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[1.1.3] Large Boat Parts Pack


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17 hours ago, XOC2008 said:

@SpannerMonkey(smce): These are great additions! Now you need a hangar without a bottom that can go over the hull section with the elevator so you can raise/lower stuff from a deck hangar! :D

And I need a mk 110 57mm gun.. and a bushmaster turret. I need a lot of things, actually. Haha

I pondered what this would be like for a while, and yes I think thats a viable a proper thing to add.

As for the weapons, mention it in the Boomsticks thread, and I'll put it on the list.  Related to this for everybody else too, If there are any weapons that you'd like for your ships, on the proviso that nobody has already made one, I'm not doing doubles.  Post a request on the Boomsticks thread. I've been considering doing a batch of small AA guns, typically of the size that would be crewed by one or two Kerbs. These look quite smart when attached to  rails and walkways.

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40 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Oh yes lots of it.   In other news SMM will be switching over to just making the structural parts for this mod, so all the masts platforms, walkways and stairways will be available, so we can finally start putting some detail into our builds

Sounds awesome, looking forward to it

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1 minute ago, Drew Kerman said:

sry not what I meant. ZIP file and change log on SpaceDock say 3.5.1 - which is the same as the previous release

Technical hitch then, there was supposed to be a version jump, one moment and I'l fix that.  SpaceDock fell over as I was sorting it so I have no idea if the version change took, we'll have to wait and see.

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And so on to the next update and the hilarity that will follow 1.2.

First order of business is a color change, no really, I don't think that the dark blue grey of LBP is right, it's close but not right. The only way to sort it so I'm happy is to change it, not much in fact if you have issues with color you'll likely not even see the change. I suppose i should say why I feel it's not right, first and foremost that color is pretty dead, in the sense that it doesn't really reflect any light, this makes screenies a bit flat in turn. Most importantly is the issue with matching the turret colors, most turrets out there are combinations of lighter grey;s and blues. and so when mounted on a ship they tend to look odd, as if they don't quite belong, this little color change will make this less of a problem.  The minor point of something resembling real world usage of color is also a consideration and the new color is more similar to that used by the worlds navies. So here's a preview side by side image of the difference between the old dark grey and the new lighter grey. If you like this color change can happen over night as I already have a version with the change.


I think you can see straight away the the light is much nicer on the hull, the shadows have nicer definition, and it looks right.

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3 minutes ago, Bitrefresh said:

it makes me sad that my Bismarck and Eugen will be lost after the update..

don't count on it, you can copy the ships over and unless something has changed with the way cfgs are written you should be ok,  LBP will likely have some issues though as the physic changes will likely have some effect on ships

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2 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

don't count on it, you can copy the ships over and unless something has changed with the way cfgs are written you should be ok,  LBP will likely have some issues though as the physic changes will likely have some effect on ships

is bringing crafts to the next update really that simple?

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Just now, Bitrefresh said:

is bringing crafts to the next update really that simple?

Thats all I've ever done, between versions,  The nice thing about LBP is that for the most part it's standalone and has no dependencies on other mods or things, so unless you've covered your ship in funky parts you should be good.

It might pay knowing the update is coming is to edit a couple of versions of the ships to remove any other mod parts you've built in, that way you'll still save the hulls and not have an issue with them not loading because part X hasn't been updated yet.

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2 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Thats all I've ever done, between versions,  The nice thing about LBP is that for the most part it's standalone and has no dependencies on other mods or things, so unless you've covered your ship in funky parts you should be good.

It might pay knowing the update is coming is to edit a couple of versions of the ships to remove any other mod parts you've built in, that way you'll still save the hulls and not have an issue with them not loading because part X hasn't been updated yet.

yep, ill have the Hulls of dear Admiral Hipper and Bismarck that are Tweakscale and LBP only~

Edited by Bitrefresh
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6 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I pondered what this would be like for a while, and yes I think thats a viable a proper thing to add.

As for the weapons, mention it in the Boomsticks thread, and I'll put it on the list.  Related to this for everybody else too, If there are any weapons that you'd like for your ships, on the proviso that nobody has already made one, I'm not doing doubles.  Post a request on the Boomsticks thread. I've been considering doing a batch of small AA guns, typically of the size that would be crewed by one or two Kerbs. These look quite smart when attached to  rails and walkways.

