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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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I was playing an quit old(in today standar) plane fighting game(pacific fighter).

After I took off, the first thing I did was pressing "T" to enable SAS.

(also, I was thinking about pressing it mid-flight because, in some occasion, you can't start the game on ground:it start in mid-air).

I need help.

Edited by goldenpeach
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I dreamt of the 0.25 twice.

Not once, twice

In the second dream, I had managed to destroy three buildings in a row: I crashed stress tested the control tower and it made the others buildings collapse by falling on them.

sorry about the necro, but I thought that this post would be revelent as the 0.25 is coming out very soon

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When in your sppare time of an ACT and SAT test, sketch out a Duna reconnaissance craft in complete detail....

And then proceed to do all the math and write down the steps to get to duna in complete detail.

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  Russoft said:
I've done this. She smiles and listens patiently. In return, I smile and act interested when she goes on about something I don't care about.

My wife and I have reached an understanding: she does not have to pretend to care about KSP if I do not have to pretend to care about the Society for Creative Anachronism.

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Ever since I started playing KSP, my body has decided that waking up before 5 AM is perfectly acceptable as long as I spend some time in space before leaving for work. My alarm is set for 6 AM. Sleep deprivation has become a way of life. It's almost like being back in college.

And then the weekend comes and I want to sleep in due to all the missed sleep--except why waste time sleeping when I can be in orbit!?

I've quit smoking, and I found that easier than dealing with a day without some KSP.

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When it takes you more than 10 seconds to register that a real-life spacecraft design proposal was not built in KSP. This proposal from Boeing looks so much like a lander I'd build. http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/604643main_2-Panel%202_Donahue_Final.pdf

I guess that's just one of the many charms of KSP. I'm interviewing with a company that manufactures rocket boosters tomorrow. :cool:

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  severedsolo said:
There's probably someone with higher... but this is since April last year. (0.18 I believe?)


When you look at numbers like this and think `You don`t play much`

  ThreeMartiniLaunch said:

I also play on several copied directories whose time is not logged by Steam. Real time is probably closer to 5,000 hours.

When you look at numbers like this, do a quick estimate and say `seems about right for one year`

one more

When you look at your `last played` and it ALWAYS says `today`

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