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Would You Rather


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Alright my first forum game!

So you post your answer the the persons above and you write your own would you rather on the line below.


Starting Question would be Would You rather go to Canada or go to The USA



Would You rather be proficeant in English and only english or be proficent in every other language except english


Question to Start

Be the first man on Mars or be the First man on the Moon


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Paint Dry! Cause you know it takes less time!


Would you rather only be able to listen to music that is older than you and was not from your generation OR Only be able to listen music from your generation. 

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The former, because I already do. Classical, Baroque and German marches.


Would you rather suffer pain for the rest of your life and live as long as you desire, or die without warning painlessly?

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Foot, despite the fact that a .50 Barrett is much stronger than a paintball gun due to the difference's in strength of the two body parts the damage is about equal, and the eye is more valuable than the foot.


Would you go to Europa in a Submarine or Titan with strap-on wings?

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Would you rather stay in the country you live in right now or never visit your home country again or never visit a country twice ( so when you leave you can never enter it again)

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On a planet, because the planet has a 1 in 1 000 000 000 000 000 ish chance of being Earth. Also, resources.

Would you rather be stuck at the top floor of a collapsing skyscraper or the bottom floor of the same collapsing skyscraper?

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Top floor, I'll atleast have a nice view of the city and won't be buried alive.


Would you set up a highly profitable asteroid mining operation in an area plagued by meteorite showers or a low profit asteroid mining operation in a safe area?

Edited by DolphinDude3
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Low profit in a safe area.

1-kessler syndrome

2-if i even have an asteroid mining business it means i have awesome space technology

3-looking at how much iridium and platinum is in the average asteroid, "high" profit mining would collapse the world's economy


Would you rather be blind, or deaf with no ability to taste?

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23 hours ago, quasarrgames said:

Would you rather be blind, or deaf with no ability to taste?

Deaf with no taste. At least I can still look at the stars!

Would you rather go across the Atlantic in a sailboat or across Antarctica in a...uh...wheeled sailboat? (Apparently a real thing)

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8 minutes ago, cubinator said:

Deaf with no taste. At least I can still look at the stars!

Would you rather go across the Atlantic in a sailboat or across Antarctica in a...uh...wheeled sailboat? (Apparently a real thing)

Antarctica, a sailboat isn't very big, and I get motion sickness, I can just get warm clothing.

Would you rather have a mostly unsuccessful space program, or a very successful airline?

Edited by Spaceception
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A very successful airline, then I can convince people more easily to expand it into a space program. Also, planes are cool!

Would you rather be teleported to a random place on Earth's land surface, or be able to teleport to the place of your choice anywhere in the ocean at least 5 km from land?

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