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[1.12.x] [BG] HabTech2 | Stockalike ISS Parts | 1.0.0 - The Final Update


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Meanwhile for those who can't wait for the IVA's, you can use HabTech-1 and a little patch.

//Simple patch for iva

		@name = habtech_nodeInternal

		@name = habtech_airlockInternal

		@name = habtech_labInternal

		@name = habtech_shortInternal

		@name = habtech_jemInternal

		@name = habtech_bigHabInternal

		@name = habtech_labInternal

		@name = habtech_cupolaInternal

		@name = habtech_columbusInternal

Awesome work!

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11 hours ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

Will you include the craft file once you finish the parts set?

Yup, Tantares will be a dependency for that though. Though for me, part of the fun is figuring out how all the parts go together...

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4 hours ago, benjee10 said:

Yup, Tantares will be a dependency for that though. Though for me, part of the fun is figuring out how all the parts go together...

There's something fun about that too, but craft files are nice for coherence. However, I've always wanted to follow the entire assembly sequence, so when you make the Z1, please make sure P6 can mount on top of it, or other temporary attachments; but I think that's the only strange docking to be aware of.

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16 minutes ago, Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:

There's something fun about that too, but craft files are nice for coherence. However, I've always wanted to follow the entire assembly sequence, so when you make the Z1, please make sure P6 can mount on top of it, or other temporary attachments; but I think that's the only strange docking to be aware of.

Yup, my intention is that the IRL assembly sequence should be able to be followed. The only concession to that is that the S5/P5 truss is integrated into the solar array as a variant in order to enable everything past the SARJ to rotate together. As far as I’m aware everything else should be able to go up in the order intended - that’s why the solar arrays are independently retractable etc.

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5 minutes ago, benjee10 said:

Actually took a few minutes to play KSP tonight and grabbed some screens (feat. Restock & reDIRECT):

Also ironed out most of the bugs with the SAWs. GitHub pre-release will be relatively imminent!




Can't wait!!

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2 hours ago, Sanny said:

How to connect trusses in flight?

There are dedicated truss docking ports. The upcoming dev version will feature switchable port shapes so they sit flush. 

1 hour ago, B00st3r said:

How long away are you from being done?

Tentatively aiming for a dev release on GitHub this evening (this will just be the updated truss ports & solar array wing), providing I can squash a couple of bugs and polish up the models/textures. Additional stuff will come next week at the earliest (Z1 truss, big radiators, more truss variants). 

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6 minutes ago, benjee10 said:


Tentatively aiming for a dev release on GitHub this evening (this will just be the updated truss ports & solar array wing), providing I can squash a couple of bugs and polish up the models/textures. Additional stuff will come next week at the earliest (Z1 truss, big radiators, more truss variants). 

Good, cause im in the middle of an ISS build, and i am kind of relying on the habtech1 parts 

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@benjee10 Question on the solar array's and launching and docking...

Your thinking to join them in space...

First put up the first array with the bottom set to "Alpha Rotary Joint" and straight connected to a ST-200-2 truss with a T-400 in Hex mode, top node set to "Truss" and a T-400 set to "Semi Hex" to dock the second solar array to that.

Cause there's no way to get whole thing up there with a shuttle... 


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1 hour ago, SouthPhilly said:

@benjee10 Question on the solar array's and launching and docking...

Your thinking to join them in space...

First put up the first array with the bottom set to "Alpha Rotary Joint" and straight connected to a ST-200-2 truss with a T-400 in Hex mode, top node set to "Truss" and a T-400 set to "Semi Hex" to dock the second solar array to that.

Cause there's no way to get whole thing up there with a shuttle... 


The intention is that you use the T-400 port set to bare (or the circular bearing variant that will be coming in a future update) to join the two solar arrays together. A solar array with top node set to truss and bottom node set to alpha rotary joint will just about squeeze into a shuttle bay when connected to a ST-200-2. Unfortunately an orbiter docking system won't fit in at the same time, but due to limitations with KSP it wouldn't be possible to have the S5/P5 truss segment be a separate part (as it is IRL) and also have realistic looking dual axis sun tracking. 


But yes, for those who haven't twigged, the solar array is up on GitHub for testing! Have fun and let me know what you think. 

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