Will those AA guns have something like the command seat feature where the kerbals sit with the gun? Or stand, lol. I like the NAS guns, but they lack the personnel with them.

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@SpannerMonkey(smce) are you good with me taking the models from this mod and making them VLS compatible by giving them large no collider areas so that VLS can be offset into place and then be able to fire properly "through" the hull? I can even give them to you to release if you want I couldn't care less about who releases them. I just want BLS hulls. I have a couple of VLS friendly parts in my own Mods and would love to bring LBP into the umbrella of that too! Let me know ASAP please kind sir and keep being awesome!

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Just now, cavilier210 said:

Will those AA guns have something like the command seat feature where the kerbals sit with the gun? Or stand, lol. I like the NAS guns, but they lack the personnel with them.

Cant do a command seat version I've tried, as with all animations, it's the root part the kerbal attaches to not the actual part he/she is  sitting on, so while at first it looks great the moment the turret moves the Kerb is left sitting in mid air. dammit and sorry.

2 minutes ago, TMasterson5 said:

@SpannerMonkey(smce) are you good with me taking the models from this mod and making them VLS compatible by giving them large no collider areas so that VLS can be offset into place and then be able to fire properly "through" the hull? I can even give them to you to release if you want I couldn't care less about who releases them. I just want BLS hulls. I have a couple of VLS friendly parts in my own Mods and would love to bring LBP into the umbrella of that too! Let me know ASAP please kind sir and keep being awesome!

You want to send me some patterns for the parts you want to fit I'll do it myself, Its  no biggy really, but I'd be very careful chopping the colliders as it can have some very odd results when trying to mount things that cross the border of two.   And be warned that the older un Spannered parts are all rotated wrongly in unity and the blender scene. I have, as kindly supplied by Laythe a lot of the raw assets( I wish the other guys who 's mods I maintain had been so forthcoming. LP I'm looking at you) so I can send you raw models if you want, another warning though, as they are all rotated incorrectly, the node positions and orientations are very odd, so take care

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9 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

You want to send me some patterns for the parts you want to fit I'll do it myself, Its  no biggy really, but I'd be very careful chopping the colliders as it can have some very odd results when trying to mount things that cross the border of two.   And be warned that the older un Spannered parts are all rotated wrongly in unity and the blender scene. I have, as kindly supplied by Laythe a lot of the raw assets( I wish the other guys who 's mods I maintain had been so forthcoming. LP I'm looking at you) so I can send you raw models if you want, another warning though, as they are all rotated incorrectly, the node positions and orientations are very odd, so take care

I would love to have a VLS friendly part each bow type in the centering area and then for the Zumwalt style bow the VLS would go along the edges of the bows deck. Also have VLS friendly sections on the tops of the superstructures. When I do mine I just make the VLS friendly areas of parts a different color so that people know where they are at. I have no problem doing it but if you want to I'm not going to fight you on it as it can be a pain lol

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Just now, TMasterson5 said:

I would love to have a VLS friendly part each bow type in the centering area and then for the Zumwalt style bow the VLS would go along the edges of the bows deck. Also have VLS friendly sections on the tops of the superstructures. When I do mine I just make the VLS friendly areas of parts a different color so that people know where they are at. I have no problem doing it but if you want to I'm not going to fight you on it as it can be a pain lol

AS i say throw me some patterns and i'll just run them in next batch

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2 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

AS i say throw me some patterns and i'll just run them in next batch

When you say patterns are you just looking for some basic drawings of where I'm looking for the VLS friendly areas to be?


also do you have an ETA of said release by chance?


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Just now, TMasterson5 said:

When you say patterns are you just looking for some basic drawings of where I'm looking for the VLS friendly areas to be?


also do you have an ETA of said release by chance?


Mainly something as a reference, so whatever it is you want to put there , and i'll work out the rest.  Soon, no but really around a month an update, but I'll likely to be able to let you have  a test part or two within a week or so. ( still got 3 updates to do this month yet)

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