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Blue Origin Thread (merged)


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Hypothetically at the speed it was going and if it was undamaged, the dragaon cargo could simply open its parachutes once it has fallen to an appropriate altitude and speed, land at see and be recovered. It would need a contingency program to do so though.

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Could that mean that they were able to continue on stage 2? It was, at least according to the graphics, close to MECO.

Anyways, looks like I should stop watching live coverage of launches: Orbital blew after launching, Progress tumbled down from orbit, few Dragons were postponed due to weather, Orion was postponed once and now this Dragon

hmmm usually when MECO happens more than 3-4 seconds early the rocket fails to achieve orbit. here the failure was at about 15 seconds before MECo (i guess) so i'm pretty sure it's not doable :(

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First thought: The ISS has lost three resupply ships in less than a year.

With the Progress, doesn't this make two in a row? That's a serious kick to the teeth right there. Fingered crossed for M-28M.

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So much down the drain for SpaceX.... Reputation... And a Falcon 9. Now the Air Force will wonder if SpaceX is safe enough to carry their "crucial" payloads.... And everybody at ULA is doing a happy dance...

Playing "we are in the money"

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Reviewing footage with my "armchair flight director" hat on, It looks like something went bad on the second stage. First stage engines were burning, then white cloud, then what LOOKS like Dragon 'aborting'(AKA, falling off? Deff a Dragon-looking piece of debris). Continued burn of first stage, then an 'explosion'.

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I was half expecting some kind of warning when the rocket blew up, like some kind of danger escalation. But nope. It just flatly blow up without a warning, too fast to even utter a swear word, then it is gone. I guess hollywood does left me with some unrealistic expectation about those situations.

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