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[1.1.3] Large Boat Parts Pack


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14 hours ago, Vaderthegamer said:

I'm trying to make a large carrier and when i launch it the pieces just fall apart. is it the kraken? is there anything i can do? please help

Hi , As @cavilier210 above has stated you really must have KJR  Kerbal Joint Reinforcement  installed to get the maximum use from this mod.  LBP parts are far bigger and heavier than KSP with ever intended to use and so the physics easing that KSP now uses is totally overwhelmed by the mass of the parts.  The parts uses the strongest largest nodes in the game, and has the most current setting for rigid connection in the cfg and those features alone are still not quite strong enough.

  I've seen it said a lot recently that KJR is obsolete now KSP has physics easing, in the case of LBP this is far from the truth and I'd go so far as to say   No KJR = No LBP,  and advise everybody who's using or thinking of using LBP to install KJR before reporting ships that fall apart.    


I'm thinking of starting a new thread for this mod as i need to have control of the OP, without it i can not list the mods you need to make LBP ultra cool, i can't list the mods you need to make it work, i can't have a known issue part,  i can't update the header to reflect updates, and i can't have a gallery of the coolest ships built with LBP.  So many good reasons for a new thread. I'll be checking with Laythe of course butt check back for updates.


Also for all you Carrier builder there's a new carrier accessories mod, with arrestor  wires, catapult , and tailhook, feedback I've had tells me it's good, so take a look


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Sorry it has taken so long to get back, been extremely busy of late.  I've installed Burn Together as linked on the last page and tried it out.  It installed correctly and everything shows up in game that I know of.  However when I try to run a basic formation, with the general all follow me command, my throttle gets cut to 0% and I have no control over it.  I just have had no success getting my boats to run together.  Guess I'm running my ships solo for the moment until I get it figured out.

In the mean time, I somehow managed to get KSP to take a screenshot for me (the screenshot function hasn't been wanting to work with me for some reason), so I thought I'd show one of my creations here.  In the foreground is Shelby Class battle cruiser, and in the background is one of the two Ainslie class light cruisers which would have been escorting it had I gotten Burn Together to work.



I've also gotten the SM marine update with all of the docks and I have to say I'm very impressed.  Keep up the excellent work!


Right Arm

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6 hours ago, The_Right_Arm said:

I've installed Burn Together

I checked that last night and the 1.2pr version will need an official rebuild before it good to use, which is likely the cause of some of the problems. I rebuilt it last night but have not had a chance to test it myself.

Nice ships too, though it's quite odd seeing those statics in someone elses game after so long.

I've been working  a bit on some WW2 superstructures, for the BB's first but it is all tweakable.

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Just now, XOC2008 said:

Darn it, @SpannerMonkey(smce)... Look what you have gone and made me do.



The carrier parts are full size. The ship is currently 636m long.

Rofl , just out of curiosity , is it just tweakscaled or have you had to shove a lot of ballast in there  as the main hull seems to be floating about where i''d expect a light ship to sit, yeah i get it's supported by the CV parts but then they're a bit corky for my liking anyway

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Just now, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Rofl , just out of curiosity , is it just tweakscaled or have you had to shove a lot of ballast in there  as the main hull seems to be floating about where i''d expect a light ship to sit, yeah i get it's supported by the CV parts but then they're a bit corky for my liking anyway

The central trimaran hull is tweakscaled, yeah. 385% from normal. There's a pair of tweaked ballast tanks as well. It's all in the water. Albeit not by much, but it's all in. :D

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13 minutes ago, EnderSpartanTEB said:

I have trouble staying afloat. Every time I launch my craft, it sinks immediately. I use KSP 1.1.3. Any help?

Hi, if you are using the correct version for 1.1.3 it should be ok but 1.2 versions do have some specific balance changes that will negatively affect 1.1.3 performance, as for the problem, try removing all the oxidiser, and any ballast , and then launch and see what happens.  Show some screenshots, does the vessel just sink or come apart?. 1.1.3 was horrible for ships and water craft in general and i for one am pleased at it's passing.  Are you sure it's simply not overweight?  it is possible to overload the hulls especially when using NAS fullsized turrets

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Hi all, just a quick post to introduce the new Battleship hull,  a lot more ship shape as you can see, sizes on the right as as it will be when fully assembled in game, some inspiration drawn from the QE class ships, the stepped deck is a change from just a flat deck and should make for some nice designs, and the upper deck part of the aft deck will be separate part rather than part of the hull, so can be used elsewhere..



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Hi all sea trials for Lizzy have been very successful , it bears no similarity to the way the existing BB behaves, at 185 mtrs so almost scale it turns very well , being quite narrow and yet with a decent draught (the amount below the water) it's also very stable, may need to be a bit heavier but it's close. The small blue flame is coming from a new custom Place anywhere bow thruster ( if anyone has any clue how to an an animation to an rcs get in touch) completely self contained it needs only ec to run. Next stage will be sinking balancing and the to the testers.



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So I've been wondering...
...Are carrier hulls made of helium?

Also, most of them have non-functional attachment nodes and/or can't be surface attached. Made the appropriate changes in my own install, but it's still weird.

Edited by Kowalskicore
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22 minutes ago, Kowalskicore said:

Also, most of them have non-functional attachment nodes and/or can't be surface attached.

Just tested the CV hull parts  and can find no  issues , all nodes attach, and the hull parts are meant to node attach together not srf attach . see below bare hull no engines showing depth below water.  I note also that there is something amiss with the altitude shown, if you mount a pod straight on the deck it should read around 32 mtrs depending on fuel, not the 13 that is showing in your image.


Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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24 minutes ago, acerarity said:

Very early W.I.P of a new ship im working on (still very rough and early, and my first ship, so don't judge)



(sorry about the targetron thing in the screen)

Hi very smart for a first ship , you'll find a lot of the new upcoming superstructure parts useful for such builds.  Do show more shots as you work on it :)


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12 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi very smart for a first ship , you'll find a lot of the new upcoming superstructure parts useful for such builds.  Do show more shots as you work on it :)


Thank-you, and i plan to show many more screenshots

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