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Why I find it hard to enjoy KSP right now...


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Don't worry, this is not a bleat or a moan about 1.1 or bugs in the present game or anything like that.

Its more to do with my health. I might have mentioned before that I have all these medical conditions....

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), MS induced double vision, MS induced dementia, Diabetes, a heart condition, sleep apnoea, insomnia...

within the past 12 months, you can add two very bad knees to that (I now need two artificial knees)

and,.... within the past few months.... turned out I also need a new hip..... :(

I'm a very young 55, 56 in July.

I am in constant pain, and sadly, that means all the fun has gone out of games like KSP...

My wife is eight months younger than I am, and in perfect health! My closest friend is a few months older than I am, he is in much better shape than I am (but not perfect health)

It makes me wonder what the hell I did to deserve such things happening to me now ... and yes, I remember.... a life time of helping people...

I'll survive, but you young people, please, look after your health... one day you will wake up and discover its gone for good.

You know your health is bad when it gets in the way of playing KSP! :(

I really miss playing KSP and enjoying it... :(

Edited by kiwi1960
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"When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love..."

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations



"Get well soon" is not in the least appropriate given the chronic nature of some of those conditions, but we all wish you well nevertheless.


Its an important lesson to many of the people here to never take a day for granted. Anything can happen and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Nor is "next year" so if you have dreams or goals, always keep them in your sights and work towards them.



Take care kiwi, and may your next 12 months be better than your previous dozen.

Edited by r4pt0r
Better formatted now that im not using my phone. Most unusual.
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Is there some way to live stream with you suggesting actions to someone?  So someone else drives but you make all the big decisions. Does that sound like something you'd want to try?  (If so, we need to find someone tech savvy enough for the stream)

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Op speaks the truth, dont take anything for granted.  


I have been living in a hotel for 5 months, my condo burned down when an arsonist tried to kill my neighbor, and in the process almost killed me.  In the blink of an eye I went from going to sleep with everything normal, to waking up with the world on fire and death close at hand. Got my cat and me out fast and lost alot of stuff.  Ksp barely runs on the laptop I bought afterward so I'd have something other than my phone to get online with.  No one knows me here so I never brought it up, but boy oh boy life can sure serve you up some lemons.

OP, i feel for you with your health struggles. I wish you the best of luck.

The above Aurelius quote is quite fitting, indeed waking up in a normail functional state is too often taken for granted.  

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I feel for you my friend.  My health has been pretty dodgy as well for a 35 year old... Just had (last august) a spinal cord injury (chronic reasons) where a cervical disk had been completely shattered and was pressuringon my spinal cord.

Lost a lot of feelings for months in my higher limbs. Meaning I had to give up on gaming and guitar for a good while. Which are like my 2 hobbies.... I have now come back to my life slowly but i am not the same, Still have terrible tingliness in my left hand, which mean I still cant play guitar and I really suck with a game controller (joysticks and all my plane controllers are fine thank god). But yeah at least I am back to work! and not paralysed, I can deal with everything being twice harder than they were before....

Important is to keep up and fight as much as you can! Life isnt always an easy journey. But you have to make it  as pleasant as you have in your powers to do so.

Edited by merlinux
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Slightly younger, but some health issues as well, getting older sucks. I might have to stop flying voluntarily until i can sort some of them out, that sucks even worse.

Sorry to hear your feeling down, don't let it get to you...

On the bright side, you're still eligible for a drivers licence in Fl ...   :)


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  On 3/16/2016 at 9:10 AM, kiwi1960 said:

It makes me wonder what the hell I did to deserve such things happening to me now


Life is not fair or just. Some are born and the only thing they do in life is starving to death, others get lucky and are born into wealth and health.

