea between the crashes and low fps it really has been turning me off the game recently to just wait till 1.1.

There is really nothing you can do but wait.

Edited by fireblade274
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  On 2/22/2016 at 11:28 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

I have 4 GB, and I haven't noticed that any other programs are having problems, sooo...  No, any other ideas?  There's gotta be something I can do, I'm losing so much inspiration because my play time is cut in half having to reload the game.


If all you have is 4gbs of RAM, then it is entirely possible that you're running out when playing KSP. The game is known for completely shutting down once it's memory requirements cant be met. I suggest you run a clean install of KSP without any mods and see if it still crashes randomly. If it doesn't, then one of your mods is either A)Broken and needs an update B)Incompatible with another mod or C)No longer supported and causing unforeseen issues.

If your KSP is still crashing without any mods installed, the next step is to check your drivers. I know KSP is more CPU intensive than it is GPU, but an old GPU driver can sometimes cause games to crash. And it never hurts to check.

The very last thing you can check is your hardware. It's possible one of your RAM sticks is dying or not getting enough power, but honestly? That's really unlikely and I feel like you'd experience computer-wide issues and not just limited to KSP.

If running a clean KSP doesn't work and you're absolutely sure there isn't a hardware or software issue, then the only option left is to contact Squad. They can probably give you a much better insight as to what might be happening than I ever can.

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I have 4 gigs as well, but I have over 30 mods in my Gamedata file.

1) Texture Replacer: If you don't mind slightly less than perfect graphics, get this. This will save you quite a bit of space. Also you can do cool things like space suits, different heads, etc.
2) If you are still running at the unmolested 32 bit Unity I would highly recommend doing the 64 bit version or do the 64 bit hack. This is worth it's weight in gold.
3) Play with your graphics settings, and in the settings.cfg file you can play with some other things the normal in-game settings menu won't touch (conics draw, conics limits, etc). Might be worth playing with the settings so you can free up some more room for the CPU to do it's job.

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Post your PC  (or MAC) specs too. Skimmed up and down and either I missed it or you didn't post it. : )

edit: hmm. Post fail -_- I suck at kerbal forums lol




2) If you are still running at the unmolested 32 bit Unity I would highly recommend doing the 64 bit version or do the 64 bit hack. This is worth it's weight in gold.


- I am using this, and this is "not that bad" in most cases. It gives you more time before crashes ~ though, as somebody said in facebook: This is entirely bull-%%%% horserace-lottery luck. However, if you can avoid switching ships, you can actually play a very LONG time. Let's just say this give you more leeway, but it is definitely not the best. Another thing. 4gb RAM is probably not all too much useful. In your case, you might want to have a look on this thing called "READY BOOST". I learned about it recently, and I should've known about this ever since ._. 

Looks like you can use a USB 3.0 flashdrive with whatever gb space as a "poor man's RAM". That might be nice for you to couple with using the 64bit hack. However. I am not sure if this will work if you still have 32bit OS like WinXp (32bit)


- You will also need that one 64bit-"unfixer" exe, so that the game will load the mods you like.

Note that by using 64bit workaround that you will be frowned upon big time when you post stuff about it. Just keep that in mind. 

Other than that. 

- Check out this thread: 

Somebody helped me by writing a very short mini .cfg to remove the animated kerbal window during in-flight. Maybe this can save you some RAM too. However, bear in mind that you will really need to ensure you know where the crew hatches are. Important for IVA dispatch. 


Edited by Spraki
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Go to the graphics settings and turn of the water effects as they chew a fair bit of RAM. Drop your textures down to about half size as well.

Both of these and the openGL switch dropped my RAM usage from 3.4G down to 2.4G before I loaded another dozen or so mods.

Regards Brad

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If you don't mind, can you please also show what other software you have running when KSP crashes, actually your crash file will list the running processes so you could at least upload that along with the dxdiag hardware report.

I ask for this as there is some software that makes KSP much more unstable such as PrecisionX.

Fraps and Obs have also been known to make KSP crash more frequently, basically anything that hooks into RAM.

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  On 2/22/2016 at 11:28 PM, SlabGizor117 said:

I have 4 GB, and I haven't noticed that any other programs are having problems, sooo...  No, any other ideas?  There's gotta be something I can do, I'm losing so much inspiration because my play time is cut in half having to reload the game.


Depending on what else is running in the background, that may be your issue. And as Radonek pointed out, you may want to pull IR and see if that fixes your issues.

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I also feel your pain, SlabGizor117.

KSP crashes and crashes.

Tried the -force-opengl, effecting in flickering, a shifted display of ships and planets in Tracking Station and suprise: crashes.
Tried the -force-gfx-st (because i have a Phenom II) with ... of course: crashes.
Tried to uninstall some unused mods - IR, too - and ... crashes.
With SLI, without, turned off Antivir and all unneeded Win-processes, low display settings, driver updates ...

Trust me: i tried a lot. NOTHING worked since 64bit support canceled.

More Spaceships and Satellites with more parts (round 100 parts) a ship has, causes the crashes faster. Interesting is only that direct switching between vessels provoke less crashes than switching back to VAB/Spaceport or from VAB to launch.

