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Something really hilarious that showed up... (modulemanager is the cause of Nyancat)


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  On 4/1/2016 at 8:10 AM, The Great Potato said:

It's supposed to be an eyecatching 'hey you! you're using x64!' warning, I think. 


Yes, but it also happens on 1st of April, regardless of everything. On most days it doesn't trigger on 1.1 64 bit, actually. I actually started making sure I have the correct MM version.

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FYI, it's a Module Manager April Fools joke from last year.

Typically, Module Manager shows the Nyan cat when you are running KSP v1.0x in WIndows 64 bit, which most mod developers frowned on, since it has known issues. For 4/1/2015 the Module Manager dev changed it so it would show even if you weren't running 64bit KSP. Apparently, he didn't check for the year - just that the date is "4/1" and the code is still in that plugin.


Edited by MalevolentNinja
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  On 3/31/2016 at 8:10 PM, RA3236 said:

As I said, I'm running 32bit.

Any way to prove Im using 32bit?



Dammit, it turns out it was Module Manager. Removed all mods, tested, added MM. There it is.

This is strange though, my game is saying that I am running 32bit since there isnt a 64bit thing on the startup screen. Any ideas? If @sarbian is playing April Fools, or if my game has decided to be a little stupid.


Guys ksp is scrictly 32 bit for 1.0.5, there was no release for 64 bit. and its not steam because i have my game from the store. Mods installed RO via CKAN and AVC

Edited by Rolacume
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