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Redocking to same docking port

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Sometimes to check delta v on a return vessel I quicksave, undock from the station, check my delta V and then quickload, I have to do the quicksave/quickload because I can't dock back to the same port, how far do I have to move before being able to dock back, or what else can I do to workaround this without quickloading?

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I read somewhere it was 10m, so I always go 10m before coming back and it always works.

It might be less, but I've never had the patience to try it, with the off-chance of having to go through the whole moving-away-and-coming-back process again. ;)

Having read your original post, though, I am wondering why I don't just quicksave and quickload.

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I got to admit I've never personally had the issue and I just remember seeing a post on it some time ago. I could be losing my memory though. :)

1 hour ago, Noobton said:

hmmm I thought I had moved farther than that, maybe I just didn't align correctly when coming back.


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58 minutes ago, KocLobster said:

I just quicksave/quickload, personally. I had hoped I was Doing It Wrong™ and there was a better way.

It feels a little bit like cheating but I think I 'll just keep quicksaving/quickloading, and call it "running the simulation", thanks!

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I believe it's 10m by default but I use tweakable everything which allows me to adjust the distance it 'resets' even though I don't actually use it for that.  You can also adjust the magnetic pull of the docking ports as well as the force used to decouple and what not BTW with that mod

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