I contacted Squad - no answer. Maybe there will be a community made mod sometime to make it more stable. I don't know. Sorry, but i'm just a bit upset about... Quit Kerbal Space Program and ... tada: Windows unexpected error. :mad:


Please excuse my bad language - not a native.

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I thought I had the problem beat with the -force-d3d11 switch but after adding "essential" mods I suffered the same frustration.
Managed to get a lot of relief by deleting parts, even entire folders from the mods' game data directory, of stuff I don't need.
For safety I also deleted the PartDatabase.cfg file to force it to be re-written.
Still crashes after ~2hrs of play but a lot better than every time I changed scenes.
Hopefully they'll fix the problem next update :)

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  On 2/24/2016 at 7:33 AM, ve7oko said:

Hopefully they'll fix the problem next update :)


Not possible. About best thing do would be to run mods in some kind of sandbox, completely isolated from core game (and preferably from each other).  Thats a lot of work to set up, would incur prohibitive performance loss and would not actually _solve_ a lot. Instead of crash to desktop, you'd get message along the lines of "mod X stopped responding, current scene contains N orphaned parts, exiting...". Mods that do not alter crafts (KER and alike) would fare better, but these tend to be more stable anyway. Really, if there were some magic wand to fix bugs in other people's code, don't you think Microsoft would waving it like mad already?


Edited by radonek
bugged wysiwyg
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If you're crashing, it's likely because you're running out of memory. I WOULD recommend the 64 bit workaround, but I know I might get burned at the stake if I do.

Therefore, you could install Linux to get 64 bit, but it's understandable if you don't want to.

If you happen to want the 64 bit workaround, please take these things into account:

- Don't ask for support from anybody, EVER.
- It might work for you you, it might not. It's different for everyone.

To everyone else: Please do not kill me for this answer. I'm informing this man of an alternative and it's completely up to him if he does it. It's kind of like drinking. If you do it, please do it responsibly. 

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Try just deleting KAS- the only crashes I've had were due to mucking around with it. It's a cool mod and I'd love to use it but apparently I was using it wrong? It seems to be popular but I had bad luck with it :sealed: KIS though has worked fine for me.


Edit- I'm an idiot- I think I may have KIS and KAS confused. The one where you can store things in pods is the one I had issues with, the one with winches worked for me.

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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First I would try and establish if you are crashing due to Out Of Memory (OOM) errors, or some other cause. You can do this by monitoring KSP's memory usage as you play, I think there are even mods that will help you.

If you are OOM crashing, then switching to 64-bit KSP will help. Even if you only have 4 GB of physical RAM because the 32-bit limit includes other stuff too. On my old PC with 4 GB of RAM I ran multiple large planet packs on 64-bit KSP on Linux without a problem, and the exact same installation wouldn't even load to the main menu running the 32-bit version.

Unfortunately going to 64-bit isn't easy. You could shelve KSP and wait for 1.1, but then mods will need updating for that too. You could install Linux and KSP on that, but an entire operating system just for one game is a rather big step. Or you could try the Windows 64-bit hack but that has its own bugs that might make the game crash therefore defeating the point.

If, on the other hand, your current installation is crashing without the memory usage being at the limit, 64-bit won't help. I would first check the base KSP install isn't corrupted, Steam can do that or if you aren't using Steam just redownload and unzip into a new folder. Then check you have the latest versions of all your mods correctly installed - and I strongly advise *not* using CKAN because it has a record of messing up. Then you will need to accept that one of your mods is crashing your game, and identify it by trial removal. Finally if you do identify a trouble mod, try using a previous version of it instead! It's perfectly possible for any software at all, including KSP mods, to get an "update" that makes it worse.

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  On 2/25/2016 at 12:56 AM, cantab said:

First I would try and establish if you are crashing due to Out Of Memory (OOM) errors, or some other cause. You can do this by monitoring KSP's memory usage as you play, I think there are even mods that will help you.

If you are OOM crashing, then switching to 64-bit KSP will help. Even if you only have 4 GB of physical RAM because the 32-bit limit includes other stuff too. On my old PC with 4 GB of RAM I ran multiple large planet packs on 64-bit KSP on Linux without a problem, and the exact same installation wouldn't even load to the main menu running the 32-bit version.

Unfortunately going to 64-bit isn't easy. You could shelve KSP and wait for 1.1, but then mods will need updating for that too. You could install Linux and KSP on that, but an entire operating system just for one game is a rather big step. Or you could try the Windows 64-bit hack but that has its own bugs that might make the game crash therefore defeating the point.

If, on the other hand, your current installation is crashing without the memory usage being at the limit, 64-bit won't help. I would first check the base KSP install isn't corrupted, Steam can do that or if you aren't using Steam just redownload and unzip into a new folder. Then check you have the latest versions of all your mods correctly installed - and I strongly advise *not* using CKAN because it has a record of messing up. Then you will need to accept that one of your mods is crashing your game, and identify it by trial removal. Finally if you do identify a trouble mod, try using a previous version of it instead! It's perfectly possible for any software at all, including KSP mods, to get an "update" that makes it worse.


^^Best answer here^^

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