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@kiwi1960 - I feel for you as Kerbal reinvigorated my mind after being forced into retirement. I don't have MS but was in an electric wheelchair for 27 months until I taught myself to walk again (had a ton and a half of clearstone dumped on my head which caused parts of my body to not work right). I'm still pretty screwed up and sometimes my body doesn't do what I tell it to but I just keep on keeping on which is all you can do in situations such as ours. Keep fighting the good fight





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I don't think that argument is the best for a person in poor health due to no fault of their own. I am on good health, but I am an oddity in my close family. It's very humblimg being around a person who can't remember that they need tubes to breathe. Just my two cents. 

I'm sorry that the draw gave hou a poor lot as time went on. I'm sorry that KSP csn no longer provife joy and wonder to you, and I hope to all that is just in the world that something in life embtaces you.

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Guys, please remember the subject of this thread, Kiwi will appreciate all our words of kindness but wouldn't want to see people arguing over his condition.

Please remember that when considering what to post, thank you.

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Thanks everyone for your kind words, as for what Sal_Vager said about someone, well, par for the course really, I was expecting it.

Seriously, this topic came out of the blue last night when I got here to see if there were any new KSP mods, and then I thought it strange that I did that seeing as I haven't played it in ages because of the pain, and then I started to wonder why I even did that. The why is easy, I come here to grab mods and socialise with people also hooked on a great game and wanting to support it, but the reasons for not playing it, again, sort of easy... the pain...

I didn't start this thread for the sympathy... or the unsympathetic comments from an unfeeling person... although I expected both, I decided I was going to ignore both and focus on the positives of this thread, namely, no one is bullet proof, you have your health, then you wake up one morning and you don't. When you are young, you think you are bullet proof, I know I did, I joined the army and did things some of you would only dream about, then I became an advocate... for the unemployed, the homeless, the victims...  and then I'd relax by tramping into the bush with 24 hours food and stay there for a week or two.

So I had a hell of a fun life, I regret nothing... but I think now its a mistake to push yourself beyond natural limits.


When you wake up to one inescapable fact..... that the state of your health prevents you from playing arguably the best game ever devised.... you know its bad!

Yes I am sad about that... this was a serious warning to others... and it seems I'm not alone... reading the comments, we all have our crosses to endure... PLEASE take care of yourselves. YES... I am going to start playing the game again soon BUT first.... I have to help my friend change the head gasket in my car... till that is going, I'm house bound.... so, it NEEDS to be fixed. THEN... the game. (did I mention I'm a glutton for punishment?)

"live long, and prosper........in perfect health!"



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  On 3/16/2016 at 9:01 PM, kiwi1960 said:

Thanks everyone for your kind words, as for what Sal_Vager said about someone, well, par for the course really, I was expecting it.

Seriously, this topic came out of the blue last night when I got here to see if there were any new KSP mods, and then I thought it strange that I did that seeing as I haven't played it in ages because of the pain, and then I started to wonder why I even did that. The why is easy, I come here to grab mods and socialise with people also hooked on a great game and wanting to support it, but the reasons for not playing it, again, sort of easy... the pain...

I didn't start this thread for the sympathy... or the unsympathetic comments from an unfeeling person... although I expected both, I decided I was going to ignore both and focus on the positives of this thread, namely, no one is bullet proof, you have your health, then you wake up one morning and you don't. When you are young, you think you are bullet proof, I know I did, I joined the army and did things some of you would only dream about, then I became an advocate... for the unemployed, the homeless, the victims...  and then I'd relax by tramping into the bush with 24 hours food and stay there for a week or two.

So I had a hell of a fun life, I regret nothing... but I think now its a mistake to push yourself beyond natural limits.


When you wake up to one inescapable fact..... that the state of your health prevents you from playing arguably the best game ever devised.... you know its bad!

Yes I am sad about that... this was a serious warning to others... and it seems I'm not alone... reading the comments, we all have our crosses to endure... PLEASE take care of yourselves. YES... I am going to start playing the game again soon BUT first.... I have to help my friend change the head gasket in my car... till that is going, I'm house bound.... so, it NEEDS to be fixed. THEN... the game. (did I mention I'm a glutton for punishment?)

"live long, and prosper........in perfect health!"




I hope you get better my man. I also hope KSP distracts you from your pain.

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