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[ASC-III] Air Superiority Challenge - King of the Hill (BDArmory 4v4 AI Duels: WW1 Theme) - Now Concluded!

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  On 5/10/2016 at 9:13 PM, epicman81 said:

https://kerbalx.com/epicman352/f19 Here is my submission (tweakscale Not required.) hope it wins:cool: 


Have you tested this craft against the current King of the Hill in a 2v2 or 3v3 matchup on your own machine? If not, do that first, and if it survives, let us know.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 11:30 PM, inigma said:

Have you tested this craft against the current King of the Hill in a 2v2 or 3v3 matchup on your own machine? If not, do that first, and if it survives, let us know.


Tested it against itself just about to test it against current king

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  On 5/10/2016 at 11:30 PM, inigma said:

Have you tested this craft against the current King of the Hill in a 2v2 or 3v3 matchup on your own machine? If not, do that first, and if it survives, let us know.


I have just Tested it against the king and they seem fairly equal and I hope my craft will become the king.:cool:

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  On 5/11/2016 at 4:55 AM, Draconiator said:

What about a series with LARGE fighters?


I tested these in a 2v2, and well...things were interesting.  for some reason they DO NOT fire their missiles....weird...


Well, that picture has them carrying anti-radiation missiles, which are commonly air-to-ground. The only way I could think they'd use them is if it's opponent has a TWS radar on it.

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Just spend 6 hours tuning trying to shoot this "VulcaRaptor" down...Man, that wall of missilles I had to get through ! :confused:





I don't like stackers b.t.w...Reaction wheels ??? Really ??? ^_^


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  On 5/11/2016 at 10:13 PM, Triop said:


Just spend 6 hours tuning trying to shoot this "VulcaRaptor" down...Man, that wall of missilles I had to get through ! :confused:





I don't like stackers b.t.w...Reaction wheels ??? Really ??? ^_^



AI vs AI or player vs AI?

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  On 5/11/2016 at 11:17 PM, inigma said:

AI vs AI or player vs AI?


AI vs AI using competition mode starting at 8000 M, one on one.

I like to design fighters that look and handle like one, crafts like "VulcaRaptor" should not be KotH...

I shot "VulcaRaptor" down with a jet that has no double wings or a reaction wheel, no tricks here.

But if you guys like it I would be happy to stack those wings on my fighter and submit that...

Next up would be triple stack 6 engine fighters ?

Believe me, it happened.. ^_^

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  On 5/11/2016 at 11:24 PM, Triop said:

AI vs AI using competition mode starting at 8000 M, one on one.

I like to design fighters that look and handle like one, crafts like "VulcaRaptor" should not be KotH...

I shot "VulcaRaptor" down with a jet that has no double wings or a reaction wheel, no tricks here.

But if you guys like it I would be happy to stack those wings on my fighter and submit that...

Next up would be triple stack 6 engine fighters ?

Believe me, it happened.. ^_^


Can you post a link to your plane?

I've been trying to build something to kill that freaking 'raptor for weeks now, without luck.

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  On 5/11/2016 at 11:29 PM, aleksey444 said:

Can you post a link to your plane?

I've been trying to build something to kill that freaking 'raptor for weeks now, without luck.


It's all in the settings...Interesting is the raptor settings....His gun range is set to 2200 M (Default is 2000 M, not that he needs guns ^_^)...Angle of attack is set 45 instead of 35 etc etc...

Here is a link to the one that shot down " that freaking 'raptor " :


Not saying it will shoot it down all the time, but it did the job.

By now I have made a stacked version with reaction wheels that can kill it at a 100% ratio:


Have fun ! :cool:

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@inigma:Took me a while, but I think I finally have something sufficiently competitive for ASC-II: 'Wraith' ASF.

That Vulcaraptor is a nasty craft, had to go through several different airframes to come up with a counter, and once again I ended up with something radically different than what I first started with.

Edit: Scratch that. Looking at the rules, the Wraith might not be sufficiently plane-ish, so I've thrown together a derivative variant that's a bit more orthodox looking: ASC-II Tourney Entry: 'Wraith II'
I've tested in in 2v2 matches against the Vulcaraptor, not quite a good as the original, but still passable.


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The real trick is building something that works well against all forms of opposition. It's not too hard to build something to kill one specific opponent. I am really looking forward to being de-throned so I can make an even better plane, I already have several ideas to make it lighter, faster, and more maneuverable :)


  On 5/11/2016 at 10:13 PM, Triop said:

I don't like stackers b.t.w...Reaction wheels ??? Really ??? ^_^



LOL, you should have seen the entries in ASC-I. wings inside of wings, engines inside of engines, weapons inside of bodies, weapons inside of weapons, etc... I only put radar, batteries, and reactions wheels inside the fuselage, where they would logically go. Nothing too cheaty...


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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:08 AM, g00bd0g said:

The real trick is building something that works well against all forms of opposition. It's not too hard to build something to kill one specific opponent. I am really looking forward to being de-throned so I can make an even better plane, I already have several ideas to make it lighter, faster, and more maneuverable :)


LOL, you should have seen the entries in ASC-I. wings inside of wings, engines inside of engines, weapons inside of bodies, weapons inside of weapons, etc... I only put radar, batteries, and reactions wheels inside the fuselage, where they would logically go. Nothing too cheaty...



Hey, it's the man himself ^_^, play with this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yo98bb0x8kn1e43/J-003%20BDA%20IV.craft?dl=0




You gave me a hard time dude :lol:

  On 5/11/2016 at 11:57 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

Took me a while, but I think I finally have something sufficiently competitive for ASC-II: 'Wraith' ASF.
It's been successfully tested 3v3 against the Vulcaraptor.

That Vulcaraptor is a nasty craft, had to go through several different airframes to come up with a counter, and once again I ended up with something radically different than what I first started with.





Looks awesome, done for today, will test this tomorrow :confused:

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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:15 AM, Triop said:

play with this


We meet again, Triop.

My F-2s finished their runs, time for the XF-3 now. I'll see how it goes. It can beat the Raptor 1v1 without wings or reaction wheels at about 50%. I'll start getting dirty now.

And yes, you should have seen ASC-I. Towards the end, the winner (Solarius-III) was a plane with 8 lasers all clipped inside each other.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 11:32 PM, NotAnAimbot said:

We meet again, Triop.

My F-2s finished their runs, time for the XF-3 now. I'll see how it goes. It can beat the Raptor 1v1 without wings or reaction wheels at about 50%. I'll start getting dirty now.

And yes, you should have seen ASC-I. Towards the end, the winner (Solarius-III) was a plane with 8 lasers all clipped inside each other.


Hey NotaBot, I miss our private simple ruled dogfights. :cool